27 *LIBERTY'S PROMISE* Iacocca: Favors "ethnic Williamsburg" over "tax shelters." Photo by Jon Abbott for Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc, Feuding Interior Secretary Don Hodel and Chrysler chief Lee Iacocca agree that the Great Hall should be restored. The Hall is currently shrouded in scaffolding. The Times opted for yet a third plan that has been floating around the Interior Department; the ominous- sounding "Fence" plan. This would literally fence off the southern end from the public. Buildings would deteriorate until funds for their • restoration or demolition — or whatever — were available. Keith Eastin, deputy undersecretary of the Interior Department, said he is "uncomfortable" with this option. "These buildings are decaying by the year," he said. "Nothing is being done to help them withstand the elements. I don't know how long they can last." The Interior Department is still accepting proposals for Ellis Island, said Eastin. "People have some ideas," he said, "but these usually consist of one or two sentences. No details. I really don't expect any more proposals to be submitted." Of those plans that may still be submitted, Eastin said, "I won't tell anybody what to do, as long as it's in good taste.- Another concern of Eastin's is money. Funding for the S70 million conference center would come from its developers, New York's non-profit Center for Housing Partnerships. The S150 million for the "ethnic Williamsburg" would come from the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation — if any money exists after spending more than S250 million to rehabilitate the Statue and the northern acreage on Ellis Island. So for fiscal, aesthetic and historic reasons, Interior officials are leaning toward the conference center. But at least one Member of 'Congress fears it could be a public relations can of worms. "It could be a terrible embarrassment for us,- said Bruce Vento, (D-Minn.), chairman of the Interior National Parks and Recreation Subcommittee. "It would be like having activities in and around the Lincoln Memorial or another of our great memorials that we would not have much to say about," said Vento. "A group from South Africa might rent it. Or a Democratic or Republican convention could be held in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty." No such chance, said Bill Hubbard, head of the group that has proposed the conference center. The university or consortium of universities that would run the center, said Hubbard, would assure that there were no snafus. "Oddly enough," added Hubbard, "Lee Iacocca, whom I admire greatly, has gone around the country calling for more open debate on everything from industrial policy to balance of payments. That's the exact sort of discussion we'd like to have at the conference center."