2 Friday, May 16, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Kurt Waldheim's Dish Of Venom: Feeding The Many Immoralities magazine, points out, Waldheim may win the presidential election because of his Nazi past. Waldheim is perhaps the ideal Austrian president: elegant, slippery, com- promised in the Nazi era, unrepen- tant and unreliable. There is, on the inerasable record, a statement by Richard von Weizsacker, president of the German Federal Repub- lic, rejecting an action like Kohl's and af- firming dignity for post-war Germans. During a Bundestag speech last May, marking the 40th anniversary of the de- feat of the Nazis, von Weizsacker stated: Hardly any country has in its history always remained free from blame for war or violence. The genocide of the Jews is, however, unparalleled in history. The perpetration of this crime was in the hands of a few people. It was concealed from the eyes of the public, but every German was able to experience what his Jewish compatriots had to suf- fer.... Whoever opened his eyes and ears and sought information could not fail to notice that Jews were being deported. The nature and scope of the destruction may have exceeded human imagination; but in reality there was, apart from the crime itself, the attempt by too many people, including those of my generation, who were young and were not involved in planning the events and carrying them out, not to take note of what was hap- pening. There were many ways of not burdening one's conscience, of shunning responsibility, looking away, keeping mum. When the un- speakable truth of the Holocaust then became known at the end of the war, all too many of us claimed that they had not known anything about it or even suspected any- thing. There is no such thing as the guilt or innocence of an °entire na- tion. Guilt is, like innocence, not collective but personal. There is discovered or concealed indi- vidual guilt. There is guilt which people acknowledge or deny. Everyone who directly experi- enced that era should today quietly ask himself about his in- volvement ... • Anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present. Whoever refuses to remember the inhumanity is prone to new risks of infection ... There can be no reconciliation without remembrance. In a recent OP-ED page column in the New York Times, Anthony Lewis pointed out that von Weizsacker's speech came just three days after another "symbol of forgetfulness," President Reagan and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl's visit to the Bitburg military cemetery and its SS graves. Lewis concluded: Chancellor Kohl, with perfect consistency, has now intervened in the Austrian election to support Mr. Waldheim for President. He cast his vote, once again, for forgetting instead of remember- ing. That Austrians face such a choice now is not altogether sur- prising. For diplomatic reasons, East and West have treated Au- stria as Hitler's victim, forgetting Religious News Serv ice Kurt Waldheim may yet be elected president of Austria. That can never erase the background he is continually trying to hide, nor will it erase the several admis- sions that he lied about his past. The polit- ical immoralities aside, in his case the in- spiration it gave to renewed bigotries is most deplorable. Cross-sectionally; editorial analysts have added to the indictments of Wal- dheim. He has not come through well. Guilt is ascribed to the United Nations for having harbored him. Political circles have similarly ex- posed him and his Nazi past is no longer a secret. But there are regrettable factors. The most shocking is the endorsement he re- ceived from German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. That a man who has a major respon- sibility to continue his nation's policies of rejecting all aspects of Nazism and neo- Nazism should thus have abused his own political role in West Germany is outrage- ous. The Waldheim revelations revived interest in the "traditional" Austrian legacies of imbibing anti-Semitism. Now, during the Waldheim debates in his quest for his nation's leadership, there is a revi- val of the bitterest forms of anti-Semitism. The threats addressed to Jews in Austria, that the Hitler "verdict will pursue them and that they will be annihilated," hardly benefits a politician like Waldheim, both when he tries his mind at truth and when he admits lying. The Austrian position, judged with a realistic approach, will always haunt Waldheim. It will also assess the truth af- fecting the Austrian Jewish position, as it was outlined as part of an article in the Los Angeles Times by Peter Loewenberg, professor of history at UCLA. In March, 