THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14 Friday, April 18, 1986 Coli8eum collection . Fidelio collection and V RAYMOND WEIL Coliseum collection r. rti Ifi Ij Ef [. Coliseum collection V RAYMOND WELL GENEVE Triumph In Dignity And Styling Stunning Swiss Handcrafted Masterpiece 18K Gold Electroplated Expansion Clasp • Water Resistant , • FREE GIFT WRAP CASH REFUNDS PHONE MON.-SAT. 10:00-5:45 THURS. 10:00-8:45 • 357-5578 Eder hi 12 Nile MI OR Easy access elf MAIN N. lime Claw Apt. estrus Formerly the AocqueUme Bldg. Now•newly remodeled 16400 Mot TwsIvs Mk Rood floftheast corner of II Nils a Northwootorn Hwy. Rev. Graham Brings A Message Of Love Staff GENEVE fine jewelry and gifts NEWS The closer you look, the better we get. Report awakening." He stressed his op- position to "state religion and mandated prayers in our schools," but advocated hanging the Ten Commandments in every classroom in America'. No religious•group could oppose that action, he said, hoping that the Ten Commandments could replace the current teacher of morals in America — television, with its emphasis on sex and violence. Rev. Graham was introduced by Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, di- rector of the AJCommittee's In- stitute for Human Relations, who eloquently listed Graham's achievements and efforts on be- half of Jews throughout the world, blacks in South Africa, and oppressed. peoples The local chapter of the American Jewish Committee staged a highly-successful . "love-in" Tuesday night in downtown Detroit. More than 900 persons responded to emo- tional tributes to Detroit Free Press Publisher David Lawrence Jr. made by guest speaker Rev.' Billy Graham, Gov. James Blanchard and Mayor Coleman Young. Lawrence was given the Human • Rights Award of the AJCommittee's Institute of Human Relations for his efforts in making the Free Press an open forum for all points of view, and for his personal work within the community. Rev. Graham, who has a long record of work on behalf of Jews in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, excited the crowd with his evangelistic style and his message of universal brother- hood. He commended Pope John Paul II for visiting the central Rome synagogue on Sunday., saying, "It will have a tremen- dous impact on th entire world. Never again will we have those ghettoes, put there by Chris- tians." He praised the AJCommittee for working for human values, and stressed America's pluralism and common values throughout his speech. "Pluralism is our strength, not our weakness, but a pluralistic society is always under attack." He said those at- tacks will push America toward totalitarianism, increasing did- integration or isolation within our society, "or lead us to accept the challenge of a pluralistic society ... to work together for the common good. It is a hard path, but the only one if we are to achieve the promise of the fu- ture." The charismatic evangelist, who first preached in Detroit in 1948, said the U.S. still has a common core of "moral-spiritual values based on Judeo-Christian moorings ... This is why ter- rorism is so wrong — there is no room for hatred." He called for a just and compassionate govern- ment, and greater efforts toward building a more peaceful world. In reference to the U.S. air strike against Libya on Monday, Graham said he is not a pacifist. "Every legitimate nation has the right to defend itself." But he also called for increasing ef- forts to solve world problems through peaceful means. "We must all stand together and pray," he said. During a visit to Israel, Graham spoke to one of the Chief Rabbis, pointing out that they both believed in the coming of the Messiah. "I told him that I believed that the Messiah would be Jesus Christ. He just smiled and said, 'That is our dif, ference.' It is our difference," Graham said, "but it is also our commonality." He said society's greatest need is for a "moral and spiritual re- He opposes state religion and mandated school prayer, but advocates hanging the Ten Commandments in every classroom. everywhere. "Next to Pope John XXIII and Detroit's Rev. Reinhold Niebuhr, Billy Graham is the greatest friend to Jews and mankind that this century has known," Tannen- baum declared.. During the press conference which preceded the dinner, Rev. Graham responded to reporters' questions.. He said religious leaders can try to use their influence in limited ways in foreign affairs, by trying to bef- riend foreign officials. During visits to the Soviet Union he has quietly.pressed human rights is- sues. He said religious leaders can not mediate the U.S.-Libya dis- pute "because feelings are run- ning too high. Jesse Jackson and A.B. Hill did their best last year, but I don't think they ac- complished very much, and they don't think so either." Asked about evangelist Pat Robertson's possible campaign for President, Graham said he does not endorse political candi- dates. "Jackson ran last time and many thought he did a good job. But I stay out of politics." Asked about the Middle East, Graham offered a one-word solu- tion for its problems: "Love." He described Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran as "a man of religion, but • not a man of God?' • . David Lawrence, in his brief acceptance speech, told the audience he would work hard "to live up to your faith and trust." He lauded dinner chair- man Paul Borman, speaker Judge Damon- Keith and Graham as an "ecumenical trio" of his close friends. Judge Avern Cohn made the award presenta- tion at the event.