LIFE IN ISRAEL • aking Up The System A movement for Electoral Reform is underway in Israel, a plan to establish constituency responsibility over the current coalition politics HERMAN SPECTOR Special to The Jewish News U nknown to many Americans, there's a movement in Israel which, if successful, could revolutionize Israel's posture both at home and abroad. It is Electoral Reform. The need for electoral re- form in Israel is not a recent inspiration. Indeed, in 1966 David Ben Gurion said in an address to the Knesset, "Be- cause of the strange electoral system in Israel, the entire political system is not only undemocratic from the bot- tom up, but it endangers the development of the state as well. It undermines the state's position in its domes- tic life and foreign policy." Although Israel's form of democracy guarantees all the freedoms by her Declaration of Independence (Israel has no constitution), her electoral system is not at all similar to the U.S.'s two-party system with constituent responsibili- ty and accountability. Israel's system, known as proportionaly representation, was created shortly after statehood, the result of the great debate on whether Se- curity or Democracy should prevail. Surrounded by ene- mies sworn to destroy her and harboring a built-in "fifth col- umn," Israel's leaders at the time argued that if Security had priority, many liberties would vanish. There would be limited freedom of movement, government control of the press and education, military surveillance of all inhabitants — in short, a virtual police state. They rejected that form of government and opted for Democracy. In their zeal to guarantee that as many citizens as pos- sible have a voice in govern- ment, the leaders established the low threshold of one per- cent — France's is five per- cent — meaning that any group which could muster at least one percent of the elec- torate would be entitled to a seat in the Knesset. Conse- quently, numerous parties emerged, espousing individ- ualized platforms which would appeal to their respec- tive supporters. Because of the splintering among voters the two major parties, Labor and Herut/ Likud, have not been able in any Israeli election to capture the necessary 61 (out of 120) Knesset seats needed to form a government. The result: coalition. A major party, to gain a majority, makes deals with the smaller ones, which in turn demand shares of power. If the governing party threatens to renege on the coalition agreement, the small party/parties could withdraw from the coalition, crippling the government which would fall, necessitat- ing a new election. Thus, the government is held hostage to small minorities, critics say. In addition to that impedi- ment, which has plagued Is- rael since inception, the pres- ent electoral system deprives people of a basic democratic right: to hold the government accountable. Israelis do not elect individuals to the Knes- set. They elect parties. Prior to each election, all the par- ties running are required to publish their lists of politi- cians who would be cata- pulted into Knesset seats, depending on, the propor- tionate number of votes the party wins. "And once they're in, they turn their backs on the peo- ple. There is no constituency responsibility. They are obliged to show unwavering allegiance to the party. Other- wise, they will be removed from the list, and so end their political careers," said Zelda Harris, director of Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC). Formed in 1980 with Israel's current president, • Chaim Herzog, as its first president, CCC mobilizes volunteers to improve various areas of Israeli life. CCC carries the banner for Electoral Reform by lobbying in the Knesset, staging demonstrations, launching letter writing cam- paigns, and scheduling dis- cussions with Knesset mem- bers (MKs) and party leaders. Most party executives are not receptive to changes in the government structure. Under the present system, loyalty starts at the top with the Cabinet ministers, and en- compasses all levels of mana- gerial and clerical jobs. An in- cident related by an AmeH- Continued on next page