31 B'NAI B'RITH FAMILY NIGHT AT TIGER STADIUM MR. SPRINKLER Tuesday, June 10, 1986, 7:30 p.m. I Vs. THE NEW YORK YANKEES I commercial & residential lawn sprinklers Tickets Available Thru B'nai B'rith 25835 Southfield Rd., Sfld., MI 48075 Bus Transportation — Nominal Fee For Additional Info — 552-8177 • Finally there is the matter of the Soviet bloc exploiting Arab radicalism in efforts to extend their power and influence. The Soviets have political and mili- tary training centers for the ter- rorist cadre, what they call "free- dom fighters." The Soviets pro- vide know-how for handling exp- losives, the fine arts of clandes- tine operations, the use of prop- aganda — all the skills to subvert and weaken nations. We should make it clear to the Russians they can't help stir up terrorism and still have good political rela- tions, or commerce or tourism, from the West. Those who look for causes of terrorism usually have the wrong cause in mind. If our world is going to be decent and civilized, there never can be any excuse that can justify the deliberate kidnapping, maiming and mur- der of innocent civilians. 10% OFF New York (JTA) — An Israeli- born Weizman Institue of Science specialist in bone mar- row transplants arrived in Moscow last week to aid pa- tients suffering marrow damage from radiation poisoning as a result of the Soviet nuclear plant accident at Chernobyl. The Israeli expert is Dr. Yair Reisner, affiliated with the Weizman Institute in Rehovot since 1961, and currently work- ing at New York's sloan-Ket- tering Cancer Center. Two other bone marrow experts — Drs. Paul Terasaki and Richard Gale — also left New York for Moscow with Reisner to aid the patients. 552-7288 c each pants • sweaters • skirts (Lined, pleated and heavy weight 26c extra) Winter Coat Special $3.99 VALID WITH COUPON ONLY ea. EXPIRES 5-30-86! - li st QUALITY WORK AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES 5440350 New Hours The Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting and Elections of the Ear- resistible! will take place on Tuesday, June 3rd, 1986, 7:30 p.m. in the Louis and Esther LaMed Auditorium of the United Hebrew Schools 21550 West Twelve Mile Road, Southfield A golden opportunity to select from the most exciting collection of fashion earrings ever. REAR-ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING IN AJ Committee Meeting in DC Israeli Expert Aids Chernobyl Victims FREE ESTIMATES 3011 W. 12 Mile Rd. Compare & Save $$$ Mon.-Fri. 7-6 Sat. 8-4 UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS New York — Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Ambassador of Israel Meir Rosenne, Ambas- sador of Egypt El Sayed Abdel Raouf El Reedy, Secretary of Education William Bennett, Senator Carl Levin, Ambassador Sol Linowitz, AIPAC President Robert Asher and American Jewish Congress President Theo- dore Mann are among the fea- tured speakers at the American Jewish Committee's 80th An- niversary annual meeting this week in Washington, D.C. Among the issues to be dis- cussed are the latest events in the Middle East and current progress toward peace; ways of combatting international terrorism; the role schools play in instilling values; the resurgence of religious ac- tivism in American society; Jewish interests and the political process; lobbying as part of the democratic system; American policy on social issues; abortion; changing male and female roles in today's family, and Jewish identity and artistic expression. LABOR custom installation and repair MODEL DISCOUNTCLEANERS Across From The Berkley Theater on President Dr. Barbara Goodman Vice Presidents Jeffrey N. Bonin SELECT A GIFT FROM TAPPER'S Alex Ehrmann Donald J. Katz Secretary Donald Fox Treasurer Robert A. Berlow Assistant Treasurer Herbert Goldstein Executive Committee Renah Bardenstein James Fuller Benjamin Rosenthal Board Members (1 year) Sherry Smerling Board Members (2 years) Sherrie Kass Betty Weiner SAVE 30 /0 off of retail One week only May 16-23 Board Members (3 years) Robert A. Berlow Anaruth Bernard Jeffrey N. Bonin Alex Ehrmann Dr. Joseph Epel Sidney D. Feldman Donald Fox James Fuller Dr. Barbara Goodman Alan Hitsky Jerry Knoppow Beverly Liss Benjamin Rosenthal Vivian Stollman Arthur A. Weiss Neal Zalenko Jeffrey N. Bonin, Chairman Nominations Committee Over 500 pair in stock THE MIDRASHA COLLEGE OF JEWISH STUDIES will hold its election of Officers and Board Members Chairperson Edwin Shifrin Vice-Chairperson Matilda Rubin Board Members Dr. Joseph Epel Dr. Barbara Goodman Barbara Klarman Leonard Lachover Adrienne Milin Dr. Irving Panush Abraham Pasternak Matilda Rubin Janis Waxenberg Rabbi Morton Yolkut Advisory Committee fine jewelry and gifts MON.-SAT. THURSDAYS 10:00-5:45 10:00-8:45 26400 West Twelve Mile Road Northeast corner of 12 Mile & Northwestern Hwy. Franklin Savings Center, Southfield Mi. Julius Harwood Rose Kaye Julian Tobias Emily Tukel, Chairman Nominations Committee ORDER BY PHONE CASH REFUNDS FREE GIFT WRAP 357-5578 SAVE 20% OFF REGULAR RETAIL PRICES EVERYDAY!