PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Auschwitz Escapee Details Its Genesis Under Himmler Rudolf Vrba is a leading accuser of the Nazi gangs and their operations in the death camps, with emphasis on Auschwitz. Himself having miraculously escaped from Auschwitz, his testimony is most generally quoted. He figures most prominently in the Holocaust records. Widely quoted, his experiences were found to be vitally needed in the indict- ment of American and Jewish failures to act in defense of rescue efforts contained in The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945" by Prof. David S. Wyman (Pantheon Books). Dr. Wyman's record of the horrors includes the following: The two escapees were young Slovak Jews, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, who fled on April 10, 1944. Toward the end of April, they reached the Jewish under- ground in Slovakia and sounded the alarm that preparations were under way at Auschwitz for exter- minating the Hungarian Jews. They dictated a thirty-page report on what they had learned about the killing center during their two years there. It detailed the camp's geographical layout, internal con- ditions, and gassing and cremation techniques, and offered a statisti- cal record of the months of sys- tematic slaughter. The thorough- ness that characterized the report is seen in this passage describing the operation of one of the four large gas chambers: It holds 2,000 people . . . When everybody is inside, the heavy doors are closed. Then there is a short pause, presumably to allow the room temperature to rise to a certain level, after which SS men with gas masks climb on the roof, open the traps, and shake down a preparation in powder form out of tins cans ... a 'cyanide' mixture of some sort which turns into gas at a certain temperature. After three minutes everyone in the chamber is dead. ... The chamber is then opened, aired, and the "special squad" (of slave laborers) carts the bodies on flat trucks to the furnace rooms where the burning takes place." A copy of the Vrba-Wetzler statement, dispatched to the Hun- garian Jewish leadership, was in Budapest by early May. By mid- June, the report had reached Swit- zerland, where it was passed to Roswell McClelland of the War Refugee Board. He found it consis- tent with earlier information that had filtered out concerning Au- schwitz. It was further corrobo- rated by the disclosures of a non- Jewish Polish military officer who had also recently escaped from the camp. Rudolf Vrba was one of the major authoritative sources in the fact-gathering about the Holocaust, with emphasis on Au- schwitz, whence he escaped in a miracul- ously courageous performance.°He figures in the documentary Shoah, The Politics of Genocide by R. L. Braham," "Auschwitz and the Allies" by Martin Gilbert and A Year Of Literary Enrichment American Jewry has been put to the test in recent years and the question has often been posed: has it come of age? In the literary sphere it could safely be as- serted that it did and is even aging. It is not only in matters relating to the Holocaust and the World War II tragedies that the record is being kept intact. It is already being charged that too much is being written and published about the Hitler-inspired atrocities. It is difficult to accept such a verdict. It should be asserted, however, that the flow of re- collections about the Holocaust experi- ences continues. Many novels are being added to the historical records and the "Never Forget" responsibilities are being fully adhered to. There is no limit to the variety of topics being additionally tackled in the Jewish publishing creativity. Children's books are commendably receiving due at- tention. Religious developments have proper consideration. Anti-SemitiSm is never off the agenda. The newest experi- ences in Jewish life, such as the pat- rilineal proposal and women as rabbis are under consideration. Many of the re- cently published works are challenging essays, some are novels, and the chil- dren's stories do not ignore the current experiences. In the latter sphere, the woman rabbi emerges as the personality in the limelight. With 30 more women rabbis this year, increasing their ranks to more than 100 already occupying pulpits, the woman rabbi has become a force. There- fore, the synagogue has contributed toward empowering Women's Lib. Therefore, the normalcy of one woman rabbi expressing her sentiments 2 Friday, July 4, 1986 with her little daughter as a medium, describing the glory of woman occupying a pulpit. This is the story related in I ma on the Bima, issued by Kar-Ben Copies. It is a tale about five-year-old Rebecca, who fol- lows her mother, Rabbi Mindy Avra Portnoy, author of the tale, through the routines of synagogue experience. Portnoy is not a rebetzin — a rejected term in the actual acquisition of ordain- ment. Rabbi Portnoy was ordained at He- brew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 1980. Actually, Ima on the Bima is like an autobiography of one of the functioning women rabbis. The manner in which the daughter absorbs the activities makes the tale a definitive lesson in religious observance. With the descriptive illustrations by Steffi Karen Rubin, Ima on the Bima be- comes an added weapon for the feminists glorying in the leadership monopolized by men only two decades ago. Publishers gain added acclaim for the frequent releases of Bible and Tal- mud stories and the emphasis on the his- torical experiences as well as the most recent developments in Jewish life. Union of American Hebrew Congrega- tions has just re-issued such a volume, Bible Stories for Little Children by Betty R. Hollanders. First published in 1955, its value merited re-issuing, and Rabbi Daniel B. Syme, who has played an im- portant role in editing and circulating important books under the imprint of the UAHC, justifiably introduces reprinted children's Bible narratives. The publishing responsibilities, with emphasis on Jewish content,thus gain merited recognition. