TERRORISTS "by having people in the field, out there. tracking things down, uncovering informa- tion." But, says Michael Leden, that's not something the United States can do on its own. We need the help of our West Euro- pean allies. Leden, a senior fellow at the Georgetown University Center for Stra- tegic and International Studies, says the problem is that "countries are like people. They try to ignore things as long as it's happening mostly to others." European governments, adds Cohen, are afraid they'll lose business if they join the U.S. in fighting terrorism. "They're afraid they'll make the Arabs mad," he says. "It reminds me of the story about the guy who was being kicked in the head but didn't say anything because he was afraid he'd make the kicker mad. They're already do- ing all they can right now. We need to stop them from doing more." But stopping them means more tlian taking steps to prevent terrorist incidents from occurring. It also means, says Cohen, retaliating for incidents that do occur. Doing that, and knowing what and how to do it, is the hard part, all agree. Which is why there has been a lot more talk about retaliation than there has been action. "We're not eager to pay the price," says Quandt.. "Words are cheap, action is con- troversial and messy." "We're afraid," says Podhoretz, "that retaliation will cause civilian casualties, will upset our allies, trigger protests, cost us the support of our supposed friends in the Arab world." There is concern, too, says Cohen, that to fight terrorism we have to adopt terrorist tactics. But, Leden says, those problems must be overcome because "the only thing ter- rorists pay attention to is action. They haven't paid the price until now, so why shouldn't they do their thing. If they were dealt a real blow, it is much less likely they would continue." And such a blow is possible, Leden says. "We know a lot more than we say we know. We can go after individual terrorists and terrorist leaders without either bomb- ing massive targets or doing nothing." "If we've gotten to where we are in a position to identify theperpetrators of ter- rorist acts, if we know who they are and where they are, we must not be squeam- ish," says former Undersecretary of State Joseph Sisco. "We must be ready to use forceful measures. Diplomacy without force is not enough. It's empty, it won't work. We must combine power and diplomacy. We can't be indiscriminate and hurt innocent victims, but we can no longer afford to stand by while anti-peace acts are perpetrated without retribution. • If we don't do that and if we are afraid we have no way of deterring this kind of thing from happening again and again." "It's gotta cost 'em," says Cohen blunt- ly. "Right now, they get a great return on their investment. In 60 percent of the ter- rorist acts, all or some of the terrorists' demands are met. Eighty peicent of ter- rorists escape death or capture. And there is a 100 percent chance of world publici- ty. It's a very good business. We need to do what we can to make it a lousy return on investment, to make their own cost- benefit analysis show them that it won't pay off." To start, Cohen advocates "tracking down the people responsible for the TWA incident, grabbing them and putting them on trial here. We should also put a price on the heads of the guys who killed Kling- hoffer; send operatives in there and get 'em. We would feel good and it would de- crease terrorism." Zonis, however, says that while military action might sometimes be called for, that's more the exception than the rule. There are, he says, other ways to strike back. "We must keep the perspective that we are at war. And so we have to fight in all ways we can and the most effective ways we can." Which usually means, he says, economic and political retaliation. "We must tell the key regimes that assist terrorism that we know what . they're doing and that we hold them ac- countable," says Netanyahu. "The mere act of openly condemning them is very powerful. We must recognize that this is a war against the West and so we must choose the ways and means that are most effective to combat it. There are political means that can be employed from sever- ing diplomatic relations to recalling an am- bassador. And there are economic means from boycotts to embargos to withdrawal of loading rights and docking rights. And the military option must not be ruled out. The point is that dealing with terrorists is not a one-shot deal." The point also is to aim the shots at the right target. "In a gang war, we don't think the only one responsible is the peon that committed the crime. The issue is not the peon, but the godfather. With terror- ism, the issue is not the trigger man, not the individual terrorist, but the state that assists him." We have to remember who we're dealing with and deal with them accordingly, says Cohen. "Terrorists don't have the same mentality as you and me. There is a strong American norm that if you're nice to peo- ple they will be nice to you. But these ter- rorist states see decency as weakness, courtesy as vulnerability, they don't understand nice. If you're nice,, they're mean. If you're nicer, they're meaner." Which is why to beat terrorism, says Zonis, we have to show those committing it in all ways possible and in ways they will understand, that terrorism simply doesn't pay. "People expect and are entitled to a life of minimum threat to their physical and psychic well-being. At this moment in world history, terrorism pays and so is a serious threat to all of us. "I don't know how long this moment will last. We can only hope it won't go on forever." ;4,