THE JEWISH NEWS Unholy Alliance The Perils of Single-Issue Politics The American Jewish community's preoccupation with Israel has • pushed it into unholy alliances with right-wing groups, but the trend may be ending in the harsh glare of reality. ROBERT KUTTN ER Special to The Jewish News . . . Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph— Exodus 1:8. F r he 27th Annual Washington Con- ference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, held April 6-8 at the Washington Hilton, was a luminous suc- cess. The VIP reception drew dozens of congressmen, senators, and candidates for office, eager to demonstrate their commit- ment to Israel. Invitations circulated on good stiff paper inviting the recipient, for example, "to join Senator Chris Dodd, a friend of Israel and a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, for cham- pagne and strawberries in the Lincoln East Room." The national security brief- ing was conducted by CIA director Wil- liam Casey himself. The discussion of ter- rorism was led by the attorney general, Edwin Meese III. On the dais in the caver- nous grand ballroom, before an audience of over 1,000, Senators Edward Kennedy and John Heinz brought down the house by vowing to block an arms sale to Saudi Arabia that neither AIPAC nor the gov- ernment of Israel actively opposes. The Reagan administration had begun by sponsoring an ultimately futile quest for detente with the radical Arabs; the sale of an advanced flying surveillance system, the AWACS, to the Saudis; and a delay of delivery of advanced fighters to Jerusalem to punish Israel for retaliatory raids into Lebanon. The early 1980s had seen a cam- paign-finance environment awash in petro- dollars, new Republican secretaries of 14 Friday, August 8, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS state and defense fresh from the Arab- oriented Bechtel Corporation, and a Senate with several right-wing Republican freshmen entirely unknown to the Jewish community. Yet by 1986 AIPAC's executive direc- tor, Thomas Dine, could report euphorical- ly, "Despite the budget-cutting mood here in Washington, the [1985 foreign aid] legislation contained the most generous Israel aid package ever: three billion dollars in regular aid plus an additional $1.5 billion in emergency economic aid. All the funds are grants. The three billion dollars in aid represents an increase of $400 million over the previous fiscal year, and a doubling of grant assistance since 1983." He could report further that the House had aproved the Israel free trade agreement 422 to zero; that the Senate had consented to the long-delayed Genocide Convention; and that joint U.S.-Israel military maneuvers have become routine. As Israel has seemed more strategical- ly and economically vulnerable, AIPAC and a new spate of pro-Israel political ac- tion committees have emerged as the dominant forms of Jewish political activ- ity. (AIPAC, despite its name, is not a PAC. It is a registered lobby, but gives no funds to candidates.) Since 1981 some 70 pro-Israel PACs have been founded. By 1985, in a general political climate of pro- incumbent campaign-finance and single- issue politics, they were giving about 60 percent of their funds to Republicans and over 90-percent to incumbents. So success- ful has this strategy been that only a hand- ful of far-right legislators cannot be counted today as friends of Israel. Yet these achievements are not without their political complications. American Jews, while undoubtedly more politically centrist now than, say, two decades ago, still voted almost two-to-one for Walter Mondale in 1984. Yet the Israel connection is now delivering Jewish financial backing to candidates far to the right of positions that most Jews hold on most issues. Incumbent conservative Republicans have discovered a cynical formula. They have only to demonstrate sufficient loyalty to Israel, and they can all but lock out their Democratic challengers from a substantial fraction of Jewish support, even when the challenger is more sympathetic to such other deeply held Jewish concerns as separation of church and state. In fact, in this new environment even liberal can- didates whose dedication to Israel is, if anything, more authentic — even liberal candidates who are Jewish — are at a disadvantage compared to conservative converts, because there is no need to reward loyalty that comes naturally. If the Republicans keep control of the Senate in 1986, a lopsided year when 18 Republicans are seeking reelection, the Israel nexus will be a significant factor. Not only is substantial money flowing from Jewish PACs to far-right Republi- cans, but in several key states the most viable Democratic challengers have been dissuaded from making the race. The GOP has no such problems. Republican challen- gers can count on an, ocean of business support. Democrats depend on labor and wealthy idealistic liberals, many of them Jewish. Within the community of mainstream Jewish organizations, the continuing rise of AIPAC and the sudden rise of pro-Israel PACs has prompted an anguished debate about whether Jews are being perceived as a single-issue community. The Israel-first strategy has created odd alliances between Jewish organizations and New Right Christian evangelicals, whose philo- Semitism with regard to the Middle East has thus far failed to translate into sen- sitivity to Jewish domestic concerns such as school prayer. (And in practice, even Israel is such a low priority for the evan- gelicals that the Christian Voice congres- sional scorecard fails to include a single Mideast vote.) There is today a startling alliance between some Jewish organiza-