8 Friday, January 10, 1986 THE DifIV:HijaISH HEWS PURELY COMMENTARY `American Rabbinate' Continued from Page 4 lingness to succumb to the secular tendencies and modern mores which the surrounding culture sought to impose. The Seminary, meanwhile, represented accommo- dation to America, a desire to be traditional and modern at the same time This tension between resisters and accommodators lies at the , heart of Gurock's pathbreaking analysis. Stressing diversity within the Orthodox movement — a diversity he associates with dif- ferent rabbis' divergent backgrounds, training, institu- tional affiliations and personal at- , titudes — he limns the key figures and institutions within the Or- thodox rabbinate. As he sees it; re- sisters have always aimed to rein- vigorate rabbinic authority, to lead Jews back toward greater ob- servance of traditional Jewish law, and to counter Americanization. Accommodates have at the same time sought what he describes as simulation of American religious norms, inclusion of as broad a range of Orthodox Jews as possi- ble, and cooperation with non- Orthodox Jews on matters of gen- eral Jewish concern. . It is indicated in the definitions of Or- thodoxy that the current president of Yeshiva University, Dr. Norman Lamm, urges lay and rabbinical leaders "to broaden our horizon beyond our immediate needs and the concerns of our narrow con- stituency to embrace all of the Jewish communities throughout the world. Dr. Lamm is introduced as having spoken out in an historical vein against "right-wing . . . authoritarianism which . . . has largely abandoned the fierce intellectual indepen- dence which had always been the hallmark of the European yeshivah scholar in all segments of religious life." Dr. Lamm is additionally introduced, declaring that "We are committed to secu- lar studies, including all the risks that this implies, not only because of vocational or social reasons but because we consider that it is the will of God that there would be a world in which Torah be effective; that all _ wisdom issues ultimately from the Creator and therefore it is the Almightly who legitimizes all knowledge." It is important at this point to learn about the' Conservative interpretation of rabbinic duties. Dr. Karp's evaluation of the activities of the Conservative Rabbini- cal Assembly provide the factual regarding Conservatism and especially the ideologi- cal challenges represented in the commit- tee on Jewish law. The late Rabbi Morris • Adler had an important role in problems confronted and the emphasis on the duties imposed on that committee as they arose at the 40th anniversary convention of the Rabbinical Assembly, held at Cong. Shaarey Zedek in Detroit in June 1940. It lends special importance to these details in Karp's essay: When the Rabbinical Assem- , bly met for its 40th annual conven- tion, held in Detroit in June 1940, its membership had grown to 282, an increase of about 40 percent during the preceding decade. Its placement committee reported that 40 placements had been made duiing the year, that the committee was in negotiation with 33 other positions, but that 33 members were without positions, six of whom "are this year's graduates." The committee on Jewish law had considered such questions as the legality of the use of an organ at Sabbath find festival services; whether it is permissible to eat cooked vegetables and broiled fish in nonkosher restaurants; the Jewish attitude toward autopsies; the validity of civil marriages; the attitude toward birth control; the legality of burying a person inza' crypt or mausoleum; whether a physician may act as a mohel; and the question of relief for the agunah (a woman whose husband has dis- appeared or abandoned her with- out having granted her a Jewish divorce), a problem which has agi- tated the assembly throughout its existence. There were also reports by the committees on adult educa- tion, elementary education, social justice, and the Seminary cam- paign; and statements on chap- laincy, interrabbinical coopera- tion, Jewish students, activities, Palestine, and the pension fund. The Rabbinical Assembly had become a functioning professional organization, operating on the volunteer labors of its members, on a total budget of $4,430. For the first time it had ventured beyond the eastern seaboard to dispel, in the words of its president Rabbi Max Arzt, "the mistaken impres- sion that Conservative Judaism is, in the main an eastern movement limiting its influence to the Hudson River Valley." ' The convention's theme was the rabbinate itself, and introspec- tive self-examination. Rabbi Mor- Hs Adler of host Congregation Shaarey Zedek reminded 'his col- leagues: "As our teacher, the late Pro- fessor Davidson once pointed out, whereas in our day ' of specializa- tion every profession has con tracted the area of its intensive study and operation, thaeoffice of the rabbi has, on the contras- Burned new and multiple duties. ... He is, or is expected to be, at once scholar, teacher, priest, pastor, preacher, administrator, communal-leader, social worker and ambassador of goodwill. To him come many and diverse appe- als for assistance, for counsel, for leadership.... In the brief span of a fortnight a rabbi, to give a con- crete example, has been ap- proached on behalf of the Yiddish Scientific Institute, the Zionist Or- ganization, the publication of a Bi- blical encyclopedia, a B'nai B'rith project, the Federation of Polish Jews and the Agudath Israel. Nor is the appeal exclusively for finan- cial aid. The rabbi is urged to take part in the leadetship of these numerous causes." Adler argued that the rabbi cannot remain all of from "the mul- tituinous manifestations of Jewish life in the community" nor "from the social and cultural movements of American society.... In the de= sire to preseve the character and strength of the synagogue (the rabbi) must Seek to guide, to chan- nel