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September 05, 1986 - Image 101

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1986-09-05

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A Black Activist Descends Into Hatred


Special to The Jewish News


uring the campus un-
rest of the 1960s,
Stokely Carmichael
was a national figure as a
leader of the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Com-
mittee (SNCC). He was a
hero to many in the early
days of the civil rights
movement. But then he
began to attract widespread
attention with his violent and
extreme statements. Today,
Carmichael is a black revolu-
tionary who has taken the
name of Kwame Toure. He is
once again appearing on
American campuses — his
message one of anti-Zionism
and racism.
Speaking at Columbia
University in New York last
March, Toure told his audi-
ence of 200 students: "The
best Zionist is a dead Zionist.
There is no such thing as the
Jewish people. Zionism must
be struggled against without
mercy and without pity ...
Zionists ain't gonna get Is-
rael. Palestinians are gonna
get Israel."
Toure travels to the United
States once a year from
Guinea, West Africa, where
he now lives, to do organizing
work for his Washington-
based All-African People's
Revolutionary Party. His
periodic forays onto the na-
tion's college campuses have
led to expresssions of anti-
Semitism against Jewish stu-
dents and tension between
black and Jews.
Following an appearance at
the University of Maryland,
Jewish students . were
threatened and their dor-
mitories and student organ-
ization offices defaced with
After Toure was applauded
at Columbia University, a
Jewish student told the S pec-
t a tor , the university new-
paper: "It sort of hits you in
the stomach when someone in
your class applauds your own
While speaking at the
Black Student Union at the
University of Maryland,
Toure said, "If your people
are exploited and you don't
help, we have every right to
kill you."
Jewish students who asked
questions were jeered,
threatened if they refused to
leave the room and harassed
after the meeting. Threaten-
ing phone calls even warned
of death.
Toure told 600 students at
the State University of New
York at Binghamton last No-
vember, that "Zionists sent
others to their death in Ger-
many to justify taking land
from the Palestinians." He
also announced his "100 per-
cent" support of Louis Far-
rakhan, the anti-Semitic
Black Muslim leader.
While a leader of the Stu-'

dent Non-Violet Coordinating
Committee in the 1960s,
Carmichael became increas-
ingly critical of the group's
alliance with white people.
He helped popularize the con-
cept of "Black Power" and
subsequently became prime
minister of the Black Panth-

His rapid descent into
anti-Semitism and racism
began at that time. According
to the Anti-Defamation
League's 1974 book, The New
Anti-Semitism, as chairman
of SNCC in 1966, Carmichael
called for racist guerilla war-
fare by blacks in the United

"There is no such
thing as the
Jewish people,"
Toure told one

States. SNCC began to attack
Israel and Zionism on a reg-
ular basis. In September,
1967, Carmichael visited sev-
eral Arab countries in an ap-
parent show of solidarity
with the A.. ,s against Is-
rael. After a three-day visit
to Syria, he declared, "Our
support to Arabs and their
legitimate rights in Palestine
is complete and absolute."

He left the United States
in 1969 to live in -Guinea
where he became a
naturalized citizen and es-
poused a policy called Pan-
Africanism. He called on
blacks as "one cohesive force,
to wage an unrelenting
armed struggle against the

white Western empire for the
liberation of our people."
He served as personal sec-
retary to Kwame Nkrumah, a
former president of Ghana,
for two years, and then
studied under President
Sekou Toure of Guinea until
President Toure's death in
1984. It was in the early
1980s that Carmichael
adopted the name Kwame
Toure, honoring his two men-
The All-African People's
Revolutionary Party
(AAPRP) he leads is the most
outspokenly anti-Semitic rad-
ical group on the left now
functioning in the United
States. It has distributed a
brochure entitled "Israel
CQmmits Mass Murder of
Palestinian And African
Peoples: Zionism Is Racism
... It Must Be Destroyed."
Another pamphlet is called
"smash Zionism."
Other AAPRP leaflets ac-
cuse the international Zionist
movement of controlling all
banks and businesses in
black America and accuse
Jewish butchers and mer-
chants of selling bad meat
and "dry rotted clothes" to
blacks. They also charge that
"Jewish capital" financed
slavery. One leaflet calls
Zionism "a well-organized
and financed, international
conspiracy which controls the
economic and political life of
the United States and
Europe, using this
stranglehold to steal and col-
onize the land of the Palesti-
nian people."
Its recruiting efforts are fo-
cused on black college stu-
dents, maintaining that "Af-
rican students are the spark
of the African revolution.

We've de-classified the name of our
huge classified section to call it what
it really is: THE AMAZING MARKET-
PLACE of budget-priced saleables and
services. For information how you can
advertise to almost everyone in your
community, call 354-6060.

Report Predicts 'Flood'
Of Palestinian Refugees

Amsterdam (JTA) — Hun-
dreds of thousands of Palesti-
nians may soon pour into
Western Europe requesting
asylum like the current wave
of Sri Lankan Tamils, former
Dutch parliamentarian Jan
Nico Scholten reported
recently. Scholten's com-
ments are contained in a
report on the absorption of
refugees he presented in his
capacity as chairman of the
Netherlands Society for
Refugees (VVN).
In the report, the former
parliamentarian said that
countries which have taken in
Palestinians in the Middle
East are now increasingly less
prepared to accommodate
For Saudi Arabia, the drOp
in oil prices has prompted
authorities to refuse residence
to Palestinians and other
foreigners who had been for-
tunate enough to find em-
ployment there. Lebanon is
no longer prepared to admit

Palestinian refugees and
Syria, too, has become in-
creasingly unattractive.
Scholten said the only
possibility remaining open to
the Palestinians is Western
Europe. So far, only a hand-
ful have come to Holland
because the country has an
image of being friendly to
Israel. But if the situation for
the Palestinians worsened,
they could come here in
greater numbers.
Scholten served as an MP
for many years, first for the
Christian Democrats and
then for Labor and finally for
a group consisting only of
himself and one other parli-
amentarian. He failed to
secure backing from any par-
ty for last May's parliamen-
tary elections. The former
MP is widely viewed here as
an advocate of the Palestinian
Asylum applications here
have risen steeply from 400 in
1975 to 6500 last year.




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