100 . Friday, April 18, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS S CHIR OPRACilq, e Soviet !ewlry Forum Boosts Awareness 2301 Coolidge Berkley, MI 48072 The Doctors and Staff of the LEITSON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC wish to take this opportunity to extend to all our friends and patients a happy and healthy Passover. You are invited to stop by and visit with us in our new office anytime. Sheri Wagner and Glenn Richter display an anti-Semitic Soviet propaganda poster during the youth workshop. BY ERIC WEXLER Special to The Jewish News "Stop. This building is closed. Gathering to help Jewish - dis- sidents is against the law." - KGB Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354 6060 - THE SIDDUR OF THE CONCENTRATION CAMP Out of the horrible years of World War II, of the Nazi terror, and the death camps, have come inspiring tales of bravery and heroism. One of these is about a Prayer Book composed in an extraordinary, wondrous manner. The prisoners 01" Camp TreblinKa, although tortured and f amished, matiai,e,1 somehcw t( Keep on account OF the Calendar year, 4t ter • The 1-10/q 4/e Lakpered ty/i/ be here ›oo). J YOM Ailywr ..,ere/cc. may, Let us each wrili• , we 5/d/ remembet; J cilhat pratio; a hymn, er eYeti a par! Li- a prdyt r amitue I, /11 maAt a 8vrfer liack. c' 7 44' C oh: j ordyc t , got . M,' memory') ,vve. /don? 'rovember . my prayers And that IS hCt...; the Tratri. 1i k Callivii-lblinka ea', created. scraps ct papi• which they cornered rci.;elher in secret, at the ei5K (f- their they trembl;hsll Lovett Thei• . c. . Dues anyore remember Me Ii) Arid en Yt.r , ) ,1014, , 1 ,,. s t,t 1 he Kazan, t he urebious 5 , (A/ur with a flash led a hushed, pitiful cimsregatiun in J fervent SerVICC. t / the depths Icad 7A — e- e) An514,.o. Ine, U Lon/ Out a,,t fiy, a fial212,9 and jog oal cPassov-Ez to aft Air. and Airs. Max Stollman Air. Philip Stollman . and Families Like an albatross latched onto a sailor's neck, those words strangle the Soviet Union's 2.5 million Jews everyday. But the oppressive phrase, etched on door-plastered leaflets, did not prevent 125 people from gather- ing at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield to participate in the "Community Forum ToWards Summit II" con- ference last Sunday. The forum, sponsored by the Detroit Soviet Jewry Committee and the Jewish Welfare Federa- tion, featured talks from Michi- gan Congressmen Sander Levin and William Broomfield as' well as workshop presentations from some of the most repected authorities in the American Soviet Jewry movement. The point of the conference was to mobilize the Detroit Jewish community to help place the issue of human rights on the agenda for .the upcoming and yet undated summit meeting be- tween the United States and the Soviet Union. "This gathering should be a. reminder that we here in De- troit shall not forget and will always work until every Jew wishes to leave the Soviet Union," said Jewish Welfare Federation President Joel Tauber. To date there are over 15,000 Jews (refuseniks) in the Soviet Union who have been denied emigration visas. There are at least 20 Jewish "Prisioners of Conscience" who have been put on trial as a result of trying to emigrate to Israel or furthering their cultural or religious life in the USSR. In 1985, only 1,140 Jews were allowed to leave the USSR compared to the 51,300 Jews who were grarited exit visas in 1979. Rep. Levin brought the plight of the Soviet Jew closei to home when he read a letter that was written to him by refusenik Lev Shapiro, whoan he met in the Soviet Union last year. Shapiro wrote of the injustice that his family is currently suffering be- cause their daughter, Naomi, can't attend the public school of her choice, "There are tens of thousands of Naomi Shapiros that are reaching out to us," Levin said. "So let's hasten the day that Naomi Shapiro will be back in the school of her choice in a country of her choice." Rep. Broomfield said that "we in the Free World have an obli- gation to put maximum pressure on the Soviets to end their in- human policy of persecution and restriction of immigration." In his workshop discussion, William Keyserling, director of the Washington office for Na- tional Conference on Soviet Jewry, said, "We must ensure that human rights remain on the summit agenda and we must begin now to launch an aggres- sive public education campaign to ensure that the American people stay behind us." Keyserling said Americans may think the problem 'is on its way to being solved after the re- lease of Anatoly Shcharansky and other refuseniks. Shcharansky's release, however, was an attempt by the Soviets to ease pressure from the West. "The Soviets' public relations campaign has been very care- fully crafted. It has been effec- tive. Six percent of the total U.S. media coverage during one two-week period was on Shcharansky and the others who were released," Keyserling said. By seizing control of the pub- lic dialogue on human rights and Soviet Jewry, the Soviets have not only begun to change American public opinion, but have also reduced American media coverage of the beatings the Soviets continue to inflict upon Jewish "Prisoners of Con- science," he said. Abraham Bayer, director of the International Commission for the National Jewish Com- munity Relations Advisory Council, said one way of raising media and public awareness of Sbviet Jewry is to demonstrate