the Six Day War mainly by immigrants from the U.S. and other English-speaking countries. So both movements have a growing stake in Israel as a base for permanent Reform and Conservative communities, which have already shown their ability to influence Israeli society from within; and as a major base for educational programs for their worldwide membership. Both movements raise funds abroad to support their presence in Israel. /— 1 \ or their Israel-related activities aboard have not met with much success. In part due to their inexperience in utilizing the funding channels and procedures that other groups have mastered over the years, but mostly because of the double stan- dards and bureaucratic obstacles put up by the veteran Zionist establishment in de- fense of their privileged sources of funds — a good part of which are donated by Jews affiliated to the Reform and Conser- vative movements. Indeed, more WZO and Agency funds go to anti-Zionist yeshivas and programs each year than to the Reform and Conservative movements. Moreover, the resistance of the WZO/Agency establishment to the de- mands of these two movements ha's been reinforced by the line adopted by the UIA, which monitors allocations to the Agency on behalf of American Jewry. 'Eventy years ago the issue of the respon- siveness of the Agency and WZO to the Israel-related goals of the Conservative and Reform movements would not have troubled very many people. At that time, before the Six Day War that awakened broad segments of western Jewry to a desire for closer ties to Israel, both movements had a very modest presence in the Jewish State with little thought of ex- panding significantly. Since then, however, the Reform move- ment has cast off the remnants of its anti- Zionist past and has sought to intensify its presence and involvement in Israel, to the point of moving the international head- quarters of its World Union for Progressive Judaism from New York to Jerusalem. The Conservative movement, which always supported Zionism and Israel, also in- creased its involvement in many spheres. The president of United Synagogue of America, Franklin Kreutzer, was quoted re- cently as saying that the Conservative movement too would probably transfer its international headquarters to Jerusalem, to "have our permanent anchor in Israel, the seat of Jewish influence." rIbday, the Conservative movement in Israel has about 40 congregations and 10,000 members, and the Reform move- ment has 15 congregations and several thousand members. Both have national youth movements and rabbinical programs in Israel to train rabbis to serve their movements in Israel. There are two Reform kibbutzim and one Conservative kibbutz, while the Reform movement has also estab- lished a non-collective settlement known as a mitzpeh. In addition, both movements have greatly expanded their Israel pro- grams for Diaspora students and youth, with the Conservative movement bringing more teenagers to Israel for summer pro- grams than any other group. Both move- ments have shlichim (emissaries) provided by the WZO and receive funding from the Agency and WZO for other educational programs in Israel. The Israeli presence of both movements, which are attracting a small but growing number of Israelis looking for alternative paths to Judaism, has been built up since he director of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, Rabbi Richard Hirsch, outlined the Re- form movement's • philos- ophy regarding its de- mands from the Agency and WZO in an in- terview in his Jerusalem office: "All we want is for the Agency and WZO to be responsive to the needs of the Jewish world, which recognizes Israel as the cen- tral focus of Jewish life. Their money shouldn't be distributed on the basis of political criteria or religious affiliation, but according to which movements can bring Jews to Israel. We have 1 5 million people around the world. Why shouldn't the Agen. cy and WZO fund programs to bring more of them here? We are not asking for special favors — and we don't begrudge the Ortho- dox what they receive — but we want no less than our fair share." His voice was occasionally drowned out by the heavy machinery working in a huge excavated tract next door.— the site of a $30 million world educational center for the Reform movement. This complex, to be dedicated later this year, will include a study center, library, youth hostel and a synagogue, and is going up next to the Hebrew Union College campus in the heart of Jerusalem. An Agency grant of $250,000 towards the construction of the youth hostel in this complex recently made headlines at the February meeting of the Agency Board of Governors in New York. It was perhaps the most controversial item on the board's discussion of the Agency's $381 million budget for 1986/87, due to.the opposition it aroused from leaders of Orthodox par- ties and other Zionist bodies such as the World Confederation of United Zionists, which includes Hadassah. An earlier Agen- cy grant of $500,000 for the hostel was made in 1982. "Our people were very angry and disap- pointed that we didn't get more of what we had asked for, which was $2.9 million for the hostel and study center in the com- plex," said Hirsch, who is a member of the WZO Executive and the Agency Board of Governors. "Compare what we have re- ceived for this hostel to the grants made Part Four