PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ A Notable American Saga Personifying Gabrilowitsch and Twain Musicians on all continents join an- nually in September in honoring the memory of a great pianist, a noted orch- estral conductor and a most interesting personality. It should be occasion for world Jewry to pay special tribute to a man who had made great contributions to Zionist efforts and whose deep interest in the pre-Israel Palestinian projects made the cause of Jewish national rebirth his chief concern in life. These are generally unknown facts, yet Ossip Gabrilowitsch was adamant in his views. It was not a secret: he wanted it known that his chief interest was in the Palestinian efforts of the Zionist move- ment. Interest in Gabrilowitsch and his association with and support of Israeli musical enterprises is mounting with the announcement that the Israel Philhar- monic Orchestra, the successor to the Palestine Symphony, will be featured at the 60th anniversary celebration of the Jewish Welfare Federation, at Meadow Brook, Aug. 28. Gabrilowitsch's background was that of a childhood in a most assimilated Jewish home. There were rumors that he had been converted, but these were never proven, and it is doubtful whether he had ever abondoned his Jewish faith or whether his parents had led him into a Christian affiliation. A lack of a .Jewish education, non-affiliation with Jews, led him far from Jewish ranks. How, then, did he come to Palestine and to Zionism? There is a story which may or may not be apocryphal, and much truth has been attached to it by those who were close to him. It was in the late 1920s that Gab- rilowitsch went to Palestine to visit with a childhood friend, an eminent violinist whose name I have been unable to ascer- tain — one who, like him, was raised in a thoroughly assimilated home. When Gab- rilowitsch confronted his friend he found him without an arm, and as he faced him, aghast, he heard his friend tell him: "Os- sip, do you remember our childhood, our indifference to our Jewish background? It didn't help me when a pogrom broke out in our home town. That's when I lost my arm. When you go back to America, don't you forget what you see here now. You can't escape it, Ossip! You're a Jew!" Never again did Ossip Gabrilowitsch want to escape it. He came back to the United States, began to propagate Zionism, joined in campaigns in behalf of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra. He associated closely with the foun- der of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, the world famous violinist Bronislaw Huberman. Early in 1933, Huberman had written a strong letter to Wilhelm Furtwaengler, the German conductor, de- nouncing Nazism. Many exiled German musicians had gone to Palestine and Huberman was inspired by the idea of a Palestine Symphony Orchestra, whose first concert, upon the founding of the or- chestra, was conducted in Tel Aviv by Ar- turo Toscanini. It was in this project that Gab- rilowitsch took a special interest. His dedication was especially evidenced in 1932. He had contributed regularly to the Detroit Allied Jewish Campaign. One of Detroit's most prominent community per- sonalities who was active on the board of the Detroit Symphony Society again ap- proached Gabrilowitsch for a contribution. It was then that Gabrilowitsch's prefer- ences became known, when, under date of May 17, 1932, the eminent director of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra wrote: As per our conversation over the telephone of yesterday, I am sending you herewith check for 2 Friday, June 20, 1986 Mark Twain (blank amount), for the Allied Jewish Campaign. It is under- stood that the amount of my con- tribution will not be made public. In forwarding this contribution to you I wish to make it clear that the modest amount it represents must not be interpreted as a lack of interest on my part in the affairs of Jewish welfare. On the contrary, my interest in such matters is very earnest, but for reasons which I explained to you over the tele- phone yesterday, I have always made a point of directing my con- tributions to Palestine — rather than to American Jewish philan- thropic organizations. My reasons for this are very simple. I know that there always are and always will be plenty of Jews in the United States who will contribute to the regular philanthropic cam- paigns in the country. Unfortu- nately, there are only very few who take an interest in Palesti- ian affairs. I do believe that those of us who are interested in Pales- tine should make an effort to somewhat readjust this balance, and this can best be done by send- ing contributions to Palestine di- rect. The recipients of such contri- butions, (as far as my donations are concerned) are not only musi- cians and musician institutions, but also other philanthropic organizations in Palestine. In the course of years, they have come to regard my small donations as something they may look forward to with a certain regularity. There- fore, I do not feel that such monies should be deflected from them and directed to institutions located in Detroit or elsewhere in the United States. I believe that my point of view in this matter is logical. I have maintained it for several years in the past, and intend to maintain it in the future. If nevertheless, I am sending you a check today, this is done simply because you men- tioned yesterday that it may be of some moral assistance to your campaign. I must