NEW RELEASES OF AGAMOGRAPHS Special Sale THANK YOU To all our dear friends for their many kindnes- ses and good wishes during my recent ill- ness. on display at The Jewish Community Center 6600 W. Maple, West Bloomfield "MEXICO" "NEVER BEFORE" "DAILY TO ETERNAL" For Information call 661 1000 or 626 6038 , - - THE ARTS SOL & IDA MOSS JANIE WEINER & JERRY TEPMAN THANK ALL THEIR FRIENDS FOR WISHING THEM A . HAPPY 50TH BUSINESS WANTED SPECIAL THANKS . TO SPECIAL FRIENDS THE "G's" Individual interested in purchasing small/medium size business (sales volume $1,000,000 - $15,000,000) with growth potential. Please respond in confidence to: Richard L. Bloom 352-5040 P3 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER 6602 W. Maple Road, W. Bloomfield, MI 48033 (313) 661-0840 Won't You Please Support Us! HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER Annual Membership and Donor Pledge Annual membership contributions and other donations assure the acquisition and 'maintenance of historical materials for study and provide-for creative programming that sill ensure the presersation of the memory and lessons of the Holocaust. I/We wish to enroll as member(s) of the Holocaust Memorial Center. Our annual contribution is: 0 $100 General 0 $250 Patron 0 $1,000 Founder 0 $500 Guardian I/We wish to be Charter member(s) for an annual commitment of $1,000 for 5 years 0 I/We wish to make a donation to the Holocaust Memorial Center 'n the amount of $ Name Amount Enclosed $ Address City Phone (home) State (work) Zip Date Members names will be included in the Annual Report to be placed in the Schaver Library. All contributions are tax deductible. HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER 6602 W. Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48033 (313) 661-0840 1 he charter Sustaining .Memhership and I ndossment I and is to assure the a( quisition studs and HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER ( hatter Sustai)tog ‘fenther ■ hti) and t nthmrnent I (Ind maintenance ot historical materials and pros ide remise programming that ss ill ensure the preserya- tion ot the metnors and lessons ot t hv Holm a us t In consideration of the subscription of others, and the obligation to be incurred based upon pledges received, I "(we) hereby promise to pay the HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER the sum. of $1,00000 Charter Sustaining Membership annually for 5 consecutive years 198 Payment Enclosed Name 198 Address • Contributor's Signature HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER 6602 W. Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48033 (313) 661-0840 40 Friday, July 18, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS AININC gel MERE Rs fA Itt THI NAMIk (0 (It 1R I I li Nt k kPf ( IM tell Si C I ION IN I H I Hf INS( RIM!) INTERIOR (H IHI 11010( kl CON.TRIBI. TIONk 10 HOI ARf T'\DIDI( TIHIt MI 4.10RIAI ( NEER fRIAI ( NTIRk •t'kl "The Golden Girls," clockwise from top: Rue McClanahan, Betty White, Estelle Getty and Bea Arthur `Golden GM' Getty: A Golden Opportunity MICHAEL ELKIN Special to The Jewish News H ollywood — A.C. Nielsen has packaged the perfect present for Estelle Getty — glitzy ratings for her "Golden Girls," the most successful new comedy on tele- vision this past season. At 62, Getty has become a star — even if few recognize her without her star-white wig, which she dons to portray Sophia, the caustic doyenne of a Miami household of older women whose sole Miami vice may be an extra daily ration of prunes. Joining Beatrice Arthur, whose mother she plays, Betty White and Rue McClanahan in a pristine apartment loaded with the bric-a-brac of comedy, Getty launches rather than de- livers lines. Even her apologies seem like loaded missiles: "Sorry," she excuses herself after a snappy remark, "I ha- ven't had sex ir 15 years. It's beginning to get on my nerves." But Eitelle Getty, born to a Jewish family on New York's Lower East Side, seems imper- turbable as she sits for ques- tions here. The frump dress she normally wears as the Sicilian- born Sophia has been mothbal- led for the moment — Getty is nattily attired, coiffed and con- fident, a pretty woman with a pretty good idea of what she wants from life. And she seems to be getting exactly what she wants — in- cluding critical hosannahs for her portrayal of Mrs. Beckoff in the Tony Award-winning "Torch Song Trilogy," which she played on Broadway and around the country, including a stint two years ago in Philadelphia. Motherhood suits Getty well — she played Barry Manilow's mom in the television film Copacabana and Cher's mother in Mask. But it is as Mrs. Beckoff and Sophia that Getty has gotten the most attention. So, tell me, Estelle, if you were to put both of these feisty moms in a cramped room for a week, who would come out the survivor? "Hmmm," she says with a smile. "I guess it would be Mrs. Beckoff. She's more in touch with what is happening in the world." Pause. "But I guess I could make an argument either way." She isn't about to slight Sophia, a role that netted "Gol- den Girl" Getty a Golden Globe Awaid this season as best per- former in a comedy television show. "You know, I get a lot of mail from kids about Sophia," she says. "I guess that's because she talks back to adults." Audiences seem to like what they hear. "Every actor brings his or her own self into a role," says Getty. "My own kids see a lot of me in this part." She chuckles., "But then, they know me rather well." What they know is that Mom is a battler — especially when the battlefield being invaded has to do with her heritage. "I came from an era when everyone (in the business) changed their name, but not me," says. "My maiden name was Scher and I wasn't about to be embarrassed by it." And if others tried to hide their heritage of Yiddishkeit, well, not Estelle Scher, who proudly says, "I started out on the Yiddish stage. I used to speak Yiddish to my mother in