"I gave at the office" and other grim fairy tales. "Send me the card and I'll think about it." "I have to talk to my accountant." "I don't believe in parochial education." "I don't want to give a new pledge until I've paid off my old one." "I have a problem with Israel politics right now." "I send my money directly to.. ." "We've only been here for a few years and don't feel we're part of the community." When we call, we're not interested in fairy tales. Turning pumpkins into coaches takes a lot of work and your financial support. Yes, you! We gave up on fairy godmothers a long time ago. IP Fairy tales all. Answer the Call. Give to the ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN -crwmm WE for N • Ll Allied Jewish Campaign of the Jewish Welfare Federation 163 Madison. Avenue • Detroit, Michigan 48226 • (313)965-3939