16 Friday, June 6, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS had concerned them when the two bodies were separated. hese trends are most evi- dent in Jewish education for the Diaspora. The reconstituted Agency's first ventures into this field in fact preceeded the Caesarea process, with the establishment of two funds for Diaspora Jewish education. The Pincus Fund for Jewish Education in the Diaspora was founded in 1975, to assist in the develop- ing of Jewish education programs and in- stitutions outside of Israel. The Joint Pro- gram for Jewish Education was founded in 1979 to fund Jewish education programs for the Diaspora that are developed or car- ried out in Israel. Over the years, the funds allocated about $30 million to about 250 projects, and disbursed close to $20 million by the end of 1985. The Pincus Fund is chaired by Max Fisher of Detroit, founding chairman of the Board of Governors of the reconstituted Agency and former president of the Coun- cil of Jewish Federations. The Joint Pro- gram is chaired by Morton Mandel of Cleveland, former president of the JWB and the CJF. Mandel also chairs a new Agency committee on Jewish education established in 1984. The Pincus Fund operates as a founda- tion, providing grants from the interest earned on its capital, which today amounts to about $25 million. The Jewish Agency has contributed most of the capital, the government of Israel about $4 million, and the WZO and American Joint Distribution Committee about $1 million each. The Joint Program was supposed to make Where Do All Our Dollars Go? grants from equal sums budgeted annual- ly by the Agency and the government, but in practice the Agency has put in most of the money at the program's disposal. The government's contributions to both funds have fallen short of its original commit- ments. A recent study examining the structure and performance of both funds has pointed to a number of problems. The study, car- ried out in 1985 by Dr. Mervin Verbit, con- cluded that the funds have not formulated clear long-range goals for the enhancement of Jewish education to guide them in their allocation policy. It recommended that they should make comprehensive assess- ments of the needs of Jewish• education in various communities, to determine the specific goals to which they would lend their support. The funds have not yet discussed the report, which has not been published, and no official comment was available on its conclusions. The study also pointed out the problem- atic relation of the WZO departments of education and youth to the funds, which is particularly acute in the case of the Joint Program. The WZO contributes none of the funds for the Joint Program, but its representatives sit on the committee that makes the crucial recommendations for allocations. What is more, the departments themselves are among the most frequent applicants for money! Such conflicts of in- terest have also affected past and present members of this committee, who are or have been connected to institutions that received some of the biggest grants from the Joint Program. In general, there has been considerable tension between the WZO departments — which feel that they should have more of a say in how the funds allocate their money, and that more of this money should be used to fund their ongoing activities — and other members of the funds' boards. Some of the others believe that the funds "should, be totally independent of the Jerusalem would con- tinue to be viewed as a bottleneck instead of as a hub for international communication and cooperation. departments and thus able to provide as- sistance to Jewish education in ways that are free of the organizational and political considerations that are seen to influence the decisions of the departments." Another political consideration noted in the funds' work has been the perceived "need to be `even-handed' in responding to similar pro- posals from competing institutions." Other observers have noted a tendency to shut out applications from institutions that were not favorably regarded by some of the more influential members of the funds' boards. 'lb reduce some of these difficulties, the report proposed that the boards and com- mittees of the funds be expanded to in- clude "a number of distinguished, inde- pendent people who are not tied to the partners in the funds or to major grant recipients." While noting the efficient work of the funds in monitoring the use of the money by grant recipients, the report also faulted them for neglecting to institute systematic procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of the projects funned. opes for broader Israel- based efforts to improve Diaspora Jewish educa- tion less hampered by the political and organiza- tional interests of the WZO departments have been pinned of late on the Jewish Educa- tion Committee of the Jewish Agency, set up in 1984 as a result of the Caesarea Pro- cess. Only about a third of the 30 members of the committee represent the WZO, while the rest represent Diaspora communities and organizations. According to the committee's senior con- sultant and coordinator, Prof. Seymour Fox, the aim of the committee is not to grow into another department or fund that would compete with those already existing. The formal mandate of the committee is to monitor and coordinate the Agency's pre-