2 Friday, March 28, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Jewish View On Suicide Responds To Shocks From South Africa Readers of an article in a recent issue of the South African Jewish Herald, published in Johannesburg, must have been shocked to read a report that suicides were on the increase among Jews. It is equally shocking wherever such reports may echo and they call for con- tinuous emphasis on the Jewish regula- tions disapproving any such resort to end one's life. A movement entitled Suicides Anonymous was organized in Johannes- burg according to Aviva Climer, who commenced her report on the claimed "Suicides in the Jewish ,Community on the Increase" by stating: "Last year four prominent Jewish businessmen committed suicide," said Mr. Sam Bloom- berg who runs Suicides Anonym- ous, speaking at an Academy '74 meeting. He said that Jewish suicides are increasing every year and he blames this on the fact that the Jewish people who were always like a close-knit family, have ceased this tradition in the past 20 years. "Families are very far apart and there is no more unity like in the old days." Mr. Bloomberg was inspired to or- ganize Suicides Anonymous when his secretary committed suicide. Setting up a 24-hour "crisis service at home," Bloomberg states his aim is to work for people who cannot find anything worth living for and who are confused with the meaning and value of life. He maintains: "When people are religious, faith . ele- vates their lives. Religion satisfies their needs and that is why the suicide rate among the religious people is hardly evi- dent, if at all." An encouraging comment on the dangers stemming from suicide trends is provided by Herbert Kaufman, well- known Detroit mortician. In his experi- ence, he said, there were two suicides in the Jewish community some ten years ago, another several years later and practically none throughout the years. His concern had been, Mr. Kaufman ex- plained, over the overdose of drugs that was in practice among the youth for a few years. "That, too, has markedly de- clined," he states, with a sense of confi- dence that it is not repeating. Rabbi Israel I. Rockove, executive director of the Hebrew Benevolent SUICIDE Society and Hebrew Memorial Chapel, has a similar report. He states that suicides have dropped markedly here in the past 12 to 15 years. He made the interesting comment that the two suicides in the Hebrew Memorial experience in the most recent three years were of elderly. "They were the result of mental disorders," he stated. Rabbi Rockove had a very interest- ing recollection. He recalled that 'about 25 years ago one of Detroit's most bril- liant scholars, a teacher of the Talmud, committed suicide. It was the result of depression resulting from his wife's death. This equates with the item, closer to the end of this Commentary, about the suicide of one of the nation's most distinguished jurists, Judge Henry Friendly — attributed more to the death a year earlier of his wife of 56 years than to his turning blind. The subject involving suicides is never exhausted, even when there is a single experience in a Jewish commu- nity, whether in South Africa or any- where else. Therefore, the Jewish obliga- tion must ever be taken into account. The widely acclaimed Jewish Con- cepts by Rabbi Philip Birnbaum has a most valued explanatory essay on suicide, with the Hebrew term for it hithaduth. It appears on this page. A Spanish moralist of the 11th Cen- tury, Joseph Ibn Pakuda, thus judged those who take their own lives: "A suicide is a sentinel who deserted his post." William Z. Ripley, the American an- thropologist, gave emphasis to the view that "suicide is extraordinarily rare among Jews." It is worth quoting from Spinoza's Ethics. "Suicides are weak-minded, and are overcome by external causes repug- nant to their nature." Then there is the lighter-veined verse in Dorothy Parker's poem Resume in her book Enough Rough: Razors pain you; Rivers are damp; Acids stain you; And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful; Nooses give; Gas smells awful; You might as well live. In his most enlightening Treasury of nr1;13r.1:1 JeWish prohibition of suicide is based on the traditional interpre- tation of Genesis 9:5 ("Surely I will require an account of your life's blood"). Rabbi Bahya ibn Pakuda, in his ijovoth ha-Levavoth, points out that the nearer the relation to the murdered person, the more horrible the crime, and man is closest to himself. A suicide is a sentinel who deserted his post. It has been noted that a person is considered a suicide my?, Iii yy 12Nt) only when there is absolute certainty that he premeditated and committed the act with a clear mind, not troubled by some great fear or worry which might have caused him temporarily to lose his mind (Ijatham Soler, Yoreh Deah 326). The laws of mourning are suspended in the case of a suicide: no kereah, no eulogy,. no shiv`ah, unless it is evident that the act prompted by madness or fear of torture, as in the case of king THE - Philip. Birnbaum, "Jewish Concepts" Jewish Quotations, (McGraw Hill), Leo Rosten has included a very informative brief essay on suicide. It provides the fol- loiving additionally-impressive commen- tary on a subject that often challenges human concerns: Suicide is a crime, like