F Both volunteers and clients benefit from the Service With Love BY VICTORIA BELYEU DIAZ Special To The Jewish News Marilyn Felder telephones a client on her list. annie H. is 72. Childless and recently-widowed, she lives alone in Berkley, and has no family. Or, at least she had no family until about a year ago, when a friend put her in touch with Sinai Hospital's Service With Love, a program spon- sored by the hospital and guild, which provides free daily phone calls of help and reassurance to aged and disabled persons in the community. "Now, it'slike we've become a big family," says Fannie. "And I love every single one of them. We talk about things like the weather. They'll ask me how I'm feeling; I'll ask them how they are. Or we'll tell each other little jokes, especially Jewish jokes. I have one lady who calls me who's an especially good teller of Jewish stories. I like that. We laugh." Celebrating its tenth anniversary at Sinai on Sunday with a luncheon honoring its many volunteers, Service With Love was begun in 1976 as an offshoot of a pilot project initiated in the early 1970s at Pontiac General Hospital. At Sinai, the program started with a group of seven volun- teers, who called 13 clients once daily. Today, 425 volunteers keep in touch with almost 1,000 clients per day by phone and, in addition, send out birthday cards, holiday cards, sym- pathy cards, and get-well cards to each client. Resource information is also provided for a client's unmet needs, and personal follow-up service is implemented to make sure needs are taken care of. " Since its inception, Service With Love branches have been established at 14 area churches and synagogues, and 10 smaller satellite stations set up at various community centers. "Our success story emphasizes the tremendous need for this program in our community," says SWL out- reach chairman and former guild president, Rose Greenberg, who helped to found the service at Sinai, after working to establish it at Pon- tiac General. Referrals to the service may be made by hospital personnel, relatives, or the community-at-large, and the service is available to any aged or dis- abled person in the area who might want it, Greenberg says. It is never initiated without the consent of the client, she emphasizes. Although many clients do live alone, says. Sylvia Mevis, staff co- ordinator, that's not a requirement for receiving Service With Love. "Loneli- ness, with our clients, is always the No. 1 problem. We talk with a lot of people who live with their families, and they can be just as lonely as people who live alone. The phone doesn't ring for them. People they've known throughout the years are gone, and they really have no 'outside out- let'." Volunteers who make all calls from their homes, range in age from 30 to 80. After completing orientation classes (which are taught in-home to housebound individuals), each one is provided with a list of about 16 clients' first names and telephone numbers. They are instructed to make all of their calls between 9 and 11 a.m. on one deSignated day during the week, and as a result of this rotating method, each client receives a call from a different volunteer 7 days a week. Clients' and volunteers' last names are not revealed to each other, in order to protect the privacy of both parties. Usually, they never meet, says Mevis. A large number of volunteers are themselves disabled or shut-in and find that Service With Love provides considerable rewards not just for clients, but for callers, too. One such is Marilyn F., 44, who has multiple sclerosis, and has served as a volunteer caller for about two years. After her last stay in a hospi- tal, her aunt suggested to the house- bound mother of three grown children that she call SWL and volunteer, thinking it might help to get her mind off her own problems. "I thought, what the heck, I'm in a similar situation to these people," says Marilyn. "I ought to be able to be compassionate, anyway. "Now, I find it very rewarding to know that they look forward to my calls. Some of these people are very, very lonely and just need someone to talk to. Much of the time, I don't even talk; I just listen." At orientation classes, callers are reminded of the paramount impor- tance of listening attentively to clients. During the approximately two-hour classes, volunteers are also briefed on special problems of the el- derly, and are taught to evaluate and handle emergency situations quickly. Should emergencies occur, volun- teers are instructed to call Mevis at the SWL office. She then gets in touch with a relative or neighbor who per- sonally looks into the situation im- mediately. Marilyn says that she's had to deal with an emergency situation at least once in the last two years. When one of her clients did not answer the phone after several attempts to call her, Mevis was notified, and it was Continued on next page 25