LOOKING BACK THE AMAZING MARKET PLACE We've de-classified the name of our huge classified section to call it what it really is: THE AMAZING MARKET- PLACE of budget-priced saleables and services. For information how you can advertise to almost everyone in your community, call 354-6060. Alterations Apartments ammonammgm g 1 gm A mg Awe. UN AN. U [0016g00ENSOM0 EAMISINSHOM Elling===0:M: 0 larl'ilArn=0N a A tn AI g E IA2 ibeRAML godiri_v Mg •:::::;::::: 26gRaMnaganZgiNn MaganalgSSEUR 1 Sitters 1 Travel Pit El E I. le t2 eg ' Pzm'l*wilffi IN i ni leb:.:.:-:, Ma • MEM= MEM Egt • asemer THE JEWISH NEWS 76 Friday, August 1, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Entebbe Victim's Son Remembers Mother Since she had dual citizenship — British as well as Israeli, our family in Israel asked the British Embassy in Tel Aviv to help ar- range for official British inter- vention. On Sunday after noon, July 4 (after the successful rescue mission of which, however, she yet knew nothing), a British dip- lomat in Kampala visited her. She asked for non-hospital food and he promised he would bring it later. When, accompanied by his wife, he returned at 10 that night, she had disappeared, and no one at the hospital was willing or able to provide an explanation. DANIEL BLOCH Special to The Jewish News M y mother was a hostage who never returned alive. Her name was Dora Bloch and she was 74 when she was brutally murdered by terrorists, exactly 10 years ago, in a lonely hospital room in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, on the orders of Idi Amin, the mass killer who then ruled the country. A direct line connects her fate with the 'cruel murder of Leon Klinghoffer by PLO terrorists on the Achille Lauro last year. She had been one of the 105 men, women and children on board an Air France plane that was hijacked by Arab and Ger- man radical terrorists while on its way from Tel Aviv to Paris. They diverted the plane to Entebbe Airport, outside Kam- pala, Wher e they knew they had a friend inIdi Amin. There, Ugan- dan soldiers and police joined the terrorists in guarding, taunting and threatening the hostages while their lives were being negotiated. Their only crime was that they were citizens of Israel. They spent a week at Entebbe, waver- ing between hope and despair, between the brink of death and the faint chance of redemption. And on July 4 it came, Operation Thunderbolt, the longest-range commando raid in history. Just as America was celebrat- ing its Centennial, a small elite force of Israel's crack commandos and paratroopers carried out the famous rescue mission at Entebbe, to universal rejoicing in Israel and the admiration of the entire free world. But she had been murdered that day, as an act of revenge by Idi Amin. We do not know if my mother was aware before her death of the rescue mission - and the survival of my brother, who had accom- panied her on that fateful flight. But there is no doubt she would have approved of it even if she knew it might not save her life. For she grew up in a family tradi- tion that put pioneering values above personal considerations. Her father, an early (1882) Zionist immigrant from Russia to Palestine, was a founder of Rishon le-Zion, the first modern town by the new Jewish pioneers in their ancestral homeland. Though he also organized the first group of young defenders of the New Jewish villages against Bedouin marauders, he firmly be- lieved in Arab-Jewish coopera- tion. He had Arab partners in two joint ventures: in an olive oil fac- tory at Lod, and later in a phar- macy in Jaffa. My mother continued that tra- dition of care for Jewish security and openness with our Arab neighbors. She believed in peace- ful co-existence, but PLO ter- Daniel Bloch is Counselor for Labor Affairs at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. Dora Bloch rorists and their state supporters and sponsors put an end to her dreams. Nearly 10 years had to pass, and many more innocent lives lost to terrorist depredations, until the free world, led by the United States, began to realize that only bold initiatives can make life more difficult for ter- rorists, and exact a price from the regimes that sponsor them. Today, as the anniversary of her death coincides with the cele- bration of America's Indepen- dence Day, symbolized further by the Centennial of the Statue of Liberty, we must know that free- dom and peace demand an active defense, without which we will all become hostages of the enemies of our cherished demo- cratic values. It seemed as if the Entebbe op- eration was a gift offered to demonstrate on America's Inde- pendence Day just what the Founding Fathers really had in- tended 200 years before: eternal vigilance before tyranny and re- solute determination in the face of aggression. The commandos rescued the French crew and all the hostages, except for my mother. She was missing. At the time, the family believed she was still alive. We thought Idi Amin might hold her hostage and demand from Israel an apology and compensation for his humiliation. We could not conceive that anyone would kill an old woman. Some weeks later, we learned that that was exactly what had happened, and then we realized that without the rescue mission all the other hostages might well have suffered the same fate. But it was only three years later that we learned the tragic circum- stances of her death. After Idi Amin's fall in 1979, our family received permission from the new Ugandan govern- ment to bring her body back to Israel. My brother went to Kam- pala on that mission and there discovered the truth. On the Thursday before the re- scue mission, Ugandan soldiers permitted my mother to be taken, under guard, to a Kampala hospi- tal for a procedure to remove a piece of food stuck in her throat. She could have been released the next day but, tragic irony, the doctor thought she would be safer at the hospital. Neo-Nazis Print Waldheim Photo New York — Kurt Waldheim is identified as a member of Hitler's "Brownshirt" stormtroopers in a 1940 court document published by a neo-Nazi newspaper in West Germany this year. The docu- ment is the first showing Wal- dheim's Nazi affiliations that bears his photograph. Wal- dheim's passport-size picture ap- pears in the right-hand corner of the document which bears his name at the top. The document, Waldheim's "personal questionnaire" from his 1940 application for a court position, was published on April 4 of this year in Munich by the neo Nazi National Zeitung news- paper. Waldheim has repeatedly de- nied membership in Nazi organ- izations. - Jewish Grants For Education Washington (JTA) — The Foundation of Jewish Studies awarded a series of major grants to encourage adult Jewish learn- ing in the United States and Is- rael. The amount of the grants was not disclosed. Foundation officials said the awards include the first com- prehensive curriculum handbook on American Judaism, the second installment of support for trans- lation of the Talmud by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz and grants for local programs to educate Jewish leaders, non-traditional adult Jews and persons with special needs. Hebrew U. Honors Eight Students New York — The first eight American students selected for the new Raoul Wallenberg Scholars Program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will be introduced Monday at a reception in New York.