2 Friday, June 13, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Israel's 'Centrality' Claim Is Now Being Brutally Tested In the past decade, at least, emphasis in dealing with Israel when American identification was most notably pleaded for, was the centrality of the Jewish State. It has been treated with great respect. Centrality became a rallying call. The fact that such appeals were most usually re- sorted to in fundraising is not such a nota- bly self-respecting credo in the search for mutually admiring relationships between Israel and Diaspora Jewry. This is an as- pect in current discussions dealing with Israel-Diaspora relations that will surely merit continuing discussions. There are more challenging occurrences at the mo- ment. "Centrality for Israel" in Jewish ex- perience receives a serious blow in the current developments. The Zionist idea is under challenge. In an era that follows the years when the American official friend- ship and support for Israel invited the sob- riquet "Fifty-First State" for Israel, there now is the panic created by the United States threatening to supersede Israel as the great Zionist attraction in Jewish life. More Jews have left Israel in 20 years than have settled there, and the yerida is frightening for many, both in the U.S. and in Israel. Officially, it has been announced that 170,000 have left Israel in two de- cades. Unofficially, the figure mounts to 300,000. The reasons are obvious: the state of war always confronting Israel, the Ameri- can economic temptations, the luxuries that are constantly glorified in the Israeli advertising pages whenever an American product is portrayed. What has happened to halutziut, to pioneering, which was the central theme in Zionism? How does the Zionist ideal of fulfillment of Prophecy function in the current developments and discussions? The problem emerges in all its- aggra- vations in the feature article by Thomas L. Friedman, "America in the Mind of Is- rael." The opening sentences of that article are featured as the front cover of the New York Times Magazine of May 25: For Israel's founding fathers, America was supposed to be a be- nign distant giant, and the Jewish • State was supposed to become self-sufficient, independent and so attractive that Jews from all over the world, including the United States, would flock there. But now, as the recent hit song in Is- rael 'puts it, "Everyone is dream- ing about America." The details of Friedman's analyses are surely frightening for dedicated Jews for whom the Zionist ideal is uppermost in their spiritual aspirations. Many opinions are quoted. The one to be given special The Jewish Press As A Powerful Instrument In American Life When the American Jewish Press Association's editors and publishers as- semble in Boston next week, a major item on the agenda will be a report on the surveyed status of the Jewish press in America. Dr. Henry LaBrie, professor of journalism at Boston University, con- ducted the study resulting from oral his- tory interviews with the knowledgeable in the profession. Many links with all aspects of Jewish life in this country will surely find echoes in such a survey. There is always an urgent need to keep history alive, and the Jewish press has most powerful identifications with the adven- tures imbedded in Jewish history. Ther American Jewish Press Asso- ciation already has to its credit a rich chapter in American Jewish history. It has grown in recent years and its accom- plishments are impressive. The American Jewish Press Asso- ciation became the abbreviated name of the journalists' movement which first was organized as the American Associa- tion of English-Jewish Newspapers. It grew from an original membership of less than 20, because of the limitation then to the large cities status, to the more than 100 today. At the very begin- ning, your commentator, as the associa- tion's first president, could define the English-Jewish weekly newspaper under the title "It Happens Every Fri- day." In view of the emphasis given the movement's background at the current conventions a viewpoint expressed by me at the convention of the then American Association of English-Jewish Newspap- ers in Atlanta May 20, 1965, could serve as an addendum to the study conducted by Prof. LaBrie. Providing an outline of the services rendered the communities, in the syna- gogues, the social circles, the world phenomena, I pointed out that the jour- nalistic instruments became the inevit- able "Every Friday" phenomenon for American Jewry. Without quotation marks, what I said then could be judged as a truism to this day. I pointed out: The English-Jewish newspaper — as the topic assigned for me as The Liv- ing Jewish Newspaper — is an instru- ment in American Jewry which causes American Jews in tens of thousands of hmes throughout the land, to await the postman, every Friday, for the arrival of their newspaper, giving reality to the truth that something happens Every Friday — bringing you the news of your rabbis' sermons, the successes of your children and your neighbor's children in education, in science, in industry, in government and in private service; tel- ling you about births and the inevitable passing of friends or kinsmen, giving you the news about consecrations and com- munal developments in your midst. But your newspaper is much more than that. It is the guardian over the welfare of our people. It is the historian of Israel. It is the reporter of events af- fecting the health, education and recrea- tion of Jewry. It is the chronicle of our time and it may well be considered the third volume of the Biblical Book of Chronicles —.the Divrey Ha-Yamin. It is the sentinel that watches over our free- doms, the defender of our basic Ameri- can ideals and of our sacred Jewish tra- ditions, Without this watch-dog over Jewry's destinies, the great movements which operate in behalf of the downtrodden and which support Israel would not be able effectively to reach out into the com- munities which supply the funds for creative efforts and for redemption. Without your newspaper there would be no links between