might affect him or her, and without being defensive — regard the following. A Jew is a Jew, no matter what he rejects of Judaism. But, by the same token Judaism is Judaism, no matter what Jews may reject of it. The rejecters remain Jews; the rejected, Judaism. I would not expect any intelligent Jew to have much trouble with that. After all, a Jew for Jesus, for instance, is most cer- tainly still a Jew, subject to the same con- siderations and care as any Jew, though what he professes is certainly not what has historically been called Judaism. Here, however, is where true objectivity and a keen sense of honesty is needed: Judaism has a specific historic definition. The essence of that definition has always been Jew- ish law and, though that law does most cer- tainly flex and accommodate changing times and new situations, it only does so within clear and decisive bounds. Those bounds constitute the limits of the much maligned word halacha - the Hebrew word for the conclusive thrust of Jewish religious law. The preceding is historical fact. No scholar of history would take issue with it and no truly open-minded person could find fault with it. Yet most Jews do, because they perceive where it leads — to a definition of Judaism and Jews which is out of their hands, and in the hands of honest, saintly scholars of Jewish law, those who most resemble in their essences the determiners of Jewish law in genera- tions past. A few more words, in explanation of the cardinality of halacha: In any halachic question, there is typi- cally a good deal of latitude in the appli- cation of the legal precedents. Limits, though, are there as well. If any of those limits are exceeded, then it is no less than the definition of Judaism which is com- promised, and the result, though perhaps derivative of Judaism, is something dif- ferent. Maybe something good, maybe even something better. But something clearly other than Judaism. A model: If there were a halacha (as in- directly there is) which required one to pay one's income tax to the government, then a valid application of the law's flexibility would be the allowance to choose to keep one's assets in investments of a nature which would limit one's tax liability. That would be, and indeed is, legally and halachically acceptable. However, were one to ignore any of the tax laws, or read one as it clearly was not intended, because one did not like the way it stood, then one would be guilty of tax evasion, both by the government's judg- ment as well as by that of the halacha. Were one to encourage others to join in such fraud, one would be acting, to most people's understanding, in a highly un- ethical manner. For laws define the meaning and bounds of "income tax." Just as laws define the meaning and bounds of "Judaism." And as farcical as is the term "illegal income- tax allowance," is the term "non-halachic Judaism." One step further in the model: Were an American to become so fed up with his country's tax system, so disillusioned with what he perceived as its unfair laws, that he retreated to neutral soil to establish his own, sovereign tax-system, he would be said to have seceded, to have forfeited his affiliation with his original country. The blunt, unadorned fact: The Reform movement has — to its credit — never tried to hide the fact of its outright rejection of halacha. The Conservative movement, though it for many years elevated the straddling of fences to an art form, has recently and unmistakably stripped itself of any pretension of fidelity to halacha by "revoking," in one fell swoop, an entire area of halacha. This was done through a procedure which was a blatant mockery of the traditional halachic decision proces.s, in order to shamelessly yield a precon- ceived conclusion — that no halachic role is gender-specific. Members of the Conservative rabbinate who had until now believed their move- ment to be fundamentally dedicated to the concept of halacha, went into theological shock on hearing of that decision, reached as it was by a vote in which people totally uncredentialed in Jewish law took part. The shocked halacha-respecting Conser- vative rabbis were forced, as it were, to suddenly confront the unsettling fact that they themselves had really been "Ortho- dox" all these years. For the Orthodox, and the Orthodox alone, have consistently resisted the urge to treat the past as expendable, to view . Jewish law as a mere relic of ages gone by. And there you have, in a rather large nutshell, the Orthodox attitude, unper- fumed and uncushioned, toward the move- ments popular with so many American Continued on next page 35