17 PURELY COMMENTARY Jewish View On Suicide Continued from Page 2 student who threatens suicide, analyze motives or try to handle the situation themselves. "It's sometimes useful to find a small piece of the problem that can be dealt with positively, such as get- ting an 'incomplete' on a course the student is worrying about," said Nancy Stockton, a campus psychologist. Students who seem to be at serious risk are often asked to take health leaves and get psychological help, in which case their grades for the last term — which are frequently low — are removed from their tran- script. A condition for the stu- dent's return may be a letter from a psychotherapist. "A suicide arouses immense anxiety among everyone who knew the student, as well as a great deal of guilt," said Ben Lieber, dean of students at Amherst College and formerly a dean at Columbia University. "Everyone thinks that if only they had done something else it wouldn't have happened. It helps to be as open as possible with them about the circumstances of the suicide, to let them know how common attempts are and gener- ally to treat it as something that is not shameful, but is genuinely tragic." The tragedy of suicides, even when minimal, as the Detroit report indicates, cannot be treated lightly. USA Today, commenting editorially under the title "Teens Need Help to Solve the Problem," thus pointed to the issues involved: Anguished families and friends ask "Why?" But there's no pat answer why young people, often one right after the other, take their own lives. There is a teen suicide every 90 minutes. Every day, 1,000 young people attempt suicide, and every year, 6,000 of them succeed. Suicide is the third lead- ing cause of death in the 15-to--24 age group. Three high school students took their own lives in Omaha a few weeks ago. Two others tried, but failed. A week later, a Spencer, Mass., high school junior shot himself in the head. Then two classmates tried to kill themselves. "Cluster suicide" is a modern phenomenon that hurts us all — it robs us of our future. There have been 17 of these clusters in the past few years. They have occurred in all parts of the USA, including New York, Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Despite our concern, kids keep killing themselves. We don't really know why. Experts have theories: Youngsters are under pressure to do well in school; parents are belay with their own lives and problems; teens feel hopeless under the threat of nuclear war; families are broken by divorce and destabilized by frequent. moves; • there's more drug and alcohol abuse. Some would have us believe that teenage suicide isn't an epidemic and that a few isolated incidents are glorified by the media. "Rich kid kills self" makes a good story, they say, and it's ghoulish to report such events. But it's far better to talk about these things than to pre- tend they never happened. A news report can be used to start a discussion about depression and suicide: Parents can reassure kids they'll be there when the kids need them. It's not being a peeping Tom to report a tragedy — and it would be a far greater tragedy to ignore the problem. Goleman's analyses, factually sup- ported, are a valuable contribution to a painful subject. To confront it, it is necessary to know the facts and to deal with them seriously. It is heartening to know that this community does not suffer from the dan- gers of suicide trends. To be prepared to confront the menace is nevertheless a communally human obligation. Every occurrence that results in suicide is tragedy. When young people end their lives, by whatever means, it is tragic. When an elder person resorts to it, it is very, very sad. When so distin- guished a jurist as Henry J. Friendly finds it difficult to confront life's chal- lenges, there is cause for grief. Judge Friendly has gained a lasting place in American jurisprudence as judge, as interpreter of the law, as author of briefs lawyers will use in their legal practices for many years. Judge Friendly was turning blind and he could not continue to enrich his profession and the American experience. But the cause for his action is believed to be the great sorrow he underwent a year ago when his wife of 56 years passed on. The les- son of it is a deeply-moving posthumous sense of compassion for a very great fel- low citizen. A Very Sad Case When It Strikes Home Syme said. "I watched as my parents became old overnight ... There is nothing more I can do for Michael, but I decided I would personally do whatever I could to spare others the trauma of loss by suicide." He was instrumental in the formation of the Reform move- ment's Task Force on Youth Suicide, the only such effort by any religious body. Miss Goldgar has other references to Detroit-oriented tragic occurrence in her Southern Israelite article, in which she wrote: Both Michael Syme. and Mitch Bolton would seem to have much to live for. They were both talented musicians. Michael played 20 musical instruments and had played backup to such as John Lennon and Frank Zappa. His brother called him a "fine actor and a promising ar- tist," for whom everyone pre- dicted a brilliant career or series of careers. Rabbi Syme is still uncertain what drove his brother to suicide. What he does believe, and Mrs. Bolton agrees, is that in many cases, suicide is a prevent- able tragedy. "It can be pre- vented," he told the audience, "by caring people — you among them." He said, "What everybody needs is something to live for ... a sense of meaning and purpose and uniqueness as an indi- vidual." Any number of things, he said, can arouse a feeling of hopelessness: "Whether it is the