36 Friday, February 21, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NEWS Coming Partners For Life Next The needs and lifestyles of our senior adults cover a full range- from those who are frail and require ongoing nursing care to those who are indepen- dent but require an affordable place to live Jewishly. The diverse agencies that re- ceive funding from the Jewish Welfare Federation's Allied Jewish Campaign work to ensure that every segment of the older community is provided service. The following story profiles the work of one agency. The Person. Fran Salwin seems to have found the secret to achieving true happiness in later life. It's keeping busy, helping others . . . and living at the Jewish Federation Apart- ments' Prentis Towers in Oak Park. Mrs. Salwin has been a JFA resident for the past six years and she couldn't be more pleased. The soft-spoken but energetic grandmother of six loves to chat about her many activities and busy days. In fact, she was named JFA's "Volunteer of the Year" last year. But life wasn't always so up- beat for Mrs. Salwin. A widow, she had continued to live alone in her home for several years after her husband passed away. However, the neighbor- hood was experiencing many problems, and Mrs. Salwin felt isolated and frightened. She resisted her children's urging that she move in with them. Most importantly, says Mrs. Salwin, she wanted to be among other Jews. Six years later, she feels the move to Prentis Towers was the right one. "Everyone's so congenial and there's so much to do," she notes. "When a person moves in here, they live so much longer." The young-at-heart Mrs. Salwin points with pride to her role as a JFA floor representa- tive. In addition to acting as a liaison between residents and administration, Mrs. Salwin Final Clearan of Fall & Winter Items at THE ORCHARD MALL Fran Salwin alsO organizes the weekly Oneg Shabbat, sings in the residents' chorus and helps out at the lobby's main desk. And then there is time to help friends read or write letters. "I'm always available to help," she says. "When you work, you're right in the middle of things." The Agency. The Jewish Federation Apartments is a member agency of the Jewish Welfare Federation and the re- cipient of Allied Jewish Cam- paign funding. Subsidized by the U.S. Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development, it is designed for senior citizens of modest incomes who can live independently. There are two locations for JFA's 300 residents: Prentis Towers in Oak Park and Hechtman Federation Apart- ments in West Blobmfield. Both feature modern, one- bedroom apartments and a central dining room where residents are served a kosher dinner- daily. A variety of ac- tivities include holiday cele- brations, lectures, movies, game nights and field trips. - Beverly Wolkind THURSDAY, FEB. 27th - SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd Top Rank For Chaplains Watch Next Week's Issue of THE JEWISH NEWS for all of the best bargains ORCHAR LL These Prices You Just Can't Miss Research Lab Established Orchard Lake-Rd. North of Maple West Bloomfield • • • . New York — For the first serves as a chaplain in the time in the history of the United Office of the Chief of Chaplains in the U.S. Air Force with the States Jewish military chap- laincy, three Jewish chaplains brigadier general rank. now have top rank in their re- spective branches of the U.S. Armed Forces simultaneously. Rabbi Aaron Landes, of El- kins Park, Pa., chairman of the executive committee of JWB's Commission on Jewish Chap- laincy, has just been promoted New York — The Jack W. to the rank of Rear Admiral, Ullman Center for Manufactur- Navy Reserve. The promotion of Rabbi ing Systems and Robotics ,Re- Landes follows the appointment search has been established at to brigadier general of both Dr. the Technion. Research will concentrate on Israel Drazin, who was named assistant- chief of chaplains of optimizing the work flow, reduc- the U.S, Army in charge of ing manufacturing costs, in- mobilization, and Rabbi Simeon creasing efficient production, Kobrinetz, , director of the VA treating better products, and 00k ..C11,A4104499Y+ AerYn ■ wilwt (11f!9',, loPeAlig;VV P9WAN9 ' 111 ...... • ... • 4paUMS/14101.74.Y1 • . •