question "Why me?" and to re- evaluate his "fairly conventional, tra- ditional beliefs." Until then, he had had "a very unquestioning view of things," says Kushner, who was born and grew up in New York, where he lived most of his life until, at 31, he moved to Natick, Mass., where he is still rabbi of Natick's Temple Israel. Nothing in his adolescence or his training at Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary had prepared him for the tragedy which struck his family. "Essentially I believed that God controlled the world and that if I didn't understand things, the limita- tion was mine, not God's," he says. This outlook was shattered by my son's illness. There was just no way I could accept, morally, what I had be- lieved until that point. It forced me to say, for example, that what I had been teaching for six years was bad reli- gion, misleading. I went through a real crisis of wondering Was this whole thing a fraud? Would I have to stop being a rabbi or continue at the price of my own integrity? Would I have to stop being a religious Jew?' " Kushner's dilemma struck a chord of recognition in many readers who also found it difficult to reconcile religious belief with the pain of inno- cent suffering. The trouble with most religions' response to suffering," says Kushner, is that, at one level or an- other, they say to the suffering person `Shut up and stop complaining.' I was so hurt and angry that I was not pre- pared to accept anybody who told me I could not feel that way. I had to come up with a religious affirmation which did not require me to give up my hon- est pain and anger." The problems he addresses in his new book are more subtle, but just as dangerous," he believes, because,they become entrenched before we realize it and because they are encouraged by the attitudes of contemporary society, not least towards middle age. "Older people have lived more. They've experienced more. They understand more," he says firmly. "Except for being able to run fast and drink coffee at night, there's no ad- vantage to being young. But we so to- tally distort our sense of values. Look, for example, at what greeting cards tell you about American society," he says. When you get to your 40s, they're all about loss — you lose your hair, your figure, your vitality — they're all negative. The ways in which you have enriched yourself don't count for anything. I simply don't believe that's true." The distortion is exacerbated, says Kushner, by the American ten- dency to "see everything in terms of sports metaphors; to divide everybody into winners and losers," with every- thing but first place constituting fail- ure. "Should the Tigers turn out to be the second best team in the league this year, it'll be a disappointment, even a disaster. Managers will get fired, players will be unwelcome in certain circles, everybody will talk about what went wrong. They'll see it as a loss." "If you do that in a wider society," Kushner asserts, You consign 95 percent of the population to be losers. And we do." If our obsession with the competi- tive edge makes Kushner angry, our definition of success makes him an- grier still. We tell 95 percent of Americans, once they are no longer young, once they can no longer dream of doing bet- ter tomorrow, once they realize that they've gotten as far as they are going to go, that every time they get up in the morning and look at their face in the mirror, they have to say You are a failure. Your marriage isn't what you thought it would be. Your job isn't what you thought it would be, nor your reputation, your income, your house, your clothes.' This is so distorted; so unfair to people who deserve better," declares Kushner. One of the things I'm try- ing to tell people is that by the time you've reached mid-life and you're not a success in conventional terms, you don't have to think you're a failure. You can define success more realistically. "Where do we get off," he asks, "taking a person who has been a faith- ful and supportive husband, a good, caring parent, a reliable friend, a con- tributing member of his community, but earns no more than $22,000 a year, and calling him a failure, while a man who makes $1,000,000 by car- ing about nobody but himself, who has been through three painful mar- riages and can't remember his chil- dren's names, gets on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Conventional success is anyway, he asserts, a hollow crown, doing nothing to fill the gnawing empti- ness of the soul" or to exempt the top executive, the movie star or politician from regret at opportunities missed. The reason he can "get away with challenging" such basic tenets of American values, says Kushner, is that "It's not working. People are un- happy." So what is the alternative, the key to believing, in the teeth of societal pressures, that life does have meaning? Basically, Kushner advises, "Savor the moment," or, in the words of Ecclesiastes, the Bible's "angry, cynical" skeptic, whose search for truth Kushner follows in his book, "Eat your bread in gladness and drink your wine in joy." Not to be confused, says Kushner, with "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." "There's a difference between joy and fun. Ecclesiastes has gone beyond fun and tells us to bring joy into our lives," he says. "It's a lot more serious. Fun is superficial." The answer has to be spiritual, Kushner explains, since the need for meaning is spiritual, not physical or even psychological, but it is not neces- sarily arrived at by following tradi- tional religious doctrine. Determined, dutiful piety and unquestioning or- thodoxy do not always lead to joy in life. "Religion, if you do it wrong, doesn't provide the answer," he de- dares, but he believes strongly in the reality of virtues such as courage and truthfulness, examples of the moral goodness which he thinks as neces- sary and natural to good health, both physical and emotional, as good eat- ing. Some people have suggested he should write a sequel to his first best- seller, to explain "why good things happen to bad people. Why do the de- cidedly non-virtuous get away with so much?" they ask. "My answer," says Kushner, is that they don't. They pay for it, sooner' or later, in some way or another." He also believes in the power of religion to "connect us with other people," vital in combatting another of society's evils, superficiality. Men especially, he says, today have a "fear of real friendship," of real personal contact with each other. "We're so af- raid of being open and' vulnerable with other men," he says. "Sports is the only area where a man can be emotionally open without having his masculinity questioned, where you see tight-lipped bankers groan and:' cheer, and athletes hug each other." All society, Kushner hopes, can benefit from his advice, but if there is any "significantly Jewish dimension of the book, it is in taking this world seriously, not dismissing this world because there's a world to come, in- sisting on looking for meaningfulness in this life," he says. Ecclesiastes was, thinks Kush- ner; like himself, in middle age when he wrote his book. His message may fall on receptive middle-aged ears, but - can it reach youth in time to stop them from making the same mis- takes? "Probably not," acknowledges Kushner. "I might have read a book like this when I was young, but I don't think I'd have appreciated it." Which is, he thinks, as it should be. "There's something unnatural about a young man with the wisdom of a 50 year old. It's spooky, like something out of Twilight Zone, he smiles. "I think young people have to be ambitious and career-oriented." Nevertheless, he points out, as he travels he is told that many of the people buying it are in their 30s, al- ready tired of the Yuppie treadmill, of the "loneliness of looking out for number one," and the legacy of the "star-crossed generation" of baby- boomers, whom Kushner envies not at all. "As a group, society can't do enough for them," he says. "There's a sense that the world is concerned with their happiness, but at the same time, their world is so crowded that, as in- dividuals, it's very hard for them." Kushner himself is practicing Continued on Page 56 45