• OP-ED • your advertising dollars do better in Deglamorizing' Israel THE JEWISH NEWS Continued from Page 4 Jewish Agency, currently domi- nated by American fundraising moguls and efficiency experts, is increasingly critical of WZO's mode of operation and would, if allowed, move to take control of spme, if not all of WZO's proj- ects and activities. While the WZO may, indeed, require wide-ranging structural changes to cope with changing realities, Zionists are under- standably apprehensive lest the efficiency-minded, fund raising oriented personnel of the Jewish Agency proceed to dilute or dis- card substantive Zionist-rooted programs with which they have only a nodding familiarity. Has there been a change in American Jewish attitudes towards Israel? It does not seem so, since financial Jewish sup- port for Israel remains undi- minished. On a governmental level, U.S.-Israel relations have reached a high plateau of cor- diality and inter-service cooper- ation. Does it mean that "chronic" Jewish critics of Israel are out of tune with the American Jewish consensus? Apparently, yes. However, if this clamorous, carp- ing is symptomatic of an inci- pient, but growing, "dis- enchantment" with Israel, genuine friends of Israel have reason to be concerned. Is Israel a "perfect" society, immune from criticism, merited or otherwise? Of course, not., But it is high time for Zionists and friends of Israel to scrutinize the scrutinizers and to examine the validity of their strictures. Certain critics find fault with Israel's policies vis a vis the Arabs. Yet, Israel's Unity Gov- ernment is seeking ways and means to resume the peace- process. Israeli leaders are not unmindful of the demographic dangers inherent in the status quo and are eager to offer the Palestinian Arabs full local au- tonomy consistent with its secu- rity interests. Meron Benevenisti, a former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, con- tinues to grind out ominous statistical data designed to shdw that it is only a matter of time before the Arab population exp- losion will overwhelm the Jewish State from within. Rabbi Kahane's simplistic solution is "let's drive the Arabs out." It is axiomatic, that Israel will de- velop other, more civilized op- tions to safeguard its "Jewish- ness" without resorting to methods repugnant to Judaism and contrary to the spirit of Is- rael's Declaration of Indepen- dence. Some critics bemoan the fact that Israel is no longer an "elitist" society, that it does not conform to the prophetic vision of "nation of priests, a holy people." Yet those who yearn for the halcyon days of the late 1940s, when the Israelis dis- played a unique blend of valor and idealism, misconceive the Zionist vision reflected in the "Ingathering of the Exiles." An elitist society is incompatible with the concept of the In- gathering. The "pressure- cooking" process designed to fuse disparate Jewish exiles from myriad backgrounds and cultures into a cohesive nation has only begun. Great strides have been made to reconcile the lingering frictions between the Sephardim and the Ashkenazim, which some pundits predicted were irreconcilable. Israel's Unity Government, contrary to some dire predictions, has not become unglued and is charting a steady course in dealing with its pressing economic and politi- cal problems. The "cold" peace with Egypt is still in place, the economy is being slowly but steadily im- proved and Israel's posture vis a vis the Arabs has gained belated understanding and approval in Washington and other Western capitals. Israel's overtures to Third World countries in Africa and Asia are being slowly but perceptibly reciprocated; and the PLO's fortunes are on the wane. Within a life-span of 38 years, Israel's record of achievements is unassailable. To be sure, the old heroes, the prototypes of the Palmach, the Haganah and the Irgun are fading' away, giving rise to new heroes — the high- tech scientist, the industrial in- novator and entrepreneur. But perhaps the litmus test of Is- rael's undiminished inner greatness is its zealous search for ancient roots, its reverence for the fallen dead and the mar- tyrs of the Holocaust and the superb care and compassionate treatment it lavishes upon the wounded and the maimed, vic- timized in Israel's wars. Equally remarkable, in spite of its obsession with things material and its boisterous, even strident political fractiousness, is its uncanny ability to unite in reaching out to the Ethiopian exiles of "Operation Moses" and in demonstrating its boundless joy and appreciation over the re- lease of Shcharansky from Soviet bondage, hailing him as the paradigm of Zionist fulfill- ment and redemption. Israeli philosopher David Hartman, in describing a phi- losophy shared by mainline groups in Israel, summed it up succinctly: The energy of the Zionist Revolution should , not just be channeled into resettling the land, but also into rebuild- ing the moral and social fabric of the Jewish nation. Holiness exists not only in stones, but in a way of life." Princeton Plans Jewish Center Princeton (JTA) — Princeton University plans to establish a Center for Jewish Life at a cost of $1.3 million. The Center will include such things as a university-run kosher kitchen and dining hall, chapel, Judaica library and office space for the Princeton Hillel Foundation. Call Us Today! 354 - 6060 Is YOUR CHILD THEN GO TO THE GOING TO SUMMER CAMP? 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