and inform with something of his spirit, the streams ofJewish life that course outside of the syna- gogue." The question of "modernization" be- came an issue for the committee on Jewish law and Rabbi Adler's interpretive role be- came significant. Dr. Karp indicates how, the problem developed, pointing to Dr. Adler's views: , est of challenges and the greatest of opportunities." Former Detroit rabbis are mentioned in numerous respects in The American Rabbinate. Abraham Hershman, Leon Fram, B. Benedict Glazer shared in numerous activities. Of notable importance is the revealing accouint of the late Dr. Leo M. Franklin's confrontation with American Zionists when he was president of the Central Con- ference of American Rabbis in 1921. The very title of the essay on Reform Judaism and its author immediately add significance to that study. Dr. David Polish had important associations with Reform commissions which were involved in con- flicts with Zionism. Himself an ardent Zionist, his review of the experiences is so objective that it merits high commenda- tion. The title of that chapter in The American Rabbinate, "The Changing and the Constant in the Reform Rabbinate," deals with the feuds, many bitter, the anti-Zionist advocates and the changes that made the Central Conference of American Rabbis one of the strongest sup- porters of Israel and Zionism, the Halachic approaches and especially the issues that were raised by the American Council for Judaism. Combined, these Reform issues emerge as an inerasable chapter in Ameri- can Jewish history, superbly tackled by Rabbi Polish. The treatment given to the American Council for Judaism by Dr: Polish is dramatic and if it were not so factual it could be judged as fiction. It is dramati- cally related here, how the elders in Re- form-Judaism in the main supported the anti-Zionist movement, the younger rabbis almost unanimously opposing it and, in the process, really reducing its influence which was always minimal. Dr._Leo M. Franklin was among the founders of the Council for Judaism but apparently played a very insignificant role in it. He is not mentione4 at all by. Rabbi Polish in his analyses of the rabbinic de- bates and conflicts on the subject. It should be noted that Dr. Franklin, together with Rabbi Louis Wolsey, a virtual founder of the Council for Judaism, were the first to withdraw from it. Dr. Franklin's son, Leo M. Franklin Jr., many times came to this writer, at Temple Beth El functions, boast- ing, "My father was the first to abandon the American Council for Judaism." Dr. Franklin does have an interesting relationship to the Reforin rabbis' early confrontation with Zionists and an impor- tant episode is recalled in Dr. Polish's ac- count of the early occurrences. After tracing the anti-Zionist senti- ments in Reform ranks, 'Dr. Polish points out that "with the onset of World War I, the CCAR's (Central Conference of American Rabbis) attitude toward Zionism began to relaX." At the 1921 convention a resolution proposed by Prof. Max Heller and Rabbi James Heller, together with Rabbi Horace J. Wolf, called for the following: "Be it Resolved, that this conferende, through its committee on cooperation with national organizations, endeavor to arrive at some practical and expedient method of cooperation with the Zionist Organization toward the rebuilding of Palestine." Thereupon follows the revealing role of Dr. Franklin in the proposal to the Zionist organization of America: . Morris Adler With the expansion of the move- ment and in response to a growing segment of the assembly urging a liberalization of the process to afford greater freedom to adjust and develop, the Rabbinical Assembly, at its 1948 convention, defeated a motion that the committee "hold itself bound by the au- - thority of Jewish law and within the frame of Jewish law, " and formed a new Committee on Jewish Law and Standards whose membership would represent the "varied and varying points of view of the Rabbinical As- sembly.' Its first chairman, Rabbi Morris Adler, explained its purpose to the 1948 convention of the United Syn- agogue: must face the truth that we have been halting between fear and danger; fear of the Orthodox and danger of Reform. We have set our watches by their timepieces. ir he time has come for our emergence from the valley of indecision. We must move forward to a stage in which Conserva- tive Judsiam revolves about an axis of positive and unambiguous affirma- tions. This will require a measure of boldness and vision on our part which, as a movement, I am sorry to say, we have not thus far manifested." A concluding paragraph in Karp's essay is important in viewing the Conser- vative modernizing status. It states: It is appropriate that it was Louis Finkelstein, the acknow- ledged head of the movement dur- ing its period of greatest growth,, who best expressed the basic sen- timents of the Conservative rabbi, those which sustained him when frustrations shook his morale and those which drove him when op- portunity 'beckoned. They were spoken in 1927, when the Conser- vative" rabbiniate was beginning its ascent as a force in Jewish life. "We are the only group in Is- rael who have a modern mind and a Jewish heart, prophetic passion. and Western science. It is because we have all these that we see Judaism so broadly. ... And it is because we are alone in combining the two elements that we can make a rational religion, that we may rest convinced that, given due sac- rifice and willingness on our part, the Judaism of the next generation will be saved by us. Certainly titan be saved by no other group. We have then before us both the high- The Zionist reaction to the re- solution is indicated by the de- nouement: , "The Re- solutions Committee referred this to the Executive Board "for such favorable action as is in keeping with the declara- tion of its attitude on Palestinian reconstruction which the Confer-