wItTi.es alias 2'242 et o 4 Fnday, February 25, 1986 wit vitrogrigi vigg 11,111111111t, fi.ttust sr misisue 6172 51111sisliainsisir Tcmialtaitirt 24Z THE JEWISH NEWS Serving Detroit's Metropolitan Jewish Community with distinction for four decades. Editorial and Sales offices at 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076-4138 Telephone (313) 354-6060 OFFICE STAFF: Lynn Fields Marlene Miller Dharlene Norris Phyllis Tyner Pauline Weiss Ellen Wolfe PUBLISHER: Charles A. Buerger EDITOR EMERITUS: Philip Slomovitz EDITOR: Gary Rosenblatt CONSULTANT: Carrni M. Slomovitz ART DIRECTOR: Kim Muller-Thym NEWS EDITOR: Alan Hitsky LOCAL NEWS EDITOR: Heidi Press LOCAL COLUMNIST: Danny Raskin • PRODUCTION: Donald Cheshure Cathy Ciccone Curtis Deloye Ralph Orme ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Lauri Biafora Allan Craig Rick Nessel Danny Raskin ©1988 by The Detroit Jewish News (US PS 276-520) Second Class postage paid at Southfield. Michigan and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year - $21 2 years - $39 — Out of State - $23 Foreign - $35 VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 1 CANDLELIGHTING AT 6:03 P.M. Gas Pump Wars Driving into the corner station to fill the tank of the family sedan has been relatively pleasurable in recent weeks. The cost of petroleum has fallen sharply, giving us a respite from a decade-and-a-half of rising prices. The reasons behind the price decline, however, are ominous for the future. The 50 percent decline in crude oil prices since November are the result of years of research and investment, and political decisions made by Western countries in response to the Arab oil embargo of 1973. U.S. laws •mandating higher-mileage automobiles, and development of Alaskan, North Sea and Mexican oil fields have contributed to the degree of independence we hfive attained from the OPEC countries. Saudi Arabia is in the process of changing the equation. Having lost considerable revenue and the cohesion of its cartel in an unsuccessful effort to prop up high prices by holding down output, the Saudis have now switched gears. Still the world's major oil producer and holder of the most proven oil reserves, the Saudis have initiated the current price war. The fallout from that war, in addition to temporarily lower prices at the pump, could be the destruction of the oil industries of Mexico and other small • countries, and a return to OPECV previous status. Allen Murray, chairman of Mobil' Oil, told the Economic Club of Detroit this week that falling prices will discourage producers from developing new oil fields. He predicted much higher prices by next fall. U.S. State . Department envoy Edward Marks, in response to a question at the Zionist Organization of Detroit's luncheon forum, acknowledged the Saudi role in , funding the Palestine Liberation Organization. He also acknowledged their "major role in the world economy" as the reason for U.S. delicacy in dealing with the Saudis. A temporary oil glut and a temporary drop in gasoline prices may only indicate a temporary loss of economic and political power for Saudi Arabia and OPEC. , 5 Not Good Enough After endless debate, deliberation and good old-fashioned congressional obfuscation, the Senate last week approved a United Nations' ban on genocide — 37 years after it had first been submitted to the Senate by President Truman. With the vote, the U.S. finally joined 90 other countries that had approved the U.N. convention since it had first been adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948. Jewish groups in the U.S. hailed the Senate's vote last week. The original UN resolution was rooted in the Nazis' slaughter of six million Jews. And Elie Wiesel, &man who has become a living symbol of Jewish survival, acknowledged that "a law on genocide will not stop future attempts to commit genocide. But at least we, as a moral nation, have made this statement We are against genocide, and we cannot tolerate a world in which genocide is'being perpetrated." All of this sounds lofty and inspiring — if a bit tardy. But on closer inspection, the U.S. version of the anti-genocide resolution is not quite what it appears to be. Led by Sen. Jesse Helms, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee added caveats to the resolution that effectively emasculated it. One is that the World Court lacks jurisdiction in cases brought against the U.S. unless Washington consents. This is tantamount to giving an alleged murderer the prerogative to approve the charges filed against him -- and whether, indeed, any should be filed. , OP-ED The Lesson Of Challenger: Reaching For The Stars BYRABBI PHILIP BLACHORSKY Special to The Jewish News Triumph, jubilation and joy were the intense anxious emotions as Chal- lenger lifted off the pad in a beauti- fully executed lift-off. Less than two minutes later, disbelief, horror, tears, sadness and outrage dominated our inner and outer selves as we witnessed a ball of fire incinerating and consum- ing the space craft with all crew aboard. A voyage began with hopeful exhilaration and an air of joyful expec- tancy. We were able to sniff, smell, taste and feel the thrill of success. Less than two minutes later, all joy and feelings of well-being and goodness left us as we witnessed the horror and agony of death and destruction. Today, tomorrow — and the many tomorrows that follow, we will grieve, we will mourn, and we will remember. Young and old, from all walks of life stood shocked and mute. Our eyes welled with tears; our throats choked with cry as we witnessed the ball of fire that consumed the "Magnificent Seven." These seven gave the ultimate — their lives — that humanity can take one more giant step forward to unlock and unravel the mysteries and mystique of . God's creation. Most of us live lives of quiet desp- eration. Our plateaus, our levels of aspiration, desires and hope pale into insignificance as we compare our achievements and accomplishments to the "Seven." Our sights are blurred; our sights are aimed low. Our horizons are limited. And we stricken ourselves with the malady called myopia. With a great sense of loss, we can only re- member and project what could have been. The minority of our society are the shakers, shapers and makers of our civilization. We want, want and want. Yet we do not essay ourselves to Rabbi Blachorsky is founder of the Jewish Community Congregation of Israel in Oak Park. be the untiring workers and achievers. We wish only to benefit from the ef- forts and sacrifices of others. We, as the human race, must understand that you cannot really move without moving. Motion equates success. Standing still equates stagna- tion. It is easy to articulate glibly the expressions and wisdom of the ages: We, as the human race, must understand that you cannot really move without moving. "Show me a man who never did any- thing wrong and I'll show you a man who did nothing." Or, "Without risk, there can be no gain." The crew mem- bers of the space shuttle Challenger made the ultimate effort. They sac- rificed their lives for us and all human- ity. We, who are left behind, suffer from the irreplaceable loss. We suffer the pain of anguish. We ask ourselves, "Why did it happen? Was it worth it? Is God sending us a message? With all our technological advances, what-went wrong? Who is to blame? Was it a human error, or was it an act of God?" Each and every one of us is hum- bled by this catastrophic tragedy. Suddenly, we becorae all too aware that we are vulnerable, perishable and disposable. How shocking it is to wake up to an awareness that we are all so fragile and delicate. Yes, tragedy brings us up short, and makes one focalize on the important in relation to the unimportant. Life is a series of events, of mis- takes, failures, trials and errors; triumphs and fulfillments. The great tragedy and fraility of life comes into focus. In the beginaing, we are awed , Continued on Page 12