I or tangible as having their security clearances lifted," he said. "But someone working on say, a study on tactical nuclear weapons in the USSR may be changed to a study on tactical nuclear weapons in Peru." One pro-Israeli lobbyist conceded that "we're very, very nervous. But it does seem that dual loyalty is mainly being discussed within our own community." For instance, he said, Attorney General Ed Meese dismissed concerns about dual loyalty that were voiced by several Jews at a recent meeting. Meese was worried about criminal acts by such people as Pollard, not about dual loyalty. (Interestingly, one of the chief in- vestigators in the Pollard spy case is State Department legal counsel Abraham Sofier. Sofier is an Orthodox Jew. His prominence in the case could be a signal from the Ad- ministration that it does not consider American Jews' loyalty to be suspect.) There is little doubt that Jews are more sensitive about dual loyalty than are other ethnic groups. Two days after Jonathan Pollard was arrested last November, for in- stance, a retired CIA analyst who had been born in Peking was arrested for spy- ing for the People's Republic. To date, there have been no accusations that Chinese-Americans are disloyal to the U.S. And the Chinese-American community is not concerned that there will be. Such anxieties are the fruits of the suc- cess of American Jewry, said Hyman Bookbinder, the American Jewish Com- mittee's representative in Washington. "With an active, effective pro-Israeli movement in the United States," said a slightly impish Bookbinder, "some people must be wondering whether this spy business is part of The Great American- Jewish Conspiracy." Bookbinder rejected the suggestion that dual loyalty is being bandied about by "alarmists" in the Jewish community. "We have to assume," he said, "that there are people in drawing rooms and men's clubs who are saying, 'There go the damn Jews again.' We have to meet this sort of thing head-on. We must tell people that just as there are thousands of people, including Jews, in the United States, who have sensitive positions that require security clearances, there are also thousands of people, including Jews, who are capable of skulduggery." Irving Greenberg, president of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership in New York, rejected the no- tion that there is anything inherently wrong with the idea of "dual loyalty," a term he prefers to replace with the less emotionally-loaded phrase of "multiple loyalties." "Multiple loyalties," he said, "should be the key to democracy. Every ethnic group and every interest group has them. They Admitted spy Jonathan Jay Pollard, said his Washington attorney, is "totally committed to America and also believes in the Israeli State." should be self-evident in the way our nation functions. But the type of dual loyalty that is objectionable is Pollard's. He exploited the American trust in him. He used that as a cover for his other loy- alty to Israel. If he felt such an overwhelm- ing conflict, he should have resigned from his security position." But in the wake of the Pollard spy case, advised Greenberg, "Jews should not panic. We, are not neutral on Israel. We never will be. We have legitimate concerns about Israel and we should not be ashamed or embarrassed or fearful of them." Most Jews have assumed that the brou- haha over dual loyalty was long dead, a relic from another day, another era. "'Dual loyalty' is a canard," said Irving M. Levine of the American Jewish Com- mittee. "Throughout world history, Jews have faced it wherever they have been. It has been used quite knavishly against ethnic groups in the United States and most often against Jews. But 'American interests' are a conglomerate of interests. American identity for all ethnic groups has been marked by a split loyalty. But loyal- ty to another nation such as Israel does not mean total identity. It means affec- tion." Even if dual loyalty is suspected, it is rarely couched in those terms. Said one Washington journalist currently working on a series about the "special relationship" between the U.S. and Israel, "Dual loyal- ty is such a sensitive issue that if people think about it, they usually don't use that phrase. It's loaded and its highly pre- judicial." Once in a while, though, the phrase "dual loyalty" — or something close to it — sneaks out of the closet. The most re- cent full-blown example occurred last March when The Nation magazine published a shrill polemic by Gore Vidal. Vidal charged that Commentary editor Norman Podheretz's "first loyalty would always be to Israel." Podheretz and his wife, author Midge Dector — "that won- derful, wacky couple" — were "fifth col- umnists" of the Jewish State. They have opted to remain in the U.S. "to make pro- pagand'a and raise money for Israel." Vidal, a blueblood whose ancestors man- aged to fight on both "sides of the Civil War, was obviously convinced that Pod- heretz and Dector swore allegiance to a Continued on next page When dealing with the Mideast, said former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, "I had to subordinate my emotional preferences to my perception of the national interest. It was occasionally painful." 15