ready been alluded to. In the House of Commons Robert Peel in- troduced the question by declaring "that it was merely necessary to mention the matter in the lower house, to reach the great ends of justice and humanity." Lord Pal- merston replied that he had "al- ready directed the English consul-general, Hodges, to repre- sent to Mehmet Ali what effect the news of such atrocities must pro- duce in Europe, and that it was in his own interest to inquire into the matter, and hand over to punish- ment the guilty parties, if they were discovered, whilst the innocent victims should be indemnified, if this were still possibleJ,' These words were received with joy by the Jews and were accepted as a great tribute to British liberalism. The sympathy aroused for the Jews opened the eyes of English statesmen to the need of removing parliamentary disabilities against the Jews, which was not finally ac- complished until a quarter of a century afterwards, in the days of Disraeli. Thus O'Connell, battler for Irish and Catholic rights in England, *stated: "Observations upon this subject would have been stronger, if a member of this House, belonging to the creed of the accused, had been able to make them. The government ought to in- troduce a bill for the complete emancipation of the Jews." To aid in the defense of the in- nocently accused Jews two great assemblies met in London. On June 23 Jewish leaders conferred at the Great Synagogue on the question of sending a delegation to who officiate at weddings between Jews and non-Jews generally deal with interfaith couples on a case- by-case basis. They perform in- termarriages selectively, hoping to increase the likelihood that the non-Jewish spouse will eventually convert and/or that children will be raised as Jews. These rabbis often have clear limits about the circumstances under which they will perform weddings. For exam- ple, most will not co-officiate with a member of the clergy of another faith, and most require a few meet- ings with the couple. Some rabbis will officiate at an intermarriage only if both the bride and groom will sign a marriage contract that affirms a commitment to Jewish continuity.. . Civil Ceremonies. Many rabbis who are sympathetic to the dilem- mas of intermarrying couples suggest that intermarriages be performed by a secular authority on neutral territory, because they feel that a rabbi's participation or even presence may suggest com- munity sanction of the wedding. In a non-Jewish setting, in a cere- mony performed by a judge or jus- tice of the peace, the use of Jewish symbols and content is clearly but solely the personal expression of the couple. A civil ceremony is a good op- tion for couples in which the non- Jewish partner is still committed the Orient to secure justice. On July 3 a distinguished assembly of Christians, also in London, unani- mously carried a motion which read: "That this meeting deeply de- plores the fact that in this enlightened age a persecution of our Jewish brethren could be set on foot by ignorance and inflamed by bigotry." At this historic assembly of Christians, Lord Howden, a cler- gyman very prominent in his day, made the following significant statement: "We often find in the mysteri- ous ways of Providence that good arises from evil, and therefore I, together with all the friends of mankind, hope that the Parliament of this country, expressing its opin- ion of this cruelty, will offer a re- compense to the Jews for their suf- ferings by legislation in their favor." So emphatic and noble was the British protest that it influenced Czar Nicholas I of Russia and the United States government to join the other European nations in ex- pressing abhorrence at the medieval practices in Damascus. President Martin Van Buren, through his Secretary of State John Forsythe, urged the United States Minister of Constantinople to use his best efforts in behalf of the persecuted Jews. Thus encouraged by liberal Christian opinion and by a united Jewry which was determined to nail the hoary lie, the historic mis- sion set out for the Orient on July 7. It was headed by Sir Moses Mon- to his or her faith background and wants to include, for example, a reading from the New Testament. People seeking an altogether "uni- versalist" or "ecumenical" wed- ding may do best by writing a ceremony that expresses the be- liefs they value and share in both of their traditions. Mercenaries. A Jew and a non- Jew can purchase a Jewish wed- ding complete with all the trim- mings. "Mercenary" rabbis (so called by their disapproving col- leagues) make comfortable livings selling their services to families who insist on a Jewish wedding for couples who don't much care one way or the other. These rabbis don't usually require meetings with the bride and groom prior to the wedding but ask for a hefty fee — often payable in advance. There is a totality of interest here in the treatment of the subject. It points to the menace and indicates how concessions are made, with even an effort to degrade the serious mat- ter by turning it into a merchandising scheme. It suggests the need to