60 Friday, February 21, 1986 r THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PERKS FOR YOUR PARTIES INVITATIONS? Hattie Schwartz Of Course! 352-7387 FOR THE BEAUTIFUL INVITATIONS PEOPLE TALK ABOUT • • • • HEBREW COPY AVAILABLE L ENTERTAINMENT? Seymour Schwartz Of Course! 356-8525 DJ's • One Man Band Any Size Music Group Caricatures • Clowns Mimes • Magic • Mark Kandel, E.S.F. I J GET MARTS • Call The Jewish News 354-6060 ADDITIONAL 10% OFF All Shower Curtains All Bathroom Rugs with coupon only all sales final Mon., Tues. Si Sot 10-6 Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 10-9 expires 2-23-86 Sunday 12-5 Hunters Square Orchard Lake & 14 MIle 855-3777 For nearly 60 years sitting down to breakfast of Lender's Bagels and PtiOLADELPHIA BRAND Cre se has been a deft ReCogn i p chewy on the inside, ready to be spread with either plain PHILLY or one of the tempting fruit or vegetable flavors. And because PHILLY has half the calories of butter or mar- garine, you cari - enjoy this satisfying combination every day. And, of course, both are certified Kosher So if you want to, enjoy a tradition tomorrow, pipifl,tp the Lendereihd Soft PHILLY today. OBSERVATIONS Radio Liberty Is Still Under Fire BY VICTOR M. BIENSTOCK Special to The Jewish News A radio station financed by the United States Govern- ment, operated by the United States Information Agency and broadcasting directly to the people of the Soviet Union, is carrying anti-Semitic ma- terial selected by anti-Soviet emigres, including programs that blame the Jews for the ad- vent of Bolshevism, defend pogromists and condone Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis in World War II. The station is Radio Liberty, based in Munich, Germany, one of the three major stations transmitting to the people in the Soviet Union. It was run by the Central Intelligence Agency during the 1950s and 1960s as an instrument of the cold war. In recruiting the sta- tion's staff, says Lars-Erik Nelson, a veteran hand on Soviet affairs, the CIA "occa- sionally overlooked records of collaboration with Nazi Ger- many." Now, after, many vicissitudes, Radio Liberty is ensconced in the USIA. Radio Liberty policies have long been under attack for transmitting anti-Semitic and anti-democratic material. Its directors have conceded some errors in judgment by the staff but they deny that anti- Semitic material was deliber- ately carried. One Jewish editor, however, was fired because he publicly protested the inflammatory anti-Jewish nature of some broadcasts and refused to agree to being muzzled. Radio Liberty critics com- plain, according to Nelson, na- tionally syndicated columnist and Washington bureau chief of the New York Daily News, that "under the Reagan Ad- ministration, lightwing emigres have set the tone for many important broadcasts." Nelson, who has served as Moscow correspondent for Reuters, speaks Russian. His critical report on Radio Liber- ty appears in the Winter issue of Foreign Policy, influential quarterly on international af- fairs published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Noting complaints that Radio Liberty commentators "are more interested in re- fighting obscure ideological battes, promoting anti-demo- cratic views, or vindicating themselves in the eyes of their former compatriots than in serving U.S. interests—as Radio Liberty's mandate re- quires," Nelson charges that more is involved than the iden- tity of the station staff , members. "The arcane ideological war- fare and, on occasion, religious bigotry found on Radio Libel., ty undermine the very, idea that an • American-managed, semi-independent station -pan s serve both a Soviet audience and American foreign policy interests," he points out. Designed as an outlet for voices forbidden to speak in the Soviet Union, he com- ments, these voices, such as that of Aleksandr Solzhen- itsyn, are frequently sharply critical of American democracy and American life and strong- ly anti-Semitic. Nelson identifies three waves of Soviet emigrants on Radio Liberty's foreign-lang- uage staff: those who them- selves or their families left at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution, those who emi- grated at the end of World War II and those, pre-. dominantly Jews, who were allowed to emigrate in the 1970s. "Russians and Ukrainians who left immediately after World War II have protested, sometimes in crude, hand- distributed cartoons, that 'non-Russians'—newly arrived Jews—have too big a role in determining the station's con- tent. Their slogan on one photocopied leaflet," Nelson says "unconsciously parroted the Nazis: 'Only Russians should broadcast to Russia.' " They also accuse the Jewish newcomers of being friendlyto socialism, sympathetic to Eurocommunism and "down- right pro-Soviet." "In turn, some of the Jews suspect, sometimes with good reason, that the Russian and Ukrainian emigres who turned up in West Germany im- mediately after World War II must have collaborated with the Nazis." Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe, have always operated under a long list of "restraints" to protect their objectivity and ensure max- imum credibility. The stations also had a strict set of pre- broadcast review procedures, most of which were eliminated by two Reagan Administration appointees, Frank Shakes- peare and ex-Sen. James Buckley, on the theory that the stations should police themselves. "The complaints erupted almost at once," Nelson says, with charges that "right-wing extremist Soviet and Eastern European emigres'', had been given free rein. Buckley issued a memorandum in December, 1983 noting "a proliferation of charges that the Russian Ser- vice broadcasts contain anti- Semitic references. "If true," he declared, "such breaches of decency and policy are in- tolerable and must be put to an immediate end." Buckley also warned that anyone spreading false charges of anti-Semitism would' be' disciplined. ' HIS warning against anti-Sernitisni in Radio Liberty broadcasts apPafently. . went unheeded. In Febinary, - OURWIPIaiwolle•Maleaa••••••••••••••