the Jewries of Atlanta and Memphis and Nashville and Miami and Detroit and Pittsburgh and Philadelphia and Los Angeles and St. Continued on Page 34 attention is the view of Rabbi David Hartman, director of Shalom Hartman In- stitute for Advanced Judaic Studies in Jerusalem. Understandably, Friedman used the following Hartman statement to conclude his article: "When the ear,ly Zionists spoke of life in the Diaspora," argued Rabbi Hartman, "they never had America in mind, with such a vibrant Jewish community and such a vibrant American community. What this means is that Israel can't anymore simply say to American Jews, 'Come be- cause you are either going to as- similate or suffer a pogrom.' That isn't sufficient, especially when Is- rael's own future depends in a way on there being a vital Ameri- can Jewish community. "No, the challenge of America to Israel is to revitalize itself, to build a society that will be compel- ling, meaningful and attractive and make living here as a Jew sig- nificant and exciting. It is not enough anymore for Israel to pro- claim its 'centrality.' With America out there, it is going to have to prove it." Is there an end to "centrality?" With- out halutziut — the Zionist pioneering spirit — how can there be a "revitaliza- tion" . . . "to build a' society that will be compelling, meaningful and attractive and make living here (in Israel) as a Jew significant and exciting?" Back to halutziut? That requires reat- tainment of the Prophetic Spirit of Rede- mption, without the fears of anti- Semitism that drove so many Jews to Palestine; with a Holocaust to create anew the "revitalization" so urgent for a strong Jewish existence. Is there a necessary inspired spark in the Jewish youth, in both the United States and Israel, to lead to the newly- needed redemption? Surely a direly needed and newly inspired and revitalized educational system is an urgency. Thomas Friedman has inspired consideration of new appraisals to fulfill the needs. Israel: The Guilt? Diaspora: The Testing? Thomas Friedman invites serious at- tention to the most challenging Israeli de- velopments. Factual, drawing upon the realities of life, leaning upon opinions of prominence in Israel's life, his scores of revelations, brutal as they may sound, must be treated with sincerity. They must not irritate. They are only introductory to evaluating the relationships between Is- rael and the United States. They are also the definitive about the peoples in Israel and in the Diaspora, with emphasis on this country. In more than one sense, Friedman's presentation warns that Zionism does not continue as the triumphant liber- tarianism in Jewish life. His factual statements may even say to his readers that Zionism is either on the decline or even on the way out as a great force in Jewish experience. This is where the chal- lenge begins for Israel, the testing for American Jewry. Into the discussion enters the historic obligation that involved Zionism and Prophecy. Is it possible that any portion of world Jewry could or would contribute toward the annihilation of the Zionist ideal? How can one ever think of Judaism without the Zionist call to action? Yet, aliyah as a movement is bank- rupt: less than 50,000 American Jews have settled in Israel since the founding of the state 38 year ago, and more Jews leave the country than settle there. Even the Russian phase of hopeful settlers from the USSR has collapsed. Who is at fault? Is the American Jewish community to be blamed for the transfer of the historic area of redemption from Israel to the United States? Furthermore, why did the self- respecting Israelis submit to an end to the sanctity of pioneering and instead permit- ted the entry of sinfulness into the Israel scheme of things. Is Israel "sinful"? Is resort to. this term permissible? Let a portion of the Friedman NYTimes article speak for it- self. On the painful religious issue he wrote: This is only one reason why in the coming years Israel could be- come religiously, and maybe polit- iCally, unrecognizable to many American Jews. The Orthodox stream of Judaism, which is the only stream recognized in Israel, has been trying for several years to pass a law in the Knesset, the "who is a Jew" amendment, which would in effect undercut the legitimacy of Reform or Conserva- tive rabbis by stipulating that anyone converted to Judaism by them would not be considered Jewish, and would be ineligible for automatic Israeli citizenship. The vast majority of affiliated American Jews are associated with either the Reform or Conser- vative movements. "There is a danger of a real religious schism," said Rabbi Richard G.. Hirsch, who repre- sents the Reform movement in Is- rael. "We are creating two Judaisms, one for ISrael and one for America and the rest of the world. If the who is a Jew' amendment passes, there is no question that a lot of American Jews are going to be turned off to Israel." The Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative rabbis in America has already passed a resolution banning from speaking in its synagogues any Knesset member who voted in favor of the who is a Jew" amendment. The ban in- cludes representatives of religious parties as well as most Members of the Likud Party. There is astonishingly little awareness on a popular level in Israel of just how serious the situ- ation might become. The majority of Israelis are nonobservant Jews who express their Judaism through living in a Jewish state, not by praying. But when Israelis do think of religion, they think of the Orthodox Jews who have monopolized religious life in their country. American-style Reform and Conservative Judaism are to- tally alien to them. Before the who-is-a-Jew amendment came to a vote last year (it was narrowly defeated), a delegation of American Reform and Conservative rabbis went to lobby (vainly) Yitzhak Shamir, Is- rael's Foreign Minister, against voting in its favor. Mr. Shamir began the meeting by asking the delegation, "Is it true that in America you can get a conversion to Judaism over the telephone?" In a way, the 71-year-old Mr. Continued on Page 34