)• ; iro,*/•, 1 We Will Beat Your Best Price BI-FOLD SUPER SPECIAL 4 ft. openings 5 ft. openings 6 ft. openings ace the world has ever seen. latest developments in the Boeing 747-300 is being field. The Hussein clinic is be- ed out for the king at a ing rebuilt by contributions private donors in Sweden. cial hanger in San Antonio, from . in royal purple with a Patients requiring advanced tif copied for a new palace treatment are sent from Hus- ng built for the king in sein to Hadassah. di Arabia. The plane, says Seeking Mr. [Ms] Goodfellow Not all marriages are made designer, has "room spaces t have the feel of an English in heaven; a substantial num- at hall, but on a more col- ber are a result of matrimonial sed scale:' The Royal Suite ads in the press. A 'Ibl Aviv installed on the top deck University sociologist who 'ch is reached by an eleva- studied 1,800 matrimonial ads . (A special, bullet-proof that appeared in the Aviv vator will take the King daily, Maariv, over a five-year m the exterior to the eleva- period, has discovered that .) Miniaturized chandeliers seekers for a spouse have dif- ovide the lighting. Seat-belt ferent criteria today. In bygone years male adver- ckles and all fittings are tisers in Der lbg, in New York, d-plated. he main deck has two state sought good-looking home- ms, each with bath and makers with dowries (not et, a formal dining room necessarily so young or d a completely equipped goodlooking if the dowry was edical room. In the ceiling of substantial) and female adver- ch room is a dial with a needle tisers looked for good pro- at automatically points to- viders. But nowadays, says rd Mecca. The lower deck Prof. Yohanen Peres, the re- s a rest area for the crew. quirements have changed. e plane has seating facilities Women have become less r 145. dependent on men economical- The United States taxpayer ly and "characteristics such as making its contribution. sensitivity, gentleness, energy deral Aviation Administra- and humor in men are beginn- n inspectors have put in ing to supersede wealth and ore than 1,000 hours in free even occupational prestige:' spections over the past year As a result, says the d have set up a laboratory at sociologist, marriage is becom- e hangar to test the flam- ing "less of an economic part- ability of materials going in- nership and more of an in- the plane. timate companionship:' Islam and Whiskey Although the Moslem OXFAM Rejects ligion strictly enjoins believ- Vaccine From s from using alcohol, the . Jewish Group uwait Government has just New York (JTA) — An effort quired a 3.8 percent interest by the American Jewish World Arthur Berll & Sons, maker Britain's biggest selling Service (AJWS) organization to cotch whiskey, for a reported send some $150,000 worth of scarce meningitis vaccine to 0.8 million. Kuwait, of course,, is a Mos- Burkina Faso was thwarted by m nation. Its oil resources OXFAM-United Kingdom ave made it one of the wealth- which refused to accept the supplies for distribution st nations in the world with medical in the West African nation, it ne of the highest per capita omes among all the nations. was learned here last week. In- the medical supplies were is fiscal managers are always stead, n the alert for good invest- sent by AJWS to Nepal to meet health needs there. ent opportunities. OXFAM UK, one of six loose- Asked how this whiskey in- affiliated, though indepen estment could be reconciled ly 'th the Islamic law, 'an official dent OXFAM offices, appeared refused the vaccine out the Kuwait Investment Of- to have fear — said to be unfounded ice in London shrugged and of that the government of aid: "It's just a portfolio in- — Burkina Faso would prevent its estment." distribution because its source Friendly Foes was a Jewish relief organization, A team of doctors from the according to officials repre- o adassah-Hebrew University sent ing OXFAM UK and the - edical Center meets regular AJWS. y each week with a team of Derek Warren, press officer rab doctors at the Hussein for OXFAM UK, said the deci- overnMent Hospital at Beit sion to reject the vaccine was allah on cases, the West Bank eview, make ward taken on a local level by a ounds and consult on blood representative in Ouagadougou, ses and their treatment. the capital of Burkina Faso, isea of Hus. formerly Upper Volta. There week, the head Iach sein's w ematolog Clinic visits was fear that the origin the H ah Medicall School in vacine would cause it to be Hadass Jerusalem to be apprised of impounded, Warren said. NEW MIRRORED BI - existing Doors $130.99 Installed $140.99 Installed $154.99 Installed Y Slim Foie FOLD DOORS--FINEST QUALITY le 20.00 Installed $230.00 Installed 4 ft. openings $270.00 Installed 5 ft. openings 6 Lowest ft. openings Prices On All Types of Mirrored Walls, Furniture, Bars, Cubes, Etc. Heavy Glass Table Tops, Shelving, Beveled O.G. Edges. Shower. and Tub Enclosures, Replacement Windows. 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