1985, -I attended a meeting of students in the packed Auditorium Maximum of the Uni- versity of Vienna; they were pro- testing against a defense minister who welcomed hoxite a convicted SS mass-murderer. The meeting was addressed by Erika Weinzierl, professor of modern history at the university and a member of the Conservative People's Party (Waldheim's party). She remem- bered, from her school days, watching Jewish friends and fel- low students disappear from Vie- nna amid increasing terror. She said that for anyone not to have known what was happening was implausible _ , yet contemporary Austria has never come to terms with its complicity. This meeting of an aroused student body addressed by a lead- ing Catholic professor represents the new Austria. The small group of neo-fascist students in attendance were regarded as a weird curiosity. This meeting and its sentiments were in striking contrast to the Viennese student body at the turn of the century, when "Aryan" clauses were intro- duced into various student organ- izations. In the 1920s and '30s, Jewish students, including Sig- mund Freud's son Martin, were beaten when they tried to attend the university while Vienna police stood by under the guise of ob- serving "academic freedom." Yet anti-Semitism in Austria is unfortunately alive and well, in the countryside and in Vienna. I have heard anti-Jewish calumnies in public inns and in farm families. As Peter Lingens, the editor of Profil, a major Austrian news This Austrian election billboard, calling Kurt Waldheim The President We Now Need," was smeared with a swastika in Vienna. the fact that many Austrians played an eager role in Nazi savagery. A study two years ago by Prof. Hilde Weiss of Vienna University concluded that one Au- strian in four was still anti- Semitic. If Kurt Waldheim is elected president, much of the world will see it as a vote for denying the past. And some of us will want nothing to do with Waldheim's Austria. No matter what the results in the June election, Waldheim's guilt will re- main an important page in linking even so notorious a politician with guilt that caused the Holocaust. The facts about Waldheim will never be erased. Wiesel: Unlimited Elie Wiesel's books, magazine essays, views on major Jewish issues are pub- lished constantly.The eminent author has been in the limelight among the most representative Jewish spokespeople for a quarter of a century. Wiesel's publishing career is uninter- rupted. Now there also is a continuity of republishing his works. A 20-volume im- pressive collection of his writings is now in the process of a massive anthological task. Meanwhile, there is a response to the popular call for his works in the form of paperbacks. Two of his well-known books, reissued as paperbacks, are: The Fifth Son, an original Simon and Schuster publication, now reissued by Warner Books, is a valuable portion of the Holocaust library. It deals with a son of a survivor from the Nazi terror who seeks to penetrate- his father's silence and secret past. The Oath , republished by Schocken, is another of the valuable Wiesel contribu- tions to Holocaust literature. Auschwitz Escape: Dramatic Exception Auschwitz spelled terror and death and in general inescape from it for its mil- lions of victims. There was one exception which is related in Escape From Au- schwitz (Bergin and Garvey). This true story of an escape, accom- panied by a tragedy suffered by the es- capee's non-Jewish collaborator, is related by Erich Kulka, himself a survivor from Auschwitz who became an historian of the Holocaust and the events that marked the Nazi terrors. Kulka's revealing and deeply-moving book has several important aspects. There is a tribute to the author in a foreword by Herman Wouk. Then there is an impor- tant introduction by Dr. Yehuda Bauer who throws some additional light on the story. Besides, there is a sort of autobiog- raphical account by the author himself — all adding to a very important volume. Dr. Bauer provides an historical background of the growth of the Nazi power and the establishment of Auschwitz in 1940 "as a concentration camp for Polish political prisoners and, later, for Soviet prisoners of war. In the summer of 1941, at the behest of Heinrich Himmler, Auschwitz was designated by its com- mander, Rudolph Hess, as a future central murder installation for Jews. A first, ex- perimental gassing with Zyklon B, a de- rivative of prussic acid, took place in Au- schwitz on Sept. 3, 1941 . . ." Dr. Bauer proceeds to relate how other murder camps were established, leading up to Auschwitz becoming the "main killing center." Such was the background of a death Continued on Page 22