THE COLOSSUS STILL STANDS By MAURICE CROLL, M.D. Still Stands this revered Colossus At the doorway to our land, Our beloved lady with the Burning torch; Lighting the sacred pathway To our land of freedom, Symbol of a new life, Of hope and liberty • For the tired, the poor, The huddled masses yearning To breathe free" That still come daily to Our shores, Seeking in desperation A new way of life Where hope and opportunity Lives and flourishes With understanding and the God-given right to pray In their own way Without fear of persecution Where freedom for everyone Is their inherent right. Here is a different land; A land built with Sweat and blood, Founded on a solid rock, Our Constitution. "By the help of the tired, The poor, And even by the huddled masses." Read well your Book of Life. Welcome it! Nourish it! Gentle it! Pray each year to inscribe Your name in it. Grow with it. Let it come Into your heart, For it is life itself, For ninety-seven years Our lady of love Valiantly has stood her ground, Wavering not one inch: Stately, Dignified. But weary she is – tired, Weather-beaten On the outside. But her faithful, unflinching heart Beats steadfastly, Booming out across land and sea The full depth of her Freedom, unsurpassed. Here we live in a democracy. A government by the people, With ever-present growing pains – But still growing. A guideline to a happier, Fuller life, Our Constitution. Let it become a part Of your life. In this exalted Book of Life Each word has a meaning. Here all men are equal In their pursuit of happiness. We care not what may be The color of your skin. We care only for the man Who dwells within. You may speak your mind freely Without fear of retribution. In time your vote (Citizen) Is equal to any man In this land. No man can cross your threshold Without your permission. In matters of disputed areas You will be judged by a Jury of your peers. Here the laborer with his Two gnarled hands Can sit in Congress with The mighty industrialist And reason together. Democracy cannot be fully defined. It must be lived, Honorably and together And then it grows by input From all diversified groups Acting together. Here brother fought against brother, In a most vicious brutal blood-bath So that the cancer of slavery Could be eradicated. Our lady of love Still stands in all her glory At the entrance to our land, Lighting the pathway to our troubled shores. CREDITS: ' Emma Lazarus, one of the geniuses of American-Jewish poetry, wrote the poem, "The' New Colossus." This immortal poem was engraved on the Statue of Liberty. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning To breathe free Every school child should be required to learn this poem, and to visit the Statue of Liberty (my children did). Emma Lazarus died at the age of thirty-eight. What a fathomless loss of such a genius. When you read her poetry, her portrayal of the word-pictures she conjures up in the mind of the reader is soul-shaking — a lonesome outcry for the ravishing pain of the Jewish peoples. She was truly a daughter of Israel. She brings pride into my heart everytime I read her poetry. It also brings sadness. Credit: The Jewish News July 1, 1983 Purely commentary Editor - Philip Slomovitz BECAUSE THE SYNAGOGUE IS THE ADDRESS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE... j1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 0 1111111111111111111111111111N. e To \ The Jews are a family. Your synagogue should be like a family. At Adat Shalom, we are! • Our membership represents a blend of age groups. • Every member, new or old, has the opportunity to participate in Synagogue life. • A variety of family participation programs are available. • Our fully accredited Nursery School offers Parent- Toddler programs, supplemental and enrichment groups. • Our Hebrew School is the showplace of The United Hebrew Schools System. Jtdat %Atm Where being Jewish is even more special 29901 MIDDLEBELT ROAD FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48018 • Women have full participation in the Torah service. • Affordable Dues Structure. Since you are already part of the Jewish fam- ily, why not become part of the special Adat Shalom family? Come visit us and see how welcome you will be. For information about our family, Cali Alan Yost at 851-5100 23