18 Friday, May 30, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS it takes many of them a full year before they can communicate effectively. Fluen- cy in English should be a prime criterion of selection. * Shlichim are not adequately briefed before coming and frequently have no chance to meet with their predecessors, so they have to waste many months learning the job from scratch. * Political party affiliation "has not proved to be a productive selection basis," and appointments should be made on the basis of personal and professional quali- fications. * The shlichim display a lack of knowl- edge about the structure and style of American Jewish life, and about the religious and cultural pluralism that exists in the U.S. "They come with a particular bias or a particular strain of religious or political belief which limits their effec- tiveness to the group which thinks along the same lines." Shlichim should be given "intensive learning experiences relating to the totality of life in the U.S. prior to their arrival," the Americans recommended. * The criteria for assigning shlichim should be revised, to avoid situations now common where a youth group with a small membership has more shlichim than a group with many more members. Criticism at 515 Park Avenue has also focused on what the American Zionist leaders regard as the amateurish approach of shlichim to some of the more compli- cated aspects of their jobs. Shlichim are often expected to organize and publicize tours to Israel that are sponsored by their departments, without having any ex- perience in these areas and without any in- put from travel or public relations special- ists, which is ruled out as "too expensive." The Landau Commission concluded that much of the duplication, waste and pol- itical excesses of the system could be eliminated if most of the functions in- volved in the selection, coordination and organization of shlichim could be trans- ferred from the departments to a central shlichut authority. The shlichim dispatched to each country . would each have specific functional tasks as part of a unified group working closely with the local Zionist federations. Adopt- ing these measures would enable the WZO to cut the shlichut roster by a third without harming the quality or quantity of the work done, the report said. The com- mission's recommendations for redefining the ideological role of shlichim are much more vague, however, and do not seem to have been formulated with the special con- ditions of American Jewry in mind. These general criticisms and recommen- dations blur some important distinctions between types of shlichim. Most of the problems cited pertain mainly to youth movement and aliya shlichim, while the community shlichut has been widely Where Do All Our Dollars Go? praised as a positive element on an other- wise highly problematic scene. The youth movement shlichim have a venerable tradition in the Zionist move- ment, and they were responsible for inspir- ing small numbers of young American Jews to make aliya in the early years of the state. Some of them in turn made important contributions to Israel as halut- zim (pioneers) building new kibbutzim in the outlying areas of the country. Even though some young American Jews are still attracted by the ideals of Zionist pioneering, many people today believe that the role of the classic Zionist youth move- ment shaliach may be anachronistic — especially in view of the large numbers of shlichim relative to the small numbers of youth movement members. According to figures obtained from Don Adelman, the former director of the American Zionist Youth Foundation (AZYF), there are about 20,000 teenagers and students who are considered to be members of the main classical Zionist youth movements, which are attached to political movements in the WZO. The largest of these is Young Judea, Many shlichim have to learn their vaguely defined jobs virtually from scratch, which may take them the better part of a year. which has over 10,000 members and 12 shlichim assigned to it. The others — which include Bnei Akiva, Betar, Hab- onim, Masada, and Hashomer Hatzair — range in size from over 3,000 to under 1,000. It is recognized, though, that the figures for the latter groups are somewhat overstated, since the notion of "members" can encompass youths who may turn up only a few times a year for activities, or those who sign up for a summer trip to Israel and never attend any meetings afterwards. Nevertheless, these five groups with their estimated 10,000 mem- bers have a total of 45 shlichim assigned to them by the Youth and Hehalutz Department. The imbalance in the allocation of youth shlichim is apparent when one compares these figures to the number assigned to the largest American Jewish youth groups: United Synagogue Youth (20- 25,000) of the Conservative movement, the Reform National Federation of Temple Youth (15,000), the Orthodox National Council of Synagogue Youth (10,000) and the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (25-30,000). These groups, with a total of about 80,000 youth, have only 10 shlichim altogether from the Youth and Hehalutz Department. While these groups or their parent organizations have been associated with the WZO for only about 10 years, there is still a great unmet demand among them for Israel-oriented activities that can best be provided or supervised by shlichim from Israel. In theory at least, these major American Jewish youth organizations provide a golden opportunity for the WZO to spread the Zionist message to masses of youth. The department's notion of fairness in the distribution of shlichim, however, is to allot three shlichim each to USY, NIFTY, and NCSY, so that in formal terms at least, the Conservative, Reform and Orthodox movements cannot complain of discrimination on this level. The Landau Commission cited this im- balance in the allocation of shlichim, and recommended that these three movements be allowed to have a role in the process that decides how many shlichim are assigned to the various movements. This process has always been political, and the number of available shlichim posts have always been divided up in the WZO as part of the general "spoils system" operating there. Since the three parent bodies of NIFTY, USY and NCSY are only weakly repre- sented in.the WZO, they have no leverage to secure a more equitable system of allocation. Since many of the classical Zionist youth movements have few members, the work for shlichim with chapters at the local level takes up relatively little time. Many shlichim take on other tasks such as recruiting for kibbutz programs, organiz- ing settlement groups, doing Zionist work on campuses, teaching in Jewish schools or working in Jewish community centers. In addition, they are expected to look after the interests of their sponsoring Israeli political body in the communities where they are assigned. The job of youth movement shaliach can easily become a patchwork affair where bits and pieces of tasks are added to the basic one, which in itself would not be suf- ficient to justify the expense of sending a shaliach and his or her family abroad. Since the job is worked out on an ad hoc basis, this raises the question of how ap- propriate candidates can be selected for a job that is defined only after the shaliach arrives on the scene. One could argue that if a community needed more teachers or community center workers from Israel, it would be more logical to select shlichim with these tasks in mind, rather than having a youth move- ment shaliach do this work "on the side" because he has only 12 kids in his local chapter, which meets only on every other