14 Friday, May 30, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Can the WZO Deliver The Message And The Goods? The World Zionist Organization is charged with providing high quality personnel and programs to bring the message of Israel and Zionism to Jews around the world. But critics say that the WZO, plagued by internal politics, stifles professionalism and offers little accountability. BY CHARLES HOFFMAN Special to TheiJewish News w hen American Jewish lead- ers negotiated the 1971 agreement that formally separated the Jewish Agency from the World Zionist Organization (WZO), they did so under the watchful eye of the U.S. Internal RevenUe Service. The IRS had taken a dim view of the tax-exempt philanthropic dollars raised by the United Jewish Ap- peal being used to fund the educational and political activities carried out all over the world by the WZO. At that time, the Diaspora leaders were content to focus their time and energy on the Jewish Agen- cy, leaving the WZO mainly in Israeli hands. Fifteen years later, however, an increas- ing number of Diaspora leaders are taking a more critical look at an arrangement which left them with little influence over the services provided by the WZO. They are particularly concerned about the WZO's ability to provide the high-quality programs and personnel needed to bring the message of Israel and Zionism to Jews around the world. Many leaders have reached the conclusion that the perfor- mance of the WZO has been seriously wanting. Indeed, more than a few would consider that an understatement. This view has led some Diaspora leaders to look for ways to remedy the situation, which in turn has sparked conflicts with some of the forces in Israel that control the Where Do All Our Dollars Go? WZO. The dissatisfaction has even spread recently to parts of the WZO itself. For example, many American Jewish leaders fail to understand why dozens of shlichim (emissaries from Israel) are sent by the WZO ostensibly to work with Zionist youth groups which have few members, while the youth movements of the Conservative, Orthodox and Reform movements -get only a token number of shlichim; or why many shlichim are sent to the U.S. without an adequate command of English or under- standing of the American Jewish commun- ity. Likewise, Jewish educators are asking pointed questions about the poor. quality of services and personnel provided to America by the two WZO education departments. The split in functions and formal sources of funding between the Jewish Agency and WZO has put Diaspora Jewry in a paradoxical situation. The leaders of the UJA and Keren Hayesod (the equivalent of the UJA in other countries) have a 50 percent share in the governance of the Jewish Agency and can influence what it does for Israelis. But these same leaders have little influence over the nature and quality of the services the WZO provides in their own communities abroad or for Diaspora Jews in Israel. And whether they know it or not — and most do not — the Diaspora philanthropists are still paying • - .. - . • .-• ■ •• ■ - - - C- •_ for the WZO through a complex and sha- dowy system of indirect funding (see box). The Israeli parties and their Zionist af- filiates that run the WZO thus have the best of both worlds. They have a 50 per- cent share in governing the Agency and use some of its resources to their partisan advantage; and they have full control of the WZO — which is paid for by the Diaspora philanthropists — without any formal accountability to those who really foot the bill. Although the Agency and the WZO started out as distinct bodies, each with a defined task in the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, they merged for all practical purposes after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. This in turn created a problem for the UJA, since some of the money it was raising, ostensibly for Israel's social and educational needs, was going to fund the political activities of