death of a parent, sibling or friend, or the end of a love affair or failing a course in school. Sometimes suicide seems the only way to respond to an inability to deal with pressure." Rabbi Syme blames the media, too. "Television implicitly tells us that there is not a single significant problem that cannot be solved in a minimum of 23 minutes (plus commercials) or a maximum of 54 minutes. The music we listen to often conveys the very clear message that death is the only way out of the diffi- culty of life." • Returning to prevention, Rabbi Syme challenged the audi- ence: "Does it shock you to know that you and people your age probably have the capacity to save more lives than all the psychiatrists, parents and social workers in this city?" Then he addressed th crux of the matter. "Most people don't want to die. They just want help. They are crying out for someone to get them help." The importance of recogniz- ing the 'signals is paramont, he says. That includes recognizing that if a friend talks about suicide and swears his or her confidant to secrecy, the real hope is that the wall of silence will be broken and the friend will tell someone who can help. Rabbi Syme cited a book by Sol Gordon, Ph.D., called When Living Hurts; a book with heavy meaning, written with a light touch, that deals with the frustra- tions and stresses of life that can evoke suicidal thoughts. Pub- lished by UAHC's Yad Tikvah Foundation of the Task Force on Youth Suicide, the book offers al- ternatives and insights to youth and to parents. Again and again, he urged the students not to laugh it off if a friend talks about suicide. "Lis- ten," he said. "Listen, and then please tell someone. Call your friend's parents. Call the helpline. Make someone under- stand the seriousness of what you are sharing. The worst that will happen is that your friend will be angry for breaking a con- fidence; but only temporarily. Those who understand what true friendship entails will thank you and treasure your friendship even more." Rabbi Daniel Syme, who has emerged as a very creative factor in the publishing department of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, con- tributes a great ethical-moral-social guideline to a very serious problem. He does it with a seriousness that emenates from personal suffering in a very sadden- ing experience, one the shared with the affected parents. The entire generation has much to learn from the lesson offered by a griev- ing scholar. %troop Report': Nazi's Account Of Warsaw Ghetto Battle SS Brigadefuelifer Juergen Stroop directed the Nazi forces who battled the resisting Jewish population and finally destroyed the Warsaw Ghetto. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is un- matched in the record of heroism and re- sistance to Nazism in World War II. The actual account is provided by the nead of the German forces against the resisters in The Stroop Report: The Jewish Quar- ter of Warsaw Is No More (Pantheon). This is a facsimile edition of the actual report, with a copy of the German text and the English translation accompaning it. The summary record by Stroop in- cludes the daily actions and more than 50 photographs taken by the German forces. They make this reprinted first paperback edition immensely valuable in the study of the entire Holocaust subject. Adding great value to the report is the introduction to the volume by An- drzej Wirth, literary and drama critic who taught at Harvard and City Univer- sity of New York, and is now on the fa- culty of the Free University of Berlin and a senior associate at St. Anthony College, Oxford, England. A native of Poland, he taught in Polish universities as well. The authoritative comments by Wirth are translated by Sybil Milton. Because he was "editorially respon- sible for the German edition," Wirth's annotations assume significance. It took courage to overcome the objections cur- rent in 1960 to the task undertaken by Wirth with the aid of Gunther Grass. The Jewish Resistance to the Stroop-commanded forces lasted 28 days. Stroop was executed by Poland in 1951 for his, actions against civilians. It is. not pleasant reading, the ac- count of suffering in Warsaw, the mass extermination in Treblinka death, the mounting horrors that lent the tragic term to the Holocaust. Wirth's introductory essay provides ,Continued on next page Another, even more saddening case, is a recollection by a former prominent Detroiter, Rabbi Daniel Syme, son of Rabbi and Mrs. M. Robert Syme. It is told in a long article, "Suicides Hit Close to Home; Spurred Duo to Help Others," in the Southern Israelite of Atlanta by the newspaper's editor, Vida Goldgar. In excellent reporting, editor Goldgar dealt with the activities of Iris Bolton, executive director of the Link Counseling. Center of Sandy Springs, Ga., which is confronting the suicide problem. The special interest attracting Detroiter's to Miss Goldgar's important essay commences with the following: Rabbi Daniel Syme will never forget August 30, 1975. On a re- cent Monday evening, he told a primarily student audience at Emory University why: "That was the night my brother Michael committed suicide. He was only 20 years old." For Iris Bolton, executive di- rector of The Link Counseling Center in Sandy Springs, it hap- pened a little later: "It was nine years ago that my beautiful 20- year-old son made a choice to end his life." Out of 'their grief and the et- ernal questions "Why?" and "Could something or someone have prevented it?", both have spent. the years since learning everything they could that might answer those questions. 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