• ROSH HASHANAH GREETINGS PICK...THE GREETING OF YOUR CHOICE Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year. example. Abraham, for in- stance, is Orthodox, speaks - very little English or He- brew. Stephane was no better in English, spoke no Hebrew, but it didn't matter: we would get by, we are one family, we're Jews. At Shabbat dinner, Ab- raham and Stephane sang sephardic melodies. Saturday night, after shabbat, we took our two visitors, and two of \_, their teammates to Trappers Alley. The four Venezuelan boys jammed in the back of our station wagon along with three American" girls. The girls began singing camp songs in English, the boys countered with Spanish songs and the noise and laughter were unbelievable! I asked if anyone knew any Hebrew songs. Beginning with Hal- leluyah in Hebrew and English, followed by David Melech Yisrael, the seven kids sang together, b'yachad. We reached Greektown just as the boys began singing the Four Questions of Passover, joined by our girls; in the same melody! My wife and I began to choke up. Here we were, hosting Jewish kids 3,000 Miles from home, Sephardim, not Ashkenazim, and the songs were the same, the melodies were the same. The feeling in the car was magi- cal. For one solid week the De- troit Jewish community housed kids from 3,000 miles away. Venezuelan kids were lovingly shlepped to ball games (they rooted for the many Spanish players on the Boston and Chicago teams), to shopping malls, for ice cream, bowling. And why? Because we are one people. These kids are Jewish kids and they needed a place to stay. It was a warm feeling to know that 3,000 miles away, Jewish parents could be reas- sured that their children were safe, that Kashrut was being observed, and that next Passover Jewish families in Caracas will sit down at the same time we do and sing the Four Questions. B'yachad, together, for one week Detroit proved the magic in these bonds. Library Acquires Bard On Video The Southfield Public Li- \ brary has acquired a collec- tion of William Shakespeare's plays on video tape. The nine plays, now available for re- ntal, were produced jointly by the British Broadcasting Corp. and Time-Life Films. The plays include Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Ham- I v - let, Othello, King Lear and • Twelfth Night. #1 — NAME — lann #2 May the coming These are samples of the only greetings being offered this year. They will be published in the Rosh Hashanah issue of the Jewish News on October 3, 1986. year be filled $11.50 with health and 112.1k1 i1lk13`2 happiness for to all our friends and relatives. all our family — NAME — — NAME — DEADLINE: Wednesday, Sept. 24th and friends. $21.50 # 3 AU greetings arriving after the deadline will appear in the following week's edition. $31 L'Shana Tova We wish our family and friends a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. $21.50 — NAME — #4 Wishing all our family and friends a year of health and happiness. # 5 A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to All Our. Friends and Family. I $72 I I L — NAME THE JEWISH NEWS SEND TO: The Jewish News Greetings 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240 Southfield, MI 48076-4138 Please insert my New Year's Greeting # Name Check enclosed (circle one): • $31.00 $21.50 $11.50 $55.00 $40.00 $46.50 $72.00 Other MEMEMMEINIME $5 5 #8 ■ EMEMEMINNEMENESEMMIMIMMIMIEENIMEEMMEIMMEIMEMEMEMEMENIEEE1=MIEMEMMEEENIMIENIMEEMENEEMIEEMEMEEMEll I I To All Our Relatives and Friends, Our wish for a year filled with happiness, health and prosperity. — NAME -- IEMEEMEMEMMEIME $3 1 May the coming year be one filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all our friends and family. May the New Year Bring To All Our Friends and Family — Health, Joy, Prosperity and Everything • Good in Life. # 9 — NAME — ■ (Please print name to appear in greeting) Address City __ _State _ Zip Code MMENEMMEMEMIIMMEMEMENMENIMMENIMEMIEMIMIMMEMEMEEEMEMMEMEMEMMIEMMEEMMEMBEIMEMMIENEM I I I I I I se mum soll 59