31 \\\ \\ NN\Ns\\ \ \ \ A \ N \\ \ ■ X \ `\ • \\\ \\ \\ \ " 1 \\\ N \\\\N \ \\\ \NNN policies and priorities of the Agency have been subordinated to partisan political in- terests rooted in the World Zionist Organiza- tion (WZO), Diaspora Jewry's "partner" in running the Agency. This series will explore five aspects of the Agency and its relations with the WZO that have lately been of particular concern to Jewish leaders around the world: 1. Is Youth Aliya still relevant to the needs of Israel's disadvantaged youth? 2. Is the WZO capable of delivering the message of Israel and Zionism to world Jewry? 3. Are Jewish education and aliya too im- portant for all Jews to be left in the hands of the "Zionists?" 4. Can the Reform and Conservative movements strengthen their foothold in Israel through the Agency and WZO? 5. What have diaspora Jewish leaders been doing to improve the Jewish Agency? Charles Hoffman is a veteran reporter for the Jerusalem Post who has written frequently on the Jewish Agency and Israel-Diaspora relations. i hat does the Jewish Agency do with the hundreds of millions of dollars it re- ceives each year from Dias- pora Jewry? Officials say that the Agency meets certain social and educational needs in Israel that the gov- ernment cannot afford to provide. But . some of these needs are rarely re-examined, and Jewish Agency programs can run on for years without anyone questioning whether the original needs are still as pressing, or if earlier solutions are still relevant. A case in point is Youth Aliya, one of the four main Agency departments, which has been allocated $52 million — out of a total Agency budget of $429 million — for the 1986-87 fiscal year. Youth Aliya has for more than 50 years amassed a distinguished record in the res- cue and rehabilitation of Jewish youth through a unique program of residential education. Since it began in 1934, it has brought 170,000 children to Israel and cared for them and young people from 80 \\ \\ \\N\ \ \ \ nations. A wide array of educational and social services are provided for youth in distress, from immigrants such as the Ethiopians rescued in Operation Moses, to Israeli-born youth with severe learning problems. Over 16,000 wards are receiving schooling, vocational training and agricul- tural education in 246 "youth villages" and institutions; 2,500 others attend day care centers. In recent years the department has broadened its role by setting up high- school study programs for Diaspora youth from western countries. This is the image of Youth Aliya pro- jected by fund-raising campaigns abroad and the hundreds of UJA missions that visit Israel each year. It is an accurate image as far as it goes, but it is not the whole story. Indeed, the fund-raising hype and the stage-managed missions tend to hide the facts that the department's main program is increasingly regarded as obsolete and that political pressures have converted Youth Aliya into one of Israel's main sources of funds for anti-Zionist yeshivas. . Art By Giora Carmi Part One