Please send the Allied Jewish Campaign $24 million-plus today. Thank you. It would be nice if we opened the mail and a check for that amount fell out. But that probably won't happen. It will take your check, laige or small, along with many others like it to reach our Allied Jewish Campaign goal. You're probably thinking $24 million- plus is a lot of bread. It sure is. But we need it to pay for the human services that sustain life in Israel and through- out the world. for Aged — are also supported by this Campaign. Hasn't someone in your family — maybe you — been touched by one of these agencies? Here in Detroit, our Jeivish Welfare Federation programs and agencies — like the Jewish Family Service, the Jewish Vocational Service, Jewish Community Center and Jewish Home To meet the growing needs we'll have to find the money somewhere. So how about sending a check today? We sure could use it. Give to' the • ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN for PAR FO Ll Allied Jewish Campaign of the Jewish Welfare Federation 163 Madison Avenue • Detroit, Mithigan 48226 • (313)965-3939 , ,lyI 1tt7 •