strengthen the home influence as a measure of retaining the wedding planners in the Jewish fold. The extent to which Diamant goes in dealing with mixed marriages af- firms similar treatments of the Jewish wedding. Anita Diamant pro- vides knowledgeability to a vital mat- ter in Jewish life. tefiore, who was accompanied by nis noble wife, Lady Judith; by Adolphe Cremieux, Salomon Munk, Dr. Louis Loewe, Dr. Mad- den, a noted traveler and Oriental scholar, and Alderman Wire, who was later Lord Mayor of London. An added favor from the British government was bestowed upon this mission when Queen Victoria not only joined the millions of friendly Christians in extending her good wishes, but in granting Montefiore an audience on the eve of the mission's departure and in placing at its disposal the use of her private yacht to cross the English Channel. The mission found its path beset with difficulties. As a result of interference from the French Consul General, Mehmet Ali re- fused the commissioners permis- sion to go to Damascus there to es- tablish the innocence of the ac- cused Jews. With the aid of the consuls of the other nations, how- ever, Montefiore and his compan- ions succeeded in securing the re- lease of the imprisoned. Dr. Loewe however discovered in the Firman ordering their release that the word "pardon" was used, and the commissioners succeeded in hav- ing the term "an honorable libera- tion" substituted for the objection- able word. A sudden change in the politi- cal fortunes in the Near East, with control of Syria again going back to the Sultan of Turkey, caused the party headed by Sir Moses Mon- tefiore to turn their way toward Constantinople to secure the good will of the new Syrian ruler.' They arrived in Turkey on October 5. On October 28 Sultan Abdul Medjid received them and pledged protec- tion to the Jews. In a Firman which is today an historic document in Turkish archives, the Sultan re- futed the ritual murder charge. This Firman read: "An ancient prejudice pre- vailed against the Jews. The ig- norant believed that the Jews were accustomed to sacrifice a human being to make use of his blood at their Feast of Passover. "In consequence of this opin- ion, the Jews of Damascus and Rhodes (who are subjects of our empire) have been persecuted by other nations. The calumnies which have been uttered against the Jews, and the vexations to which they have been subjected have at last reached our imperial throne. But a short time has elapsed since some Jews dwelling in the Is- land of Rhodes have been brought from thence to Constantinople, where they have been tried and judged according to the new regu- lations, and their innocence of the accusations made against them fully proved. That, therefore, which justice and equity required has been done on their behalf. "Besides which the religious books of the Hebrews have been examined by learned men, well versed in their theological litera- ture, the result of which examina- tion is that it is found that the Jews are strongly prohibited, not only from using human blood, but even that of animals. It, therefore, fol- lows that the charges made against Moses Montefiore them and their religion are nothing but pure calumny. "For this reason, and for the love we bear to our subjects, we cannot permit the Jewish nation (whose innocence of the crime al- leged against them is evident) to be vexed and tormented upon accusa- tions which have not the least foundation in truth, but, in con- formity to the Hatti-Sherif which has been proclaimed at Gulhani, the Jewish nation shall possess the same advantages and enjoy the same privileges as are granted to the numerous other nations who submit to our authority. The Jewish nation shall be protected and defended. "To accomplish this object, we have given the most positive or- ders that the Jewish nation, dwell- ing in all parts of our empire, shall be perfectly protected, as well as all other subjects of the Sublime Porte, and that no person shall molest them in any manner what- ever (except for a just cause), either in the free exercises of their reli- gion, or that which concerns their safety and tranquility. In conse- quence, the present Firman which is ornamented at the head with our "Hoomaioon" (sign manual), and emanates from our imperial chan- cellorrie has been delivered to the Israelitish nation. "Thus you, the above men- tioned judge, when you know the contents of the Firman, will endeavor to act with great care in the manner therein prescribed. And in order that nothing may be done in opposition to this Firman, at any time hereafter, you will reg- ister it in the archives of the Tri- bunal; you will afterwards deliver it to the Israelitish nation, and you will take great .care to execute our orders and this our Sovereign will. "Lien at Constantinople, 12th Ramazan, 1256 (6th November, 1840)." Although the ritual murder lie repeats itself every year in many parts of the world, around Passover time, and although even in Damascus attempts were made only a few years ago to revive the hoary lie (see Jewish Telegraphic Continued on next page 33