33 LIFE IN ISRAEL -••• ■ •• • • ----000." ••••0" ••••• ■ - ' . • jv :=7" - • • •• - • •40 Er. - „. Art By Giora Carmi Are Jews Leaving Why Are The Promised Land? With half a million Israelis living abroad, and the Jewish homeland losing some of its best and brightest, Israel is trying to entice the emigres home. BY HELEN DAVIS • Special to The Jewish News One of the most painful problems in Israel — so pain- ful that it is rarely spoken of — is not war, terrorism, unemployment, the economy, anti-Semitism or even the Holocaust. It is the subject of Jewish emigration. And this year, the number of depart- ing Israelis is expected to make a quantum leap. Already, it is estimated that half a million Israelis are living abroad, mostly in the United States. A further 30,000 are expected to join them this year, more than four times the number that left in 1984. Suddenly, the taboo subject of emigration is on everyone's agenda. Israel's founding fathers believed that the establish- ment of the Jewish state would mark the beginning of the longed-for "ingathering of the exiles." The struggles, the hardships and the dangers that faced the early pioneers were all made tolerable by the dream of a Jewish state on its ancient-soil which would pro- vide a refuge and a homeland for Jews from all corners of the earth. Indeed, the Jews did arrive after the state was estab- lished in 1948. Within a few years, the Jewish population of 600,000 was more than doubled by refugees who streamed out of Arab coun- tries and displaced persons' camps in post-war Europe. And while a large percentage of Soviet Jews chose not to settle in Israel, the Jewish state did provide a home for tens of thousands. But the ingathering of Jews from the free world never even approached the expectations of those early pioneers. To be sure, Jews in the West have demonstrated their solidarity by lobbying their politicians, sending messages of support in times of trouble and giving money. But for the vast majority, commitment stopped short of actually settling in the land of their forefathers. Israelis, who now number over four million, have long since accepted that Jews liv- ing in affluent andlospitable lands are not about to ex- change a life of ease for a life of uncertainty and danger. Continued on Next Page jr atuntauo rt.'4•: 44wriritti -cararitatt.i -