iyl 25 For The Love Of... BY ROBYN KLEEREKOPER Special to The Jewish News ow Jong does it take to put together an enormous art show, even if this is the 23rd annual one your group has been involVed in? Accord- ing to the organizers of the Sholem Aleichem Institute Annual Art Show and Sale being held this weekend at the Shenandoah Country Club in West Bloomfield; you start about- three weeks after last year's show! The Sholem Aleichem Institute's show is a juried *event, with the works of about :125 artists being ex- hibited. Not a small feat, indeed. Ac- , cording to the group's publicity' chairman, Lilian Meisner, the show, "is probably the forerunner for all art shows in the area We were the first to have a juried show, and the first to have the kind of talent we do. Many of the artists we've chosen have gone on to become nationally and internationally recognized. We've had Edward Chesily and John Glick, among others." The jury committee goes around to shows during the year, finding ar- tists of merit that interest them. Other artists approach the commit- tee, and slowly the task of getting the show ready for the March date becomes a reality. This year's art show chairman,, Rose Roth, says "It's become a city- wide, looked-for event. People come to socialize, as they would at an art r ',gallery, as well as to buy. 'We've ; given fantastic exposure to young Michigan artists over the Years, ,,They come to us, es . i tmigiowns and each year we seem to come up 'with!: a star." , , The show which '..runs today oug un y, inc includes u es many d. 1- through S da verse media -- oils, watercolors, sculpture, soft sculPtUre, fiber art, glass, ceramics and pottery, for' example. Both estahli'shecl and riew *talent will be on exhibit. Sholem Aleichem. Institute has been in existence sines; ' 1927, founded by Moishe Haar. Its aim is to keep Yiddish alive: Meisner says 'the group is a cultilial and eduCa- tional organization that tries to re- late, Jewishness to literature, drania, music .and philosophy.:Among its ac- tivities is a monthly Oneg Shabbat where book reviews of Jewish inter- est are presented, and Jewish issues are debated. Recently the topic of EthioPian Jews was discussed. When possible, the members hire_ speakers from the University, of 'Michigan to some of the items for this weekend's art show and sale, are, from left: talk to .them. There's an annual Inspecting Lilian Meisner, chairman Rose Roth and Gertrude Edgar. three-day retreat with several in- vited 'speakers. Occasionally Yiddish Plays are brought in:from New York. , The understanding and speaking synagogue or temple, 'but wish to be of Yiddish is definitely an advantage part Of the Jewish community. in the group, hut it is not a pre- Sholem Aleichem Institute serves requisite for attending, as there are such 'a function as it' is an active plenty of activities conducted in group, and has a representative` on English. 'or Yiddish speakers, hair- both the Detroit Jewish Community eir,er, it is an excellent forum for Council, and the Detroit Soviet Jewry Committee. It has adapted a using that skill. What type of members belong to Russian family in' the Soviet Union Sholem Aleichem InstitUte? - Meisner and regularly sends parcels- and let- says there's a good; cross-section of ters. The group holds Rosh Hashanah the Jewish Community and they are _ddle-age -The ancip Yoin Kippur services to which y in theini ubl -is. welcome to come, free ,Orsanization wouldlikp to see YoUng the. ic '07,#*40,1'.. !. 4/Ieisner says there's a people hecome interested in it. jargia:77,Wiffolit of PeP.P10,..IXQP13110.- br,A, 'strong- :pereeiktage_of, ' members are not affiliated with any • Continued on next page . , The Sholem Aleichem Institute will continue a 23-year tradition as it opens its annual art show and sale t9nig , - •