- 2 Friday, March 7, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ A Jacob Rader Marcus Day On The Jewish Calendar Had there been a trend to set a specific day on the Jewish calendar in recognition of a distinguished personal- ity — as in the American way in the names of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Christopher Columbus and Mar- tin Luther King — such a candidate is now on the scene and he defies competi- tion. Jacob Rader Marcus, who reached his 90th birthday on March 5, is the creative leader in important fields of Jewish endeavor. He has certainly led the way as an archivist and in that role he has inspired contemporaries in all faiths and certainly in the Jewish re- search functions. Thanks to his directo- rial genius in the American Jewish Arc- hives, similar gifts are made by the American Jewish Historical Society and on the local scenes in archival thrusts at Temple Beth El and Shaarey Zedek. This is only one facet of the "Jake" Marcus role as a creative personality, as researcher and teacher, as author and lecturer. The records of American Jewish his- tory would be incomplete and inadequate had it not been for the numerous books produced by Dr. Marcus. His forthcoming four-volume record of American Jewish history, soon to be published, already indicates, in the advance information of the result of his efforts in the 90th year of his life, how a student can share the results of his endeavors with the genera- tions. The communities of America already had a taste of the historic morsels he has been providing through the years. Few lecturers have the comparative. attrac- tions of being welcomed to audiences in scores of areas .for a sharing with him of the knowledge he imparts about Ameri- can Jewry. He is the man who imparts knowledge, often extemporaneously, speaking an hour or more without notes, because he is the best informed on the subjects so vital for a knowledge of the history of American Jewry and because his age never hampered his eloquence. He is always a delight, here and elsewhere, when he arises to teach even the largest audiences and the facts are always fascinatingly bathed in humor. In the fascination of Personality Marcus there is such a multiplicity of characterizations that the admirers are provided with knowledge, anecdotal charm, appreciation of a native Ameri- can's growth into spiritUal-cultural domination. Annually Jake Marcus prepares for American Jewish readers a list of the current year's anniversaries. This year's sharing of such knowledge has special significance. It deals with people, events and seminaries. . In a period in the history of this country when organized labor confronts a challenge to its successful continuity, Dr. Marcus' reminds that "the American Federation of Labor was established by Samuel Gompers, a Jew, Dec. 8, 1886." This will surely inspire many articles about the AFL and Gompers. Dr. Marcus lists major theological movements that have anniversaries this year: "The founding of the Jewish Theological Seminary Association, in 1886. (The Seminary opened in 1887)." "Etz Chaim, an East European Jewish Parochial School and Talmudic Academy, was established in New York City in 1897 and later it became part of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary." Included in the Marcus list is this note about a famous leader: Death of Richard James Horatio Gottheil, May 22, 1936, Semitic scholar and Orientalist, who founded the first National American Zionist Society and Zeta Beta Tau" Fraternity." There is much to be said about him as the first president of the Zionist Organization of America and what was for many years the leading American Jewish university fraternity. Interestingly, Zeta Beta Tau was very anti-Zionist, in spite of the Zionist lead- ership of its founder. The Hasmonean initials of Zeta Beta Tau remain in the Hebrew title given the national fraternity by Prof. Gottheil, "Zion (Tzion) b'mishpat Tipode," — Zion shall be redeemed with justice." (Isaiah 1:27) Isaiah devotees must have hoped that Prof. Gotheil would utilize the com- plete 1:27 sentence in his ZBT designa- tion: "Tzion bimishpat tipode v'shaveha b'tzedaka" — "Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and they that return of her, with righteousness." It stands to reason that the Marcus list includes as a must the 100th an- niversary of the Statue of Liberty. Much is being written about it and more will come about Emma Lazarus whose poem made it even more famous. Noteworthy in the Marcus list is the recording of the anniversary of the death of Ossip Gabrilowitch, Nov. 14, 1936. As conductor of the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra, Gabrilowitch gained recognition as concert pianist and orchestra conduc- tor. He.became deeply involved in behalf of the then Palestine Symphony Or- chestra. Born in Russia, in 1878, in an assimilated family, he soon became a dedicated supporter of the Zionist cause, an advocate of movement for the revival of the Hebrew language, a supporter of the Jewish National Fund. He was the son-in-law of Mark Twain and encouraged his wife Clara Clemens in her career as a concert singer. A great deal will surely be written about him in the year ahead. Marcus' 'Ten Greatest' As an appendix to his list of important 1986 Jewish anniversaries, Jacob Marcus selected the following as the "Ten Jews Who Influenced World History": Moses Jesus David Ricardo, the economist Karl Marx Sigmund Freud Albert Einstein Selman A. Waksman: streptomycin Albert Sabin: polio vaccine Jonas Salk: polio vaccine Gregory Pincus: the pill Jacob Rader Marcus Included in the Marcus list are these anniversaries: 1786 Tw0 Hundred Years Ago Aaron Levy founded Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania, October 4, 1786, the first American settlement es- tablished by a Jew. 1836 One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago Texas declared itself independent of Mexico, March 2, 1836. Jews were active in the establishment of the new territory. Birth of Simon Wolf, American communal worker and Washing- ton lobbyist, October 28, 1836. 1886 One Hundred Years Ago Death of David Levy Yulee, lawyer, railroad promoter, and Florida politician, October 10, 1886. He served as United States Senator from Florida in 1845, the first Jew in the Senate. He evinced no Jewish interests. Death of Dr. Charles H. Lieber- mannjtussian Jewish physician, who attended President Lincoln on his deathbed. Morris Rosenfeld, notable Yid- dish poet, settled finally in America in New York City in 1886. 1936 Fifty Years Ago Death of Peter Wiernik, February 13, 1936, Russian-born journalist and American historian, chief editor of the New York Yiddish Morning Journal. Death of Moses Zebulun Mar- golies, August 26, 1936, distin- guished Russian-born Orthodox rabbi, a founder of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of America and Canada. Death of Isaac Max Rubinow, physician, social worker, eco- nomic statistician, September 1, 1936. He was a pioneer in the So- cial' Security Movement. The assembling of such data is exemplary in the literary labors of "Jake" Marcus. He is the superb fact- finder as his approaching four-volume historical record will surely prove. He is the great fact-finder and there is great dependence on his knowledge. As ad- ministrator of the American Jewish Arc- hives, with Dr. Abraham Peck as his very able associate, he does not interrupt rendering great service to Jewry and America. His 90th birthday is occasion for celebration, with cheers and salutes to him by Jews everywhere. Activism Of Youth As 'Champions Of Our People ' In the column dealing with the anti-Semitic trends everywhere, with emphasis on Russia and the Arabs ("Anti-Semitism and the 'Joke' From USSR," Purely Commentary, Feb. 14), a letter from Michigan Daily (University of Michigan publication) by Eric Siegal was utilized for a refutation of Arab con- tentions they would not be anti-Semitic because they were Semites themselves. Siegal showed the fallacy of such a de- fense. In a matter of days, this commen- tator received a letter from Eric's mother Continued on Page 18