mur- der, in traditional Judaism; and suicides were denied proper mourning and burial rites. Yet the rabbis realized that many (if not most) of those who took their lives were mentally sick — and not responsible for their deeds, hence could not rightly be con- demned. Unless a suicide was clearly unbalanced of mind, the body was buried in a special place at one side of a cemetery. Samson and Saul committed suicide, as did the whole garrison at Masada, in 73, to escape cap- ture by the Romans — about 960 Zealots, under Eleazar ben Jair, men, women, and children perished in one mass destruction. In England, in 1190, the Jews be- sieged in York 'castle extermined themselves, except for a few. The sacred prohibition of suicide was waived, in these and many other historic disasters, and in the eyes of Jews those driven to suicide, under such hopeless circum- stances, become heroes, legends of courage and resolute faith. The number of Jews who have committed suicide to excape torture, incineration, forcible conversion, slavery or slaughter is, simply uncountable. The toll of self-destruction on Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Po- land, Franca and all the places on which the horrors of Nazi rule fell — no one dare estimate the number. - L.R. He who commits suicide bit by bit, day by day, has lost both this world and the next one. Suicide is more reprehensible than. homicide (the latter may have justification). The Testament of Judah Asheri The man who puts his talents to selfish• uses commits spiritual suicide. - adapted from Hillel in "Sayings of the Fathers," 1:13. Suicide is not a problem that can be brushed aside perfunctorily. It is a seri- ous matter with deep human dimensions. The impending dangers are treated with great concern in a six-page pamphlet on suicide in which the University of California at Los Angeles urges the watching of fellow students who exhibit warning signs — like people who are chronically depressed and hint they won't be around long or give away prized possessions. These developing concerns are de- scribed in a New York Times article by Daniel Goleman on "What Colleges Have Learned About Suicide." The University of California brochure, Goleman points out, lists phone numbers for students to call uni- versity police. Goleman's article presents the following facts: UCLA's effort is typical of the reaction at many colleges and universities to the rise in suicides among American youths in the last 30 years. From 1981 to 1983, the rate was about 8.7 per 100,000 youths, compared with 6.9 in 1974. Sometimes, they occur in clusters. This month, three stu- dents from the same Omaha high school committed suicide. A school's role in preventing the deaths of despondent stu- dents is complicated by the ques- tion of liability. "Say a student who is seeing a college counselor threatens suicide and has a plan, but the therapist does not take the threat seriously," said Gary Pavela, a professor at the Uni- versity of Maryland Law School. "If the student commits suicide, then both the college and the counselor could be held liable." Leighton Whitaker, a • Swar- thmore College psychologist who advises college officials on suicides, explained it another way: "A college is under a legal obligation to assess and refer for proper treatment any suicidal student who comes to their atten- tion." A turning point in colleges' attention to the problem came in 1967, when Congress made it il- legal to discriminate. against the handicapped, including the emo- tionally handicapped, in admit- ting students. This has meant that applicants cannot be asked about psychiatric problems and that a larger number of troubled students may find their way to campuses, Dr. Whitaker said. In any case, psychologists say, the college community is well-suited to helping troubled young people and preventing suicides. The close contact among students and faculty members heightens the probabil- ity of spotting those at risk. Many campuses hold specia classes for resident assistants, the students who supervice dormitories. At UCLA, for example, they are in- structed to watch for certain danger signs, such as weeping for no apparent reason, drawing back from friends or suffering social or academic crises. "The resident assistants are told to err on the side of safety," said Morris Holland, an assistant vice chancellor for student de- velopment. "The numbers of suicides here vary greatly from year to year," he continued. "Over the last five years, it has been be- tween one and five each year, in a campus of 35,000 students. It happens rarely, but we're pre- pared when it does." There are about 50 threats for every successful suicide among students, Dr. Whitaker said. And while threats are far more common among college women than among men, men are three to four times more likely to succeed in killing themselves — an imbalance that is also true for the population at large. "Women are more able to cry out for help with their emotional needs than are men," Dr. Whitaker said. "Twice as many women, students as men seek help from college counselors. The higher risk is the silent and isolated college man who does not turn to anyone for help." At Indiana University in Bloomington, resident assistants are warned not to challenge a Continued on Page 17