84 Friday, January 17, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NEWS Detroiters Re-Discover Brazilian Ties BY RABBI DAVID NELSON Special to The Jewish News BECAUSE IT'S THERE. Keeping up with the news these days can be a mountainous task. But a subscription to the JEWISH NEWS can increase your knowledge — of issues concerning our Jewish community — and lift your spirit. For subscriptions Call 354.6060 • The Jews in Brazil, like the Jews in most countries, tend to outwardly blend into the gen- eral community. Yet, they hold onto their identity with great determination. Though the majority of Jews live in Rio (50,000), and Sao Paulo (60,000), there are many small com- munities scattered around. Manaus, which is four hours from Rio, has a community of 150 families. Without a rabbi, they engage their hazzan, a young man, who wears tsitsit and a kipah and. who studied in 'a yeshivah in Belem. He of- ficiates at all religious rites, weddings, funerals. He is a baal korey (Torah reader), and he conducts the weekly Shabbat evening, morning and Minchah services at which there is al- ways a minyan. The Jews of Manaus also take great pride in their Jewish club and the Jewish cemetery which they acquired about 50 years ago. Prior to that, Jews were buried in a Catholic cemetery with Hebrew inscribed on the tombstones. We visited some of these Jewish graves and recited memorial prayers at each one. There is one grave that is well known to the people of Manaus. They call it the grave of the "Santo Rabino," the Holy Rabbi. A rabbi, known for his mystical teachings, named Salom Moyal, came to Manaus from Palestine in the first decade of the 20th Century. He died in 1910, and was buried in the only cemetery of Manaus. When the Jews ac- quired a cemetery they wanted to transfer the rabbi's grave to `'''the Jewish section, but they de- cided to leave the grave where it is in order to maintain good re- lations with the Catholics. Great reverence is paid to the soul of the "Santo Rabino." The Brazilians daily light candles at the footstone of his grave, and consider him a miracle worker. Sick people come and offer prayers for their recovery. Others pray for success in the lottery and for all kinds of blessings. Around the wall sur- rounding his tomb are inscrip- tions thanking "the Santo Rabino" for his successful inter- vention with the Almighty. Speaking to the Jews of Man- aus, it soon becomes apparent that they consider the Jewish community of Belem as the mother community, an invalu- able source of inspiration for the Jews residing in Manaus. Older and slightly larger, it boasts a community o 250 families, and two synagogues, one with a daily minyan for tefilah, Min- chah and Arvit and one which has a Shabbat minyan. The oldest synagogue is a Rabbi Nelson, second from right, and friends inside the Synagoga Rebbe Meir. very impressive pink building, in the Sephardic style, and was designed by an Italian Jewish architect. We visited two cemeteries. One, in the heart of the downtown area, has the years 1843-1910 on its outer gate. The second cemetery, which the community uses today, is lo- cated on the outskirts of the city, and like the Manaus cemetery, it is adjacent to a Catholic cemetery. One sad note: A stone, located in the front of the cemetery, on which a Hebrew and Portuguese prayer is inscribed, was desec- rated. We were instantly re 7 minded of the sad and perennial fact of anti-Semitism. Alas, a family friend, Jacob lienzecry, confirmed that even in Belem there are a few who are anti- Semites. Since there is no rabbi in the community, it must rely on some of the traditional members to perform religious functions. Or, if a family desires, expenses are covered and a rabbi will make the four-hour flight from Rio or Sao Paulo. I remember flying from Rio to Recife to perform a wedding in 1967. Seventeen years later I was privileged to speak to the bride who was visiting Rio with her husband and thrge children. "Se Deus quizer (if God per- mits), someday we will be to- gether in Recife," the bride told me. In Belem, kashrut is made possible by the presence 10 days a month of a shochet from Sao Paulo, a man with a white beard and a white kipah who I met as he was overseeing the preparation of kosher meat in Belem. Even in Rio, where being Rabbi David. Nelson of Cong, Beth Jewish is a much less compli- Shalom in Oak Park served his first cated effort, life is different from pulpit at the Associacao Religiosa Israelita in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. what Americans experience. He visited the congregation this There is one liberal synagogue, past July with his wife, Alicia, and the Associacao Religiosa Is- two of his three children, Debra and raelita (ARI), which is affiliated Reva. He held the Brazilian pulpit with both the Conservative and fi:om 1967 to 1969. The Nelsons' Reform movements. It is the son, Harry, was born in Brazil. congregation I once served with the late Rabbi Henrique Lemle. The present rabbi, Roberto Graetz, a graduate of Hebrew Union College, cordially wel- comed our family. After I delivered the sermon in Portuguese, he invited me to bless the congregation, which I did with a, deep feeling of being welcomed back to my second home. The congregation was very moved by our visit and warmly-received us. Next June, a young rabbi from the congregation will be Rabbi David Nelson ordained at the Jewish Theolog- ical Seminar and will serve as the assistant' rabbi of the ARI. At this Frikvevening service, before the $jinner hour, more than 400 p`eople came together for a KabbalatShabbat service. At the Oneg Shabbat, where cafe Zinho is served before the service, we were introduced to a young - man who will study in Cincinnati for the rabbinate. He had been assigned a congrega - tion for the High Holidays, and he asked me, "Where is Mt. Pleasant, Mich.?" What a small Jewish'world! ' The next day, Shabbat morn- ing, sitting next to me in the