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS numerous other historically important re- cords. Vrba has made appearances as a wit- ness exposing the Nazi crimes at such trials as the Nazis' defender, Ernest Zun- del, who was convicted at the trial in To- ronto. Therefore, the revelations by Vrba in his Escape from Auschwitz: I Can Not For- give (Grove Press) is of grave significance. It is his personal account, written with an- other survivor from Auschwitz, Alan Be- stic. The horrors Vrba experiences under Nazism, in the various stages of his at- tempts at escaping and the continuing tor- tures, are among the most horrifying ever recorded for human reading. For history's record, Vrba's escape story is of the utmost importance in its description of Heinrich Himmler's two vis- its to Auschwitz, as Vrba witnessed them. Vrba and his fellow inmates had to be properly dressed to welcome the Nazi leader. Here is the introductory to the Himmler episodes: When Heinrich Himmler vis- ited Auschwitz camp on July 17th, 1942, Yankel Meisel died because three buttons were missing from his striped, prisoner's tunic. It was probably the first and certainly the last time he had ever been untidy in his life. Most of us liked little, old Yan- kel, though we never got to know him very well. He was a man who always kept his black, teddy bear eyes to the ground, who glided from task to task without as much as a rustle, who obeyed all orders and wove himself relentlessly into the dull, grey fabric that was the camp's background. If he had one ambition, indeed, I feel sure it was to be invisible. Ultimately, of course, he failed to achieve that understandable aim and I have always believed that the consequences of his failure hurt him less than the grand, theatrical manner of its expose. He hated os- tentation, but had it thrust upon him. As the Himmler entourage ap- proached the gates of Auschwitz, in fact, Yankel Meisel was bundled by his own carelessness into the arclight of notoriety. His Block Senior spotted the gaping neck of his tunic. Quickly he was clubbed to death and swept, so to speak, beneath the carpet only minutes before the master arrived to in- spect the household. Yankel never knew that he died on the day the future of Au- schwitz was forged. We who had been more careful with our clothes learned by degrees only what lay ahead. At that time, indeed, I knew lit- tle of what was happening around me and less of what was to come, for I had been a prisoner in the camp only seventeen days. My mind was dominated by the thought of Himmler's visit because for days we had talked of little else. About a week earlier, just as we were about to go to bed, our Block Senior had come bustling into our barrack room. Im- mediately we had fallen silent, for that was the rule and this was a man who controlled our immediate destinies. True, he was a prisoner, like ourselves, but he was a profes- sional criminal, a murderer, to be exact, which placed him on a rung above those whose crime was being Jewish; and the fact that he was a German enhanced his status further. He said: "In a week's time there will be a very big event in the life of the camp. We are to be vis- ited by Reichsfruher Himmler and the instructions for the conduct of prisoners are as follows: "Whenever possible, prisoners will answer by saying either 'yes' or 'no'. They will speak, of course, in the most respectful manner ... "jawohl, melde gehorsam,"nein, melde gehorsam.' "If this should be obviously in- adequate, prisoners will answer as simply as they can. If they should be asked about conditions in the camp, they will say: "I am very happy here, thank you, Sir.' "Everything and everybody in the camp must be perfectly clean — spotless. There must be absolute order. Anybody who fails to carry out these instructions implicitly will be punished with the utmost severity." The length of the quotation is a neces- sity for an understanding of the in- humanities that had been perpetrated. Be- cause it reveals the "forging" of Auschwitz, about which so much has been and is being written, this is a valuable revealing ac- count of the manner in which terror was introduced. Then there is the actual beginning of the horror, and it is dated January 1943, when Himmler came for his second visit to Auschwitz. Here is the description of how Au- schwitz was "generated," how "the gassing had begun," as witnessed by Vrba : Heinrich Himmler visited Au- schwitz Camp again in January, 1943. This time I was glad to see him arrive, though not because I still nursed any faint hope that he would improve our lot through be- nevolence or any sense of justice. His presence was welcome to us all merely because it meant that for one day there would be no un- scheduled beatings or killings. Once more we were lined up, spick and span, with the sick in the rear and the healthy well to the front. Once more the band played and the heels clicked and the jack-boots danced in the lustre shed by the master. Once more he inspected the camp inch by inch, running a podgy, pedantic finger over the mantlepiece of Auschwitz and examining it for dust. And this time there was no Yankel Meisel to drop his tiny personal grain of sand into the smooth machinery. Though he conducted his tour of the camp with his usual thoroughness, it was, however, no more than an aperitif for the meal that was to follow. The main pur- pose of his visit was to see for him- self the bricks and mortar which had sprung from the plans he had outlined in Auschwitz seven months earlier. He was to watch the world's first conveyor belt killing, the in- auguration . of Commandant Hoess's brand new toy, his cre- matorium. It was truly a splendid affair, one hundred yards long and fifty yards wide, containing fifteen ovens which could burn three bodies each simultaneously in Continued on Page 22