Pick A Winner 8th Anniversary Celebration Os toe ievteV y sod VE 0414 Ie to 4010 OFT A101,00011,01CSS. M 4II eiglitb. anniversa-ry is llere and we're SA celebrating tIvovt,1-1.o-v-t t1-1-e store. tlle 0 \ IT '''--very item trie sto-re is avail able at 't 10-55 cial cliscov_t prices. Don even W -w-isl. a gs. avin 11)v-rillg, ovr celeb-ration -yov. can. in 0,5, spetastic s fan Teceive tree as lirnitecl FICO, trip to -LAS "O'GNS. ets 1 o pv.Tcliase we *ant to ex.press o-os necessar* izes and FLEE \,4) , to Most one sincere pe-r cstonler. appreciation for yovs loy alty \\e`D \ eat r wits e 60.. -rt. e \`' c\ c) sc\ \ s v-ppo ember -.6\c) e 0 and. ,c,(:).\ 0.\\CI ,1 OW good tlavo4). Sept \c' , -D 0 Q \11°\# cc\ \o -,0\ \,,,c "\\\c c„ \ , c\e'\ c`O e PICK A TICKET FROM OUR FISHBOWL AND SAVE AT LEAST 26 TO 40% OFF REGULAR RETAIL PRICES*EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE IS AVAILABLE AT SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICES. YOU MUST PICK DISCOUNT TICKET AFTER SELECTION HAS BEEN MADE. 101, *Excluded items are repairs, loose diamonds, special orders and layoways. N.C1 cp Go tt' e Sav 26 to 40% WIN A FREE TRIP TO OFF REGULAR RETAIL • • • • LAS VEGAS 10, BRACELETS • RINGS CHAINS • PENDANTS CHARMS • EARRINGS PEARLS • MEN'S JEWELRY No purchase necessary. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Trip details available through Topper's Jewelry. Just come in and fill out an entry blank. Nv v CASH REFUNDS • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ge; noiyamae. • • judreatual" rf fine jewelry and gifts 357-5578 26400 West Twelve Mile Road, Northeast corner of 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy. ..... . ..... I