if9FJ vans; 36 Friday, January 31, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS AN INTERVIEW A New Way Of Looking At The Jewish Community BY SHERWOOD KOHN Special to The Jewish News Sociologist Egon Mayer says he and his colleagues can serve in a much-needed role: 'insider-outsider' One of the implicit messages that Brook- lyn College sociologist Egon Mayer sends in his book, Love & Tradition: Marriage Between Jews & Christians, is that suc- cessful marriages, and particularly those between Jews and Christians, depend sig- nificantly on the ability of both partners to bring clear self-images to the union. In other words, people ought to know themselves well before they venture on the stormy seas of matrimony, and especially when those waters are complicated by the shoals of differing ethnic and religious backgrounds. The problem, said Mayer recently during an interview in his uptown Manhattan apartment, is that the Jewish community has become so diffuse, and the Jew so vague about his place either in the ethnic group or the society as a whole, that Jews no longer understand themselves in terms of a specific identity. Modern technology and mass communi- cations have contributed heavily to the pro- blem. "There are no insular communities any more," said the 41-year-old president of the Association for the Sociological Study of Jewry. "And mass media make all cultures equally accessible to one another." The whole social structure has changed, and along with it, so have individuals' mechanisms for coping with their lives. Take rabbis, for instance. "In the best of all worlds," said Mayer in his faintly Hungarian-tinged New York accent (he was born in Switzerland, brought up in Budapest and educated in Brooklyn), "they should lead and inspire and repre- sent. Historically they are also interpreters of the situation of Jews in the world, I think they are rapidly losing that role be- cause they just don't have the knowledge base and the skills to have their fingers on the pulse of the community. And lay leader- ship doesn't have them either. "In the past you had the lay leader, the wealthy, powerful individual who was out there in the community and knew what was going on in the minds and hearts of the 'goyim.' I think that's changing, because lay leaders tend to be in corporate struc- tures where they're too narrowly special- ized to know what's going on in the world. "And that's where I think the social scientist becomes important." Mayer believes that sociologists, who have taken over the function of philoso- phers as interpreters of reality, are assum- ing a new position in the American Jewish community. "It is,'.' he explained, "the position of the insider-outsider who is trusted to have com- mitments to the future of the community, but who, at the Bathe time, has observation skills and a certain willingness to criticize." Something like a sage? Mayer fiddled with an unlit corncob pipe. His spacious, white-walled apartment reflected the soci- ologist's deliberate, outgoing personality.