I 14 Friday, April 11, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel's Mormon Dil emma BY JONATHAN HART Special to The Jewish News 111 lue and gold bumper stickers warning "Mormons Stop Your Missionary Project Now!" dot the busy streets of Jerusalem. Orthodox Jews in long black coats and payus (sidelocks) stand side-by-side with non-religious Israelis protesting, "Mormons Go Home!" and "Mormons: Utah Isn't Big Enough?" Teddy Kollek, who this year celebrates his 20th anni- versary as mayor of Jerusalem (an extraor- dinary political achievement, given diverse ethnic and religious composition of the city) is being compared to Yasser Arafat and Adolph Hitler. The ever-fragile Israeli coalition government is threatening to col- lapse, and American Jewish organizations are condemning the religious intolerance of their Israeli brethren. In the words of one Israeli commentator, "The Mormon issue could make the Pollard affair look like child's play." In short, Jerusalem and Israel are up in arms over a religion-state issue which involves Israel's image abroad, sensitive Christian-Jewish relations, and possibly the survival of Israel's government coalitions. At issue is the construction of a $15 mil- lion educational center in Jerusalem, tb be owned and operated by Utah's Brigham Young University (BYU), which, in turn, is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints (the Mor- mon Church). . 'Although Jerusalem is already host to thousands of university students (both Jewish and non-Jewish) from abroad, near- ly 50 Christian Churches, and thirteen Christian seminaries, the erection of an attractive, modern Mormon "study center" barely a stone's throw from Jerusalem's Hebrew University has become one of the most volatile political issues here in recent memory. And although the Mormons have conducted classes and lectures in Israel since 1968 without a confrontation, the prospect of a permanent Mormon Center inside Israel has given rise to intense, and sometimes violent, opposition, primarily among ultra-Orthodox Jews. At the heart of the debate is the Mor- mons' reputation as an aggressive mis- sionizing and proselytizing church, a reputation that has been well earned. Founded in the early 1830s by a young preacher named Joseph Smith (Brigham Young was &later Church leader), the Mor- mon Church has grown to include more than 5.5 million members, largely as a result of its zealous missionary efforts. The Church employs nearly 30,000 full- time missionaries (recruited largely from among its young, unmarried members), and of a current total membership of 5.8 mil- lion, fully 200,000 Mormons describe them- selves as "new converts." While the major- ity of the world's Mormons live in the wes- tern United States (the Church's headquar- ters and the university are located in Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, respectively), the Mormon Church has become a bona fide world-wide institution, with'members throughout North America, Western Eur- ope and Asia (in a total of 96 countries), at- testing to the Church's widespread mis- sionary activities. '4 r:- r•sn'7:•: , :, .1610:044, Vi4,ei4 444. ,f As one BYU official pronounced, "We are a proselytizing church and we are the fastest growing religion in the modern world. We've grown from zero to over 5 million members in the past 150 years." Thus the Mormons are perceived by a growing number of Israelis as a particular- ly serious threat to the religious freedom and security of Jews in Israel. For its part, the Mormon Church has fur- nished all possible guarantees that it will refrain from missionary activity in Israel. In an "open letter" to the Israeli public last March, David Galbraith, the director of the BYU program in Jerusalem, stated "There are no plans to carry out missionary work in Israel. The Mormon missionary program is not found in a single country in the world where we do not have the authorization of the host government. . . Therefore in Israel, without such authorization, the Church would not engage in proselytizing, nor seek to send missionaries through the 'back door' in the guise of university students . . ." Similar public statements have been