52 Friday, March 21, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS They Rolled Their Own (Pills, Of Course) BY YAACOV LURIA Special to The Jewish News uring the 1920's, when I D was growing up on the there were no felschers, but neighborhood druggists were reasonable facsimiles. Lower East Side of New. York, illnesses A druggist, in fact, was in many ways easily controlled by antibiotics today were superior to both a doctor and a felscher. serious matters. Flu, scarlet fever and He charged nothing for medical advice. He strep throat, for example, could lead to was easier to talk to than a busy doctor, dreaded "complications." Nevertheless, and he was always immediately available. when anyone in my family fell ill, my de- And everyone knew the story of the drug- vout mother put her trust in God first of gist who had saved a man from being sent all. If — God forbid — we didn't get well to certain death by his doctor. The doctor, quickly, she called for help from a panel of according to the legend, had prescribed a saints of the medical -persuasion — Dr. lethal dose of a drug — belladonna or ar- Bluestone, Dr. Wolper or Dr. Barsky. senic possibly — and the horrified druggist These were names to be invoked in hushed had telephoned the doctor and called his and reverent tones — and only if the case attention to the error. The patient went to seemed irremediable through prayer, ene- shul the very next shabbos to bentsch mas and copious glasses of hot, dried-rasp- goimel for his deliverance. How could you berry tea. fail to put your trust in a druggist? For common colds, belly aches, head- My former Bronx neighbor, Emil aches, twinges, cuts, sprains, bruises, Ducker, a practising pharmacist for over cinders in the eye, and lacerations up to a half century, tells me that in his early and including holes in the head, you relied professional days it was common for pa- on the corner druggist. Even if you fell tients to seek assurance about their physi- down a flight of stairs or were hit by a car, cians' competency from the druggist. He they took you to the drugstore. recalls one anxious customer's monologue: The druggist gave first aid and called for "I had pains in my stomach, so I went to an ambulance only if absolutely necessary. my doctor. He charged five dollars and Even so, many an accident victim stole sent me to a specialist. The visit to the away before the ambulance came. "Ambu- specialist cost me — you hear? — fifteen lance" meant "hospital", an object of dollars, and he told me to see a professor. universal fear. If the druggist had already The professor took twenty-five dollars and ministered to you, why risk being done to he gave me this tsettele (prescription). Sof death in a hospital? kol sof — to sum up — tell me, Mr. Ducker, In this day of universal sophistication, you think this medicine will help me, or everyone knows that the study of the not?" pharmacopeia does not qualify one for ad- Another former neighbor, the late Philip mission to the medical fraternity. A half Axelbank, who ran a drugstore on the century ago, distinctions were not that East Side for 58 years, remembered the fine. The druggist had fallen heir to the faithful tenacity with which customers fol- mantle of the felscher, an Old Country lowed their druggists' directions. character remembered fondly by immi- "A woman comes into the store one day grants. and asks me maybe I have soniething for The felscher was not a doctor, but he her husband's hemorrhoids," Mr. Axel- was as good as a doctor. Having served an bank once recalled. "So I give her a bottle apprenticeship as a doctor's assistant, he of mineral oil and a dozen suppositories, performed many paramedical services , . and I tell her that she should give her hus- such as pulling teeth, lancing abscesses, band two tablespoons of mineral oil and a and leeching, and'he had the advantage of suppository at bed time. A few days later being -cheaper than a doctor. In America, the woman comes back and tells me that her husband feels much better. 'But please, Mr. Axelbank,' she begs, 'maybe next time you can mix a little sugar or chocolate with the suppositories. You wouldn't-believe how hard it was for my husband to swallow them.' If they only obeyed the Ten Commandments like that!" - Our neighborhood druggist, Mr. Sham- roy, held court at the corner of Jackson and Monroe Streets, about a quarter of a mile from the ferry to Williamsburg on the Brooklyn side of the East River. When you opened his door, a rich aroma enveloped you. It was a compound of camomile and linden tea, idoform and lycopodium pow- der, Florentine orris root and oil of cloves, with carbolic acid dominating the lot. Like a strong whiff of smelling salts, the odors overpowered you until you caught your breath. The shelves were stacked with familiar patent medicines like Sloan's liniment, Vicks vaporub and musterole. There were no electrical appliances, cosme- tics, stationery or beach chairs. You were unmistakably in a drugstore. A short, pale-faced, hunched man with a fringe of mousy hair around his bald crown, Mr. Shamroy rarely wasted a word or a smile. When he heard a customer come in, he waddled to the counter and said one word, "Yes?" "Our neighborhood druggist, Mr. Shamroy, held court at the corner of Jackson and Monroe Streets...When you opened his door, a rich aroma enveloped you..." He took a case history and supplied remedies with the utmost economy. "My child has a cold" was all he needed to know. "He has fever?" If the answer was yes, out came a tin of aspirin. Sore throat? Yellow throat mixture for gargling ap- peared on the counter. He coughs? A bot- tle of terpin hydrate. As he wrapped the items, he gave a parting admonition, "If he's not better tomorrow, call a doctor. You hear?" Having been put off by his gruff man- ner, I hated being sent to make a purchase from Mr. Shamroy until one summer vaca- tion when I was conscripted into his ser- vice. I became Shamroy's errand boy through special pleading. At that time a poolroom was considered a den of vice, and we lived directly over one. My mother pre- vailed on Mr. Shamroy to let me be his un- paid flunky so that I would be far enough from the poolroom not to be seduced into the criminal life.