THE BIG FIX. 30% off repairs on GOLD and SILVER jewelry. JULY 1 to JULY 31 BRUCE WEISS (1 IC I ONI DPI( ,N11 ) I.R\ 23625 Twelve Mile Road Southfield, Michigan 48034 in the Mayfair Shops at Northwestern (313) 353-1424 No matter how you turn the globe The Jewish News keeps you posted on Jewish happenings everywhere! • Call 354-6060 TODAY and order your subscription. 22 Friday, July 4, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY Auschwitz Escapee Continued from Page 2 twenty minutes, a monument in concrete, indeed, to its buil- der, Herr Walter Dejaco. Auschwitz survivors who, like myself, were the slave laborers who worked to build it, may be interested to learn, incidentally, that Herr Dejaco still practices his craft in Re- utte, a town in the Austrian Tyrol. In 1963 he won warm praise from Bishop Rusk of Innsbruck for the fine new Presbytery he had built for Reutte's Parish Priest. In 1943, however, there was a war on and he was concerned with more practical demon- strations of his skill. The ex- termination industry was still in its infancy, but, thanks to his efficiency, it was about to make its first really dramatic stride towards greatness that morning when Himmler came to visit us. He certainly saw an impres- sive demonstration, marred only by a time table that would have caused concern in many a small German railway station. Commandant Hoess, anxious to display his new toy at its most efficient, had arranged for a special transport of 3,000 Polish Jews to be present for slaughter in the modern, Ger- man way. Himmler arrived at eight o'clock that morning and the show was to start an hour la- ter. By eight forty-five, the new gas chambers, with their clever dummy showers and their notices "Keep Clean," "Keep Quiet" and so on, were packed to capacity. The S.S. Guards, indeed, had made sure that not an inch of space would be wasted by fir- ing a few shots at the entrance. This encouraged those already inside to press away from the doors and more victims were ushered in. Then babies and very small children were tos- sed onto the heads of the adults and the doors were closed and sealed. An S.S. man, wearing a heavy service gas mask, stood on the roof of the chamber, waiting to drop in the Cyclon B pellets which released a hyd- rogen cyanide gas. His was a post of honor that day, for sel- dom would he have had such a distinguished audience and he probably felt as tense as the starter of the Derby. By eight fifty-five, the ten- sion was almost unbearable. The man in the gas mask was fidgetting with his boxes of pel- lets. He had a fine full house beneath him. But there was no sign of the Reichsfuhrer who had gone off to have breakfast with Commandant Hoess. Somewhere a phone rang. Every head turned towards it. A junior N.C.O. clattered over to the officer in charge of the operation, saluted hastily and panted out a message. The officer's face stiffened, but he said not a word. The message was: "The Reichsfuhrer hasn't finished his breakfast yet." Everyone relaxed slightly. Then another phone call. An- other dash by a perspiring N.C.O. Another message. The officer in charge swore to him- self and muttered to those of equal rank around him. The Reichsfuhrer, it seemed, was still at his breakfast. The S.S. man on the roof of the gas chamber squatted on his haunches. Inside the chamber itself frantic men and women, who knew by that time what a shower in Auschwitz meant, began shouting, screaming and pounding weakly on the door; but nobody outside heard them because the new chamber was sound-proof as well as gas-proof. Even if they had been heard, nobody would have taken any notice of them, for the S.S. men had their own worries. The morning dragged on and the messengers came and went. By ten o'clock the marathon breakfast was still under way. By half past ten the S.S. men had become almost immune to false alarms and the man on the roof remained on his haunches even when the dis- tant telephone rang. But by eleven o'clock, just two hours late, a car drew up. Himmler and Hoess got out and chatted for a while to the senior officers present. Him- mler listened intently, as they explained the procedure to him in detail. He ambled over to the sealed door, glanced casually through the small, thick observation window at the squirming bodies inside, then returned to fire some more questions at his underl- ings. At last, however, everything was ready for action. A sharp command was given to the S.S. man on the roof. He opened a circular lid and dropped the pellets quickly onto the heads below him. He knew, everyone knew, that the heat of those packed bodies would cause these pellets to release their gases in a few minutes; and so he closed the lid quickly. The gassing had begun. Hav- ing waited for a while so that the poison would have circu- lated properly, Hoess courte- ously invited his guest to have another peep through the. ob- servation window. For some minutes Himmler peered into the death chamber, obviously impressed, and then turned with new interest to his Com- mandant with a fresh batch of questions. What he had seen seemed to have satisfied him and put him in good humor. Though he rarely smoked, he accepted a cigarette from an officer, and, as he puffed at it rather clum- sily, he laughed and joked. The introduction of this more homely atmosphere, of course, did not mean any neg- lect of the essential business. Several times he left the group of officers to watch the pro- gress through the peep hole; and, when everyone inside was dead, he took a keen interest in the procedure that followed.