15 appropriateness of the placement. The system of rubber stamping which ultimately affected Shaun's fate was, and is, still followed by most court systems today," says Zousmer. Filling cracks in the judicial sys- tem for children was NCJW's motiva- tion to establish its CASA network eight years ago. "By serving as advocates for chil- dren, and often for their parents, CASAs help court personnel stay on top of issues which might make the difference between numerous delays and the speedier resolution of a case," says Penny Blumenstein, co- chairperson of Children and Youth Services. Our volunteers act as the `eyes and ears' of the court." "'What a CASA does," explains Blumenstein, is act as an indepen- dent assessor. She is given legal per- mission by the judge to conduct thorough inquiries into the child's situation. A CASA is not required to be a board-certified professional. She has full access to court files and is encouraged to pursue interviews with parents, friends, clergy, school per- sonnel, etc. to learn as maw of the dynamics affecting the proposed placement as possible. CASAs always work by the buddy system. This ar- rangement provides for our members' safety and also gives the two volun- teers an opportunity to discuss or con- trast their findingS." In foster care cases, the CASA is invited to participate after a child has been removed from his natural home for reasons of abuse, neglect or other severe problems. In guardianship cases, the CASA is contacted once the judge receives a petition. The Legal Guardianship Pro- gram is chaired by NCJW members Marilyn Levine and Marcia Aaron, who utilize the expertise of the CASA program's 40 active volunteers. We have between ten and 14 days to act on a judge's request in an- ticipation of a scheduled hearing," says Aaron. Some studies could be started, for example, on a Monday, and concluded that Thursday or Fri- day. More often than not, however, there are delays and new resources to check. The duration of our involve- ment in a case depends on the in- tricacies of the family's situation and on the judge." Estimating that about six new cases are brought to the attention of CASA volunteers each week, Aaron adds, "It's possible that a volunteer's cases do overlap. Many of the earlier cases we undertook last year are com- ing up for review now." Those follow- ups might be juggled with new as- signments. NCJW has processed 40 guardianship cases since November. Marilyn Levine is quick to point out that regardless of what a CASA suggests in a written recommenda- tion, it is the judge's final decision which closes or continues a case. "Usually, the CASA's involve- ment is completed once a child is either adopted, returned to his natural home, or placed with a guard- ian," she says. But it's not so cut and dry. Relationships form between the volunteers and the client families. You might have helped the family ob- tain new insurance for the child, or transferred school records, or helped point them in the direction of a coun- seling service which could provide the family or child with a support sys- tem." For that reason, the Probate, Court established a message center courthouse for clients to leave mes- sages for their assigned CASA volun- teer. That willingness to facilitate the activities of the CASA program has characterized the relationship be- tween NCJW and the court. It was the Probate Court's Concept Group which set the wheels of the Guardianship program in motion last year, based on its relationship with NCJW's CASA volunteers in other areas. When Greater Detroit Section applied for a national grant from the Department of Health and Human Services eight years ago to begin CASA, their application was rejected. But the members organized a com- pletely volunteer network with the full cooperation of the Probate Court. To this day, NCJW is the only inde- pendent organization to staff a CASA program in the United States without' external financial assistance. Currently, nearly 200 CASA pro- grams exist nationwide, with ten in Michigan. Lisa Kaichen, director of MICASA (Michigan Association of Court Appointed Special Advocates) says, If I were a child, I would want to know that there was one person without a crowded caseload who could look after my interests . . . someone who could understand that a child's sense of time is so different from an adult's. That crucial element of time is just as important to a small child as it is to a teenager." Marilyn Levine offers an exam- ple: "One recent case we participated in dealt with a 16-year-old girl and her 15-year-old brother who had lost both parents. The boy's legal guard- ian was a pleasant, responsible 23- year-old man. The brother wanted his sister to live with them." A busy social worker might not have found a problem with such a placement, "but there were aspects of the case that bothered the CASA vol- unteers, and some disturbing issues to examine," Levine recalls. We felt there were the questions of matura- tion and role modeling to consider. At that stage in her development, was a 23-year-old male the best guardian for a teenage girl?" After reading the court report on the case, the team of CASA volun- teers started at square one. They con- tacted the girl's school principal and set up an appointment to interview the girl. They learned that her tem- porary home was not satisfactory, and realized expediency was an issue. The principal steered them to a church the girl had regularly attended that year. "What we learned," says Aaron, "was that several member families of the church had expressed a desire to Continued on next page nil stittO. William Puglian o II. Looking at future cases are Probate Court judges John O'Brien, Norman Barnard and Eugene Moore, and standing, attorney Hugh Dean, supervisor Ray Sharp and CASA volunteers Marilyn Levine, Ann Zousmer and Penny Blumenstein. The welfare of youngsters being moved from troubled homes is the focus of NCJW volunteers Penny Blumenstein and Ann Zousmer check the court records.