state, however, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ossip Gabrilowitsch that I cannot obligate myself to repeat this contribution in the fu- ture, as it may become more and more imperative to send money direct to Palestine. This letter was addressed to Israel Himelhoch, one of the most prominent Jewish personalities in Michigan Jewry and head of one of the most popular women's apparel stores in the state. Mr. Himelhoch had served as president of Temple Beth El. He headed the public re- lations committee of the Allied Jewish Campaign. He had not made the letter public and he shared it only with Mrs. Joseph (Dora) Ehrlich, who was among the most revered women in American Jewry. Dora gave me a copy of that Gabrilowitsch message to Himelhoch, who frequently referred to it as one of his prize possessions. The Ossip Gabrilowitsch Jewish saga is so deeply moving that it deserves a spe- cial chapter in American-Jewish-Israeli history. In April of 1932 he stated in an interview: "I regret that in my childhood I did not study Hebrew and now, at this period of my life, you can understand it would require very much of my time — but to be able to read the Book of Books, the Bible, in Hebrew, is an accomplishment which has been denied me. It is fine and poetical, this language of our ancestors, and you may say for me that I would consider it a privilege to know Hebrew. Young Jewish people should be encouraged to study the language." Let it be noted that when he made this statement he was 54 years old. He was only 58 at the time of his death, Sept. 14, 1936. On numerous occasions, Gab- rilowitsch spoke glowingly of the work of Hadassah, and he took a deep interest in the Jewish National Fund. The land re- demption agency of the Zionist movement seemed to have a special fascination for him. In 1934, Gabrilowitsch expressed a deep interest in the JNF. He was invited by Mrs. Philip (Anna G.) Slomovitz, who then chaired a donor event for the JNF, to be a guest of the women's group. He made an effort to attend the event, but finding himself pre-dated with an out of town engagement, he had his secretary, Miss Phyllis Harrington, send Mrs. Slomovitz a contribution to the JNF. He had met Mrs. Slomovitz at the convention of the National Council. of Jewish Women, held in Detroit at the end of March 1932. She had gone to the ban- quet of the convention on behalf of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Gab- rilowitsch was the guest artist. After his recital, Mrs. Slomovitz followed him into a reception room. Some Council women, then extremely opposed to Zionism, gues- sed her mission and rushed after her to prevent her from reaching the eminent pianist. $ut she stood her ground and ap- proached the guest artist with the ques- tion: "Mr. Gabrilowitsch, I understand that your honorarium of $500 for tonight's con- cert is being waived by you, conditionally upon its being used for the new music movement in Palestine? I represent the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Do you have any objections to my stating the condi- tions you made for appearing here to- night?" "Objection!" he replied heatedly. "Of course not! I want it known that I want my • fee to go for the aid of the great cause of music in Palestine." And he proceeded to state that "there is in Palestine a music school and choral organizations, and there is' hope for the organization of a symphony and an or- chestra"; that "something distinctly Jewish will arise as a result of the new Jewish developments in Palestine." Thus, Gabrilowitsch was among the pioneers in establishing the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, whose first concert was held Dec. 26, 1936, under Toscanini's direction — three months after Gab- rilowitsch's death. But that concert was also an occasion for tribute to his memory — and the present Israel Philharmonic is the outgrowth of the movement that was inspired by Ossip Gabrilowitsch. In his comment to Anna Slomovitz, he was prophetic about the rise of the great symphony whose glory will contribute toward the celebration of the 60th an- niversary of the Jewish Welfare Federa- tion. When Garbilowitsch spoke of Pales- tine, in the several interviews that were held with him, he took occasion to com- ment on the work of his friend, Prof. S. Rosovsky, the Russian-Jewish musicologist, who was conducting studies in ancient Hebrew music, at the Palestine Institute of Musical Sciences. He anxiously volunteered opinions on what American Jews should do to help the Zionist cause: "I think," he said, "it is our duty to help those who are in Palestine at present and to give them all the moral and financial support at our command. I can- not speak too highly of the type of men and women I saw in Palestine — they are saints and the sacrifices they make have left a deep impression with me." His life was not without tragedy. His wife, Clara Clemens, the daughter of Mark Twain, gained only partial success as a singer. His daughter, Nina, died in January 1966 in a California motel, after having been institutionalized. There are no survivors — and there are no survivors now to Mark Twain. Mrs. Gabrilowitsch remarried, but she was deeply devoted to her late, first husband. She told me at the time of his death about Gabrilowitsch and about Mark Twain — but what concerned her was the fate of her daughter: "You know what is happening now under Hitler," she said. "He is persecuting not only Jews but also half Jews — and my daughter is half- Continued on Page 20