• ... • A ..... 76 Friday, May 2, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 00000000000000000 ,COUMAY INTERIORS 1111 NOW BUYING VnLENIE TAYLOR 540-9548 • Ili . Orchard lake N. of Maple Continued from Page 73 626-1999 0 09C8XXAMLOW(10000 SKALA The moving, true story of a small Jewish Community in Galicia (southeast Foland), which perished during the Nazi era. Told by a dozen survivors, this well illustrated volume in English, Hebrew and Yiddish contains their personal testimony, ez cerpts from diaries, documents, memoirs, native folklore and humor. To get your copy mail check for $12.50 plus $1 postage and handling to Skala Benevolent Society, do Max Plitt, 2675 Brown St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11235. ocation roductiona THE VIDEO PROFESSIONALS bruce m. weiss Jewelers 26325 Twelve Mile Rd. Southeast corner Northwestern Behind Gabe's Fruits In The Mayfair Shops Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30 Thurs. 10-8:30 979 9232 353-1424 A ...because life doesn't stand still.... t. .' 1 it moves and has ' ), sound! 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Call Today for a Consultation Your Place or Mine 113enelaw's ihkmery (31 3) 399-8885 Noreen Green Weight Loss Counselor and Nutritional Facilitator lilim1M111111111•111111.111 leaminalmillISISMII IIIMI11111111/ - 1111 IIIII•11111 Il• III IIIMIMIII 'II 111111131111111111 I IIIINAmmi 41 tom l' 1 1111111111•1116 /WI ‘Ili MMII•111111 mmmmm I v•... WORM mmmmmm MIIIMIlr " 1, 111•11 ■ 11W fts• -A.:, - "••• and hallow these acts of the righteous. Which code of Jewish ethics argues that evil be allowed to eclipse the good? Which perverse logic holds that we obliterate the memory of man's nobility so as to preserve the memory of his degeneracy? In un- earthing the crimes of vil- lainy, the virtues of humani- ty must not be buried. ., Do the number of non-Jew- ish heroes involved in such rescue behavior during the Nazi period warrant such study and celebration? No one knows or will ever know the extent of rescue activity of this nature unless the search is made. Altruism, courage, moral heroism are, by definition, rare. For the sake of 36 righteous, the world is sustained; for the sake of 30 righteous non- Jews, the Talmud declares, the nations of the world con- tinue to exist; for the sake of 10 good men, Sodom and Gomorrah would be spared; for the sake of two righteous women — Naomi and Ruth —the Rabbis say, the na- tions of Moab and Ammon were spared. Who measures righteousness by number? What of the purity of mo- tives? Do we know the moti- vations of the altruistic per- sonality? The behavioral sci- ences have long studied the bigot, the twisted soul filled with hostility, the authori- tarian personality, the anti- Semite, anti-Negro, anti- Catholic. But little compar- able empirical study has been done for the altruistic personality. And what a tragic oversight! In study of rescue behavior lies a unique opportunity to understand the altruistic conscience ex- pressed in action in every European country contamin- ated by Nazi, conquest. What factors—psychologi- cal, social, political, econom- ic, moral, religious—entered into the making of their self- sacrificing decisions? Is there A typology of the altruistic personality to, be discov6red here? Who kno ws, .a priori, what mine of information about human relationships may be found by such a study? And who knows what material such an inter- disciplinaryicientific tigation can furnish moral educators, theologians, writ- ers and artists concerned with the creation of a new moral atmosphere in which men can live? What knowl- edge can be derived from - , •Give every NEWBORN the advantage ._ . March of Dimes .. 140. -4,•• Righteous Legacy SEP 1E 1 Fashion Resale is paying cash for spring and summer women's clothing and accessories. for information call Mon.-Fri. 12 to 6 INSIGHT ,„.f - ygUl.t.f - . . . such a scientific investiga- tion for the training of moral character and the transmis- sion of positive moral traits? Study aside, why is so lit- tle taught of the righteous gentiles in our religious schools? Why so little knowl- edge of the whereabouts and circumstances of the right- eous gentiles within our com- munity? A profound cultur- al bias stands in the way of our tracking and celebration of gentile altruistic be- havior. Among the Greek sophists (e.g. Callicles, Thrasymachus); in the Aug- ustinian view of man "foul and crooked, sordid, bespot- The world needs heroes of flesh and blood, human heroes. ted and ulcerous"; in the counsel of Machiavelli and the suspicion of Hobbes and Nietzsche, the character of altruism is besmirched. That bias against man runs counter to the pervasive religious humanism of Ju- daism which we teach our children and which is ex- pressed in that audacious Biblical claim: the human being is created in the image of God. Human beings who fall and fail are endowed with a capacity for change. This God-given talent lies at the heart of Jewish prayer and Teshuvah (turning). My children are not well- taught. Preparing for a paper on Anne Frank, they turn to the Encyclopedia, Judaica to find a full page of her story but a bare sen- tence referring to "friendly gentiles" who hid, sheltered and fed families in a Dutch attic. They remain. anony- mous. They who know the name of Hitler, Himmler and Mengele do not know the name of these Christian rescuers, or their fate in con- centration camps after they were discovered by the Ger- man police. Ask my: children who Koophuis and Kraler were, what happened to them, how they manage to live today. It is as if it never was: It is as if Jews are only betrayed, only hated. It is as g there are only conspiracies fa do evil against Jews, but no conspiracies to do good, to save Jewi. What they are ' left with is the never-ending curse 'of anti-semitism and the conviction that what was will, ever be— "ever again." That is not the prac- tice of good history or of Jewish memory. To perpetu- ate the memory of the wicked done and to erase the mean- ing of the righteous is a dangerous perversion. It is the sin of omission which de- moralizes our children, iso- lates them from the non-Jew- ish world, paralyzes their energies to find non-Jewish allies in the struggle against anti-Semitism and racism. We Jewish parents and Jewish educators have a double witness to offer: to testify to the unspeakable pain and death which human beings visited upon in- nocents, and to offer testi- mony of the heroic acts of ordinary human beings who protected and cared for vic- tims, not of their faith or family, at the risk of their lives. We are doubly man- dated: to pursue the surviv- ing predators who crippled and ruined millions of lives, and to seek out the surviv- ing savers who remain, to care for their health and well-being in their declining years. They are in our midst, many have fled their native countries where anti-semites persecuted them for being "Sew lovers." The late Philip Friedman in his pioneering work, Their Brother's Keepers, informs us that, in 1946, the Jewish Committee of Bialystok aided 180 Christian families who were being persecuted by RightiSt groups because of their generosity to Jews during the evil time of Hit- ler. The Polish beggar, Karol Kicinski, bidding good-bye to two Jews he had hidden in hiS pleads with them: "Please don't tell anyone I saved you; I fear for my life." They are in our midst, many of them sick and impoverished. They who risked their lives sheltering our brothers and sisters deserve a final end. FOr their sake, for our chil- ren's sake, they must be sus- tained with dignity. They must _be_sought out and helped. Under the auspices of the Astituts• Righteous Gentiles a few tit' us have launched a Foundd ' tion • to Sustain the Right. eons Gentiles to identify and • help support these moral help . " • acts have been, verified.Ne pall on the Jew- ish community for support, I - Rabbi Schtdieeis is the sit?, ' itual leader of Valley Beth' Shalom, in'Encino,