THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS : Friday,. February 7, 1986 23 Hear, Oh Israel! Detroiters have mobilized an American network to provide donated hearing aids to needy Israelis. BY DEBBIE WALLIS LANDAU Special to The Jewish News How would it feel to know that for $300 one could regain one's sense of hearing, but lacked the funds to do so? Those were the thoughts which troubled Al and Phyllis Newman on their journey home from Israel in August 1984. After spending an enjoyable visit in London with their daughter Sharon, who directs Charing Cross Hospital's Audiology Department, the Newmans had traveled to Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital to view firsthand some of the work made possible by an endowment in pediatric audiology Al had estab- lished the year before. Phyllis, a past president of the Greater . Detroit Chapter of Hadas- sah, had gotten her husband in- terested in the work of the Hadassah Medical Organization over the years. He had himself joined Hadassah and had taken a particular interest in is- sues pertinent to the hearing im paired. The couple's meeting with the Hadassah Speech and Hearing Cen- ter director, Dr. Haya Levi, was fas- cinating but sobering. They learned, of promising strides made in treat; ing hearing-impaired infants and children. They also discovered that the $300 average cost of a hearing aid and its accompanying followup services were an impossible financial burden for most of Israel's elderly and much of the adult hearing- impaired community. While the el- derly still received free medical serv- ices, explained Dr. Levi, economic circumstances had forced Israel's Ministry of Health and Welfare to discontinue financial assistance for the purchase of hearing aids. Many elderly citizens survived on a $120 monthly check from the national Insurance Fund. The result: people with moderate to profound hearing loss had to forego buying aids and were often suffering social or professional isolation as well as a great loss of self-esteem. Back in Detroit, Al Newman pondered a national tragedy he be- lieved could, and should, be amelior- ated. He realized there were likeminded individuals he could con- tact. Newman had first met Chuck Wolfe, executive director of Detroit's Jewish Home for Aged, when New- man's father was a resident at Bor- man Hall. Dr. Paul Feinberg was a longtime golfing friend. Both men had considerable professional exposure to the problems of the hearing impaired. Feinberg was an optometrist for 35 years and a hear- ing •aid specialist for the past 25. Wolfe knew that at least 35-40 per- cent of the residents in Borman Hall, Prentis Manor and Fleishman Residence had suffered some hearing loss, and he estimated that that number could well be representative of the elderly population at large. "We also knew," informs Wolfe today, "that no one in the United States need go without a hearing aid. Medicaid, and, to a lesser de- gree, Medicare, make it possible for even the most economically disad- vantaged to obtain a hearing aid if they need one." "Can you imagine," he queried, "having to slice priorities to exclude people's hearing?" The threesome decided to help Israel's hearing impaired in what- ever way they could. FOnberg con- tacted numerous colleagues and manufacturers of hearing aids to de- 2 ro Dr. Paul Feinberg, Charles Wolfe and Al Newman examine the latest batch of used hearing aids. termine if there were new or used aids which could be reconditioned and donated to Israel. Wolfe wrote a letter which was mimeographed and mailed to colleagues in over 100 Jewish homes for aged across the United States and Canada. After a New York manufacturer generously donated some new aids, Newman, Feinberg and Wolfe were astounded to receive, not the possi- ble five or six predicted, but hun- dreds of used hearing aids from the homes for aged in the year' that fol- lowed. "From one letter," Wolfe mar- vels, "we received a deluge of re- sponses that exceeded my wildest expectations. The very grassrooted- ness of this program — that the re- cycling of an otherwide useless product could be transformed into a lifesaver — has been immensely gratifying," he says. "No one is getting any huge tax benefits here," Wolfe, Feinberg and Newman reiterate. "When ' one organization donates a large number of aids, they do receive a letter on Hadassah stationery thanking them for their gift, but that's the only ac- knowledgement. None of the Israeli residents know more than that their aid came from the United States," says Newman. Each said that is deemed reusa- ble is sent to Hadassah Hospital to the attention of Dr. Levi, after un- dergoing a very scientific evaluation. "There are numerous kinds of hearing loss," Feinberg emphasizes. "And there are hearing aids de- signed to meet very finite losses. When an aid is received — either from a resident home or through the good will of manufacturer or repair company — the aid is calibrated, or adjusted, to establish exactly what hearing loss it will help. Each unit," he says, "has its own capacity for frequency — the high and low tones — as well as a capacity for amplitude, or volume." After the aid's ability is iden- tified, a chart listing its suitability is attached. Feinberg is responsible for all communication between re- pair companies and the final assem- bly and packaging. Newman ensures that the packages are transported to Hadassah's Speech and Hearing Center. "With Dr. Levi's help we man- aged to arrange that the parcels pass through Customs free of charge," Newman reports. Dr. Levi is responsible for con- ducting audiometric examinations in Israel and matching aids to indi- viduals who need them. To date, hundreds of adults have been prop- Continued on next page