30 Friday, May 16, THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1986 Al's Foreign Car Service bruce . m. weiss Specialist in Twelve Mile Rd. • Toyota • Volkswagen • Datsun • Audi Fox • Honda Cars S Southeast outheast corner Northwestern CALL: 548-3926, 54&4160 1018 W. 9 Mile Rd. FERNDALE, MICH. Behind Gabe's Fruits In The Mayfair Shops Between Livernois & Pinecrest Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 \ --- Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 Thurs. 10-8:30 1 353-1424 We Will Beat Your Best Price GLASS & MIRROR BI-FOLD SUPER SPECIAL Existing Doors $130.99 Installed $140.99 Installed $154.99 Installed 4 ft. openings 5 ft. openings 6 ft. openings , NEW MIRRORED BI - FOLD DOORS — FINEST QUALITY Slim Fold 4 ft. openings 5 ft. openings 6 ft. openings • $220.00 Installed $230.00 Installed $270.00 Installed Lowest Prices On All Types orMirrored Walls, Furniture, Bars, Cubes, Etc. Heavy Glass Table Tops, Shelving, Beveled O.G. Edges. Shower and Tub Enclosures, Replacement Windows. MIRRORED WALL SPECIAL — 12'x8' High $475.00 Call today for free estimates: 552-0088 Atlas Glass & Mirror PERFECTION IS OUR REFLECTION Where quality work, discount prices and you the customer make us #1 552-0088 M UST RAIS E CAS v 40% O FF NG' V RY ► R IRRS MENS WE APPLEGATE SQUARE, NORTHWESTERN AT INKSTER 356-5700 OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 OP-ED Jewelers AND VISA MASTERCH ARGE ACCEPTED Terrorism Continued from page 4 Jewish people are called "Is- raelis" while the Arabs living in eastern Palestine are called "Jor- danians." Few of those now being called "Palestinians" are descendants of those that were native to what was Palestine. Around the turn of the century, Palestine was a sparsely-populated, desolate wasteland of deadly malaria in- fested swamps and empty barren deserts — land considered unin- habitable. It was our Jewish people who brought that neg- lected land back to life. Arabs flocked in to benefit from the Jewish developments. Now those Arabs say the land belongs to them and Jews have no right to be there. Most of the "Palestinians" were created in the United Nations Arab refugee camps which America has been supporting for the past 38 years. When Israel was reborn in 1948, seven Arab states proclaimed a "war of ex- termination" and attacked. Al- most 6,000 Jews died defending their land. It ended with 420,000 Arab refugees in the care of a "temporary" UN agency estab- lished to resettle them. But any Arab was accepted as a "refugee." The UN camps swelled with Arabs that came for the free foOd, clothing, housing, medical care and the education for their chil- dren — an education that nur- tured a "Palestinian" identity and taught hatred and violence. Over and over again we hear about the Arab "refugees, those homeless Palestinians." But there is not a word of the 800,000 Jews that fled Arab lands, leav- ing behind all their possessions and a cultural heritage of 2,000 years. Those Jews from Arab countries were absorbed by Israel and they, together with their de- scendents, are a majority of the country. To cover up a fanatic religious war by the Arab-Moslem world against the Jewish state, the identity of Arab-Palestinians was invented — a people and their history that never was. That pro- vided the battle-cry: "Palestine for the Palestinians" and the ex- cuse for murderous terrorism. Hitler used a somewhat similar tactic as an excuse to destroy Czechoslovakia just before the outbreak of World War II. The Nazi leader demanded "justice" and "self-determination" for the oppressed Sudenten Germans and the return of their area to Germany, even though it had never been a part of Germany. The area included Czechos- lovakia's defense fortifications. England's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, for the sake of "peace-in-our-time," sac- rificed the Czechs. After taking over Czechoslovakia, Hitler next went to work on Poland, using the pretext of Danzig and their suffering Germans. Now Arab extremists have de- clared war on America because we are friendly toward Israel. Not only Libya is involved, but brutal Iran and Syria as well. And Saudi Arabia backs Libya and gives more than $1 billion a year to Syria, Russia's main Mideast proxy, to support ter- rorism, Syrian take-over of Lebanon and Syrian purchase of Soviet armaments. And the Soviets are accomplices of the terrorists, providing weapons, training and political support. What are we going to do about the state-sponsored terrorist as- sault on the Western world? Fight back or give in? There is a crowd that says, "Abandon Israel and you will have peace." If we give in, it means states can dictate Ameri- can foreign policy through the use of terrorism. There will be no end to it. The whole world will become like Lebanon, torn with violence. Nobody will be safe anywhere. It will tell the world not to trust or depend on America. Israel will not agree to be sacrificed like the Czechs. We must stop the spread of ter- rorism. Terrorists must not have the right to murder as they please. States must not think they can safely wage a small- scale war on America by sponsor- ing terrorists' attacks on us. Here are some things we should do: • If Americans are hit by ter- rorists, then terrorist training centers and bases are proper targets for reprisals. Civilians must know that they are in a ter- rorist base at their own risk. It was reported our authorities knew very quickly that it was two Syrian officers who were in- volved in the terrorist bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, but we did nothing. That's wrong. • America should stop support- ing the UN Arab "refugee" camps, the source of much of the violence. Instead, the countries in which the camps are located should assume responsibility for those people. • America should lead an effort to change the international rules of diplomatic privilege. Just re-. cently, two Libyans were caught with a bag of hand grenades as they were about to attack a wed- ding party in an American offi- cers club in Turkey. The two ter- rorists claimed "diplomatic im- munity." There are frequent re- ports that the weapons and bombs used by terrorists enter countries freely in diplomatic pouches which are not allowed to be searched. • Training and arming the ter- rorists and the elaborate prep- arations for their violence re- quires great sums of money. It is no secret Saudi Arabia provides much of that money -- a couple of hundred millions a year, besides the several billions to the Syrians who also support terrorism. If there is less funding, there will be less terrorism. If. the Saudis continue financing ter- rorism, that means we can not trust them. The least we can do is to stop supplying them with arms. If we don't, some of those weapons may end up in the hands of terrorists and be used to kill Americans. Already American weapons sold to Saudi Arabia have been found in the PLO arms caches in Lebanon.