t o 88 Friday, June 13, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS We Answer FOCUS Your Questions GaDfLY! From AtoZ A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L M. N. 0. P. Q. R. S. T. V W. Y. Z. All Things Jewish Baby Sitting Camps Donations Education - Jewish Family Counseling Genetic Counseling Help for the Elderly Israel Jewish Communal Affairs Kashrut Legal Marriage Counseling New in Town Out-of-Town Jewish Resources Psychiatric Services Questions of all Kinds Respite Care Synagogues and Temples Transportation Vocational Counseling Widows Support Group Youth Programs Zillions of Other Things For answers call the Jewish Information Service o u0 FM:TM 1 j1 4 , 9 "143.1 0 • Call 967-HELP* *967-4357 Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. we should not do again." Charity should be an act of partnership, which involves the donor beyond the writing of a check, in Jaffe's opinion. "It really begins after the funds are raised. That's where the excitement, the beauty, the partnership, all the enthusiasm should come to fruition.' "For many American Jews, giving has become mech- anical and often related to status in the American corn- munity. It has not repre- sented an in-depth educa- tional process, nor has it led to any real partnership be- tween Diaspora Jews and Israelis." On the other hand, Jaffe praised the Jewish Agency's Project Renewal program for rehabilitating depressed neighborhoods. "One of the nicest things that came out of Renewal was that it provided one of the best classrooms that anybody could ever set up for the donor leadership abroad. They saw our Israeli politics and our Israeli problems, our grass roots citizenry, our neighborhoods and our mayors, and the problems of accountability. "They watched their Re- newal money closely, almost as if through a magnify- ing glass. Then you could talk with them about why shouldn't the same account- ability and the same wat- chdogging be equally 'ap- propriate for all the other monies that come to the Jewish Agency." Another important ingre- dient of Project Renewal has been its inclusion of local peo- ple in the programming, plan- ning and execution of its pro- jects. "It took the residents into the mayor's office through the front door, not through the back window," said Professor Jaffe. "And if the residents are really well organized now, it's because of Project Renewal." An essential part of Project Renewal planning, in which Jaffe participated, was that outside funding was not open-ended, but provided bases on which neighbor- hoods could build. "There has to be closure; these are not charity pro- grams," said Jaffe. "Now the question is, what will remain when they pull out?" It may take years before ultimate success or failure of the pro- gram can be assessed. Another way for overseas contributors to get more in- volved in the spending of their philanthropic dollars is through support of lesser- known Israeli charities. To make these smaller charities known overseas, Jaffe com- piled a 656-page English- language directory of vol- unteer social services in , Israel, entitled "Giving Wisely." Large organizations, whose multi-faceted activities could hardly be compressed into the one or two pages allotted each entry, do not appear in the book. Not surprisingly, its publication has served to reinforce Jaffe's anti-estab- lishment reputation. Further- more, its subtitle, "The Israel Guide to Non-Profit and Volunteer Social Services," did nothing to allay fears of establishment fundraisers that the book might deflect money that would otherwise be donated to their causes. Jaffe denied that he is necessarily anti-estab- lishment. He said his purpose was to advise people who want to know where their money is going, who want to give on a personal level in ad- dition to UJA and other such contributions, or who want to support small causes with whose goals they could iden- tify. "Giving Wisely" does not purport to evaluate the charities it describes, al- though Jaffe had originally. planned to rate them. He felt, however; that he could not _apply his subjective criteria to causes that might have dif- ferent priorities for his readers. Instead, he listed the names and addresses or phone numbers of principals of every charity, suggesting potential donors make con- tact. He pointed out that the red-bordered white triangle on the book's cover is the universal driving symbol for "proceed with caution." Professor Jaffe has his own "pet charities." Father of four children, he helped organize Zahavi, a group dedicated to improving condi- tions for Israel's large fami- lies. The name, which literal- ly means "my gold," is also an acronym for the Hebrew of "the rights of families blessed with children." He was a founder and chairman of the Israeli board of The New Israel Fund, which has a parallel Amer- ican board and raises seed- money for small innovative projects. These projects often "fall between the cracks of traditional Jewish philan- thropy because they are too small, too risky or too con- troversial.," he explained. The fund sets two-year and $10,000 limits on its grants to individual, community based programs. These are described in "Giving Wisely" as in the areas of "com- munity organization, civil liberties, women's rights, the environment and Arab- Jewish relations." Jaffe's fundraising on behalf of small charities are in memory of his older brother, Arthur Yitzchak Jaffe, whose murder during a robbery in Cleveland in 1978, led Eliezer Jaffe into a dark period of soulsearching and question- ing. Documentation of that period and his tribute to his brother are to be found in his book, "Letters to Yitz." Pro- fessor Jaffe, who is religious- ly observant, described him- self as now having a "bitter- sweet relationship toward God." Professor Jaffe's parents were immigrants to Clev- eland, where they set him a strong example of commun- ity involvement and ad- herence to Jewish ideals. It is these ideals — and not con- troversy — that he is at- tempting to perpetuate with his campaigns, he says. ( French Refusal To Help Follows Historic Pattern BY MORRIS J. AMITAY Even though the United States is a superpower with "alliances" throughout the world, our coun- try occasionally feels lonely. All of America's European allies, not just Britain, should have sup- ported the air strike against Libya. And yet, neither morality, friendship nor logic could per- suade our friends to do so, par- ticularly France, who wouldn't even allow our flights in their air space. For the past ten years, a de- pendence on Arab sources (such as Libya) for oil has been cited as the explanation for the pro-Arab positions of these countries and for their refusals to sell arms to Israel. While giving in to the threat of Arab oil blackmail might be re- garded as immoral, at least eco- nomic self-interest legitimized the act. This was the rationale France used when it released known PLO terrorist Abu Daoud in 1977, despite West German and Israeli requests for his ex- tradition. But today, with a world oil glut and a relatively insignificant trade between France and Libya, France can hardly use economic self-interest as a reason for refus- ing the U.S. request. Neither can one discern a streak of pacifism in French foreign policy. Granted, France has suffered a series of military defeats dating back to Napolean. Nevertheless, she has shown great willingness to intervene militarily